
When Bad Boys Fall

"Open your mouth," he whispered, and I looked at him in confusion. "Open your mouth, Jackie." I swallowed and did as I was told. The heat between my legs heightened when he ran the wet candy over my bottom lip before stuffing it into my mouth. The sweetness expanded on my taste buds and my body heated up at the fact that the lollipop had been in his mouth. There was something erotic about it and it left me accepting the way my body reacted to it. I looked deeper into his eyes and sucked on the lollipop then moaned when he started to move it in and out of my mouth. I wasn't innocent and I knew just what he was doing. +++ Jackie Garner has always been away from the spotlight, not until bad boy, Lucas Hamilton walks into her life after meeting him half naked in the boys' locker room. Since then, Lucas Hamilton has not let her be and wants her at all costs. But when bad boys fall, expect heartbreaks, jealous ex-lovers and backstabbers.

IrenKaykay_ · Urban
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40 Chs



Lucas' POV

I fucking hated what I was doing and how I was suddenly behaving because of this girl. It was surprising how Jackie was making me do things I barely even did for anyone. First, I let her stay in my house. Secondly, I felt worried for a girl that wasn't my sister. 

I remembered how I got home and saw she wasn't back yet. I had called her phone, and she didn't answer. At first, I let it go but when worry became so deep, I decided to step outside the building to see if I could see her. 

When I had seen Jackie, I felt relieved, but another emotion took over when I saw that guy standing so close to her especially when I saw what she was wearing. The emotions in my chest were a burning feeling and followed by an uneasiness. Most of all, I didn't like him. Something about him made me unsettled but I didn't voice it out because Jackie needed the job.

Another thing that left me confused was how I was sitting with a gorgeous girl and thinking if Jackie had arrived home safely or if she didn't get lost. I barely listened to what Andrea had said as all I thought about was Jackie and going home to her. It felt very different and foreign.

Right now, on my living room couch, I was still thinking of the dark-haired woman laying on my bed a few feet away. She left me feeling restless and it angered me. Jackie should be like every other girl, but she wasn't, and I don't know why.

"Get yourself together," I whispered and sat up on the couch. I rested my elbows on my knees and rubbed my face. "Why can't I stop thinking about her for fuck's sake?"

I leaned back on the couch and sighed then stared at the dark corners before me. I had to flush this girl out of my mind because it was becoming maddening.

"I know what to do," I said and picked up my phone from the coffee table close by. I unlocked the device and searched for Andrea's phone number. I typed out a message and hit send without hesitating. I wasn't expecting her to read my message until later today since it was almost three in the morning. 

As I lay down on the couch, my phone vibrated, and I brought it to my face. I was surprised she was awake, but I suspected it had to do with her being a medical student.

Andrea: Sure, we can hang out later today. 

I smirked. She was just like every other girl— too easy to get. I typed back and hit send.

Me: Pick a place, gorgeous.

Some seconds later, Andrea replied.

Andrea: I know a nice restaurant that has a hotel. We might have some fun after.

I smirked wider as I loved how she easily gave herself to me. She was just the type I wanted to use to get Jackie out of my mind because any woman that I knew always ended up in my bed. I suppose that was why I was thinking about her so much and by the time I have my way with Andrea, she should be long gone.


I woke up to the smell of toasted bread and bacon which watered my mouth. I opened my eyes and looked around before shifting my gaze to the kitchen. I saw Jackie's back and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and got up. 

I walked over to the kitchen and leaned on the counter which I realized was a bad idea because Jackie's outfit sent blood rushing to places, I could not control. She was wearing the large shirt from last night but without the baggy pants. I swallowed at the sight of her bare and long legs. 

The shirt stopped at the middle of her thigh and something about it made me wonder what she would look like in my shirt. Just seeing her wear my slides last night set a feeling inside of me. I loved how cute she looked in it with her small feet and how there was excess space at the back of the slides.

Jackie started to hum and dance a little to the song she hummed. I smirked as I got entertained by what she was doing as she cooked. I could get used to this, waking up to her singing and breakfast ready. 

When Jackie started to turn around, I straightened up and chuckled when she gasped at my presence. She placed her hand on her chest while her eyes stayed wide.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Almost a minute."

She sighed and pushed the few unruly locks of hair away from her face. Even the little she did was attractive and that made me remember the plans I had to stick to. 

"I gotta go," I said and rushed up to the bedroom. I knew she was looking at me confusedly and I wouldn't blame her, I was confused myself.


"Oh, my!" Andrea thrashed underneath me as I thrust in and out of her. Pools of sweat rolled down my back as I chased my release.

I groaned when she rolled her hips into me and I went faster, making her moan louder than before. I wrapped my hand around her slender throat and went faster when I felt my release very close. Andrea came before me and I followed suit, spilling myself into the condom.

I pulled out and dropped beside her, mouth opened, and eyes fixed on the ceiling of the hotel room we were in. 

"Wow, that was so good," Andrea said in a breathless voice and scooted closer.

I stiffened at the feel of her sticky and sweaty skin rubbing mine. I ignored her as I caught my breath only to get pissed off when she placed her hand on my chest. I hated when they did this. They always expected me to cuddle them, but I had to pretend with Andrea.

"Hm, I have a question," Andrea said and I hummed. 

I wasn't in the mood to speak right now. I had important businesses to attend to.

"What is Jackie to you?"

Her question made me grit my teeth. I had already forgotten about Jackie and now she had to put her back in my mind. I sighed and looked at her. Andrea looked exhausted, her hair scattered and unattractive to my eyes. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"Well, you two seem close and not close at the same time? I want to know what she is to you."

There was suspicion in her tone, and I didn't like it. 

"We're just friends."

Andrea sighed. "Are you sure? I mean, not that I'm doubting it. It's just the way you two were acting when we first met made me think you two had something. I hope this doesn't offend you?"

I wanted to lash out at her, but she was what I needed to distract me from the unknown track of thoughts and emotions I got when I was around Jackie.

"She's just a friend. I knew her since high school," I replied, and she giggled and then ran her cold hand up and down my abs.

"That's great. At least, I know I won't have any competition," Andrea said and I got offended.

I did not like the tone she indirectly used in addressing Jackie. I have met girls of different personalities and Andrea looked like one of those who hated another girl because of a man.

When Andrea straddled me, I gritted my teeth. 

"What are you doing?" I asked and she ground onto my soft member. Did she think she was turning me on?

"Going for another round?" Andrea said and leaned down to kiss me, but I tilted my head aside.

"Yeah, it's not happening. I mean, I have something important to do." I shifted her off me with ease and got out of bed. 

"Why can't you stay the night?"

I took off the condom and slipped into my outfit before going to the bathroom. I flushed the latex and washed my hands then left the bathroom. Andrea was now sitting on the bed with the blanket against her chest.

"Can we go out again?"

I stopped in my tracks and counted to three before turning back around. I walked up to her and kissed her cheek, leaving her in a good mood.

"Sure," I said and left the hotel room.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was seven. I thought of Jackie, wondering if she had come home from work. As I got to the elevator, I pushed the button on the wall and thought back to the events from two hours ago.

I had just slept with Andrea and snippets of Jackie had somehow gotten into my head. 

"What the fuck is wrong with me?"