
When Bad Boys Fall

"Open your mouth," he whispered, and I looked at him in confusion. "Open your mouth, Jackie." I swallowed and did as I was told. The heat between my legs heightened when he ran the wet candy over my bottom lip before stuffing it into my mouth. The sweetness expanded on my taste buds and my body heated up at the fact that the lollipop had been in his mouth. There was something erotic about it and it left me accepting the way my body reacted to it. I looked deeper into his eyes and sucked on the lollipop then moaned when he started to move it in and out of my mouth. I wasn't innocent and I knew just what he was doing. +++ Jackie Garner has always been away from the spotlight, not until bad boy, Lucas Hamilton walks into her life after meeting him half naked in the boys' locker room. Since then, Lucas Hamilton has not let her be and wants her at all costs. But when bad boys fall, expect heartbreaks, jealous ex-lovers and backstabbers.

IrenKaykay_ · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs



I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I was invisible at this point because I could not face whoever that was. I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around and looked for a place I could hide— There was none. The only thing on each side of the walls were red lockers. I don't think there was space for me to hide in any of the lockers and even if there was, whoever it was would find me by following the sounds I made.

So, I stood with my back pressed against the door. My dress was wet from my fall, my hair was out of the ponytail style it was in, and my body was full of nervous sweat. I counted to six until whoever revealed themselves.

A covered my mouth with my hands when I saw a half-naked basketball player, wiping his head. His bare and strong back was facing me, and his white towel was hanging low around his waist. His muscular arms bunched as he wiped his head with the white towel that covered his face. I silently hoped he did not turn or spot me but I knew he was going to now or later.

As if the universe hated me, the back of my foot knock on the door when I shifted toward the wall which caused him to flinch and spin around. My eyes widened as I saw his face. He had to be the most handsome guy I have ever seen. That's shocking coming from me because I barely cared about what and who came to this school but I've seen people, but this guy was looking like a god. He looked like one of those social media boyfriend goals type with his wet dark hair that hung over his forehead, his parted plump lips, sharp jawline and furrowed full yet arched eyebrows.

When his blue eyes scanned my body up and down, I felt something in my belly and between my legs. I bit my bottom lip behind my hands when my eyes went down to his strong and broad chest. They went further downward to the abs adorning his flat stomach and the happy trail leading to where the towel was knotted. My eyes flickered back to his face, and I furrowed my eyebrows when I found him smirking.

"Who are you? Are you one of the booty calls for someone here? If you are, I'd like to have a taste first. You are the perfect picture of a few of the guy's fantasy here," he said in a voice that was deep and sultry.

I frowned when I realized what he had just said then dropped my hands in annoyance. I pursed my lips and glared at him which only made him smirk more.

"I am not any of that. Just let me out of here," I said.

"Out? Why don't you wait a few more minutes, hm?" He suggested and took a step forward.

I pressed my back against the door, fear making my heart hammer faster. He stopped for a bit but continued to walk toward me. I looked to the side when he reached me, and my nostrils got a whiff of his soap and cologne. He smelt so clean and good.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"J-Jackie," I stuttered and flinched when he rested his hand on the wall beside my head. I tried not to look at him because he was so tall, and I was cowering under what I presumed to be six two tall.

"Jackie," he said my name in a different voice that made me feel funny. "Tell me, are you here for someone?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm not."

"Look up at me," he said, and I found myself hesitantly looking up and into his blue eyes. He was more handsome up close with his long dark lashes to his pointed nose and parted lips. Some droplets of water were still on his face, and I followed the movement of one that ran down his cheekbone, his sharp jawline before it dropped on his chest. I wondered how soft or how hard that part of his flesh was.

I shook my head and looked back at him only to find him looking all around my body.

"You sure you aren't here for someone because the way you're looking at me tells me otherwise. Are you a new cheerleader here and is this some sort of a roleplay between you and one of the players on the team? Dressed up like a nerd to have locker room sex with one of us?"

This man had no filter and somehow, his words made me curious as to what these players and cheerleaders did here. Speaking of that, why did he refer to me as one when I was nothing like one?


"Lucas... My name's Lucas Hamilton."

My mouth hung open. So, this was Redside High's number one hottie and playboy I always hear girls and boys talk about. I heard he sleeps with so many girls, breaks hearts and leaves girls wanting more. He was so good looking and had the face that matched his whoring life indeed.

When I felt a warmth close to my shoulder, I jerked and saw his hand close to my shoulder. That was enough to bring me back to what put me in this situation.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked.

"I... Please, just let me out of here," I pleaded, and he opened his mouth to speak but I heard some clicks and the door opened, making me turn my head.

Relief washed over me when I saw Josh Edgewood, captain of the basketball team, staring at us with wide eyes.

"Aren't you Jackie Garner? What are you doing here? Mr. Rowland is about to start the test," he said, and I gasped.

"Thank you so much!" I said in excitement and relief then ran out of the locker room, taking my bag with me. I could hear them saying something, but it didn't matter, I was out and ready to do my test.

As I ran out of the hallway with my backpack and into where there were other students, I ignored their weird looks, probably from my moist dress and I began to have thoughts about Lucas Hamilton. The image of his naked and strong upper body was plastered at the back of my mind, making me smile.