
When Bad Boys Fall

"Open your mouth," he whispered, and I looked at him in confusion. "Open your mouth, Jackie." I swallowed and did as I was told. The heat between my legs heightened when he ran the wet candy over my bottom lip before stuffing it into my mouth. The sweetness expanded on my taste buds and my body heated up at the fact that the lollipop had been in his mouth. There was something erotic about it and it left me accepting the way my body reacted to it. I looked deeper into his eyes and sucked on the lollipop then moaned when he started to move it in and out of my mouth. I wasn't innocent and I knew just what he was doing. +++ Jackie Garner has always been away from the spotlight, not until bad boy, Lucas Hamilton walks into her life after meeting him half naked in the boys' locker room. Since then, Lucas Hamilton has not let her be and wants her at all costs. But when bad boys fall, expect heartbreaks, jealous ex-lovers and backstabbers.

IrenKaykay_ · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs



I wasn't sure I heard right because whatever he said just sounded like something he said to sound like a joke.

"You're lying," I said, feeling slight anger in me.

Axel frowned. "Why would I lie to you?"

He had a point. I sighed and pressed the pads of my fingers to my forehead.

"So, you're saying you're related to Lucas Hamilton?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Lucas is my brother. He's older than me by just a year. I'm eighteen. I've been in his shadow since I started this school at age fifteen and everyone knows me as his baby brother and not Axel. We both have the same parents and sometimes, I wish we don't because he doesn't act like a true brother at all."

I could sense the sadness in his tone. I wanted to walk away from Axel, especially now that I knew he was related to the jerk who sent his boys to assault me. But from what Axel was saying, he looked like he was nothing like his brother.

"Are you one of his girls or something?" Axel asked and I flinched. "Oh, sorry if that offended you."

"No, I'm not. Can we just drop this conversation?" I asked and he smiled at me before walking again. I followed suit and ignored the stares people gave us as we walked past them.

The stares continued even when we got to the hallway and I was beginning to question their sanity. It was annoying the way they stared. The Hamiltons weren't that special, not even royalty just popular people and that was it. So, what was the need to stare at us, specifically me?

"Here's my locker. I have a practice to attend before my class," Axel said as he stopped in front of one of the rows of locker.

"You play basketball?" I asked and he groaned.

"Why does everyone assume that just because Lucas plays basketball?" He rubbed his face and I bowed my head in shame.

"I apologize."

"No, don't say that," he said with a bright look on his face. "I am in the music club. I play the guitar. Hey, maybe I could play you something?"

I found myself blushing at the offer and tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear. I shuffled my foot and looked sideways, only to spot Lucas glaring right at us amid his teammates. I looked back at Axel and saw him looking in the same direction I had been staring at.

"What's his problem?" Axel muttered but I picked up what he had said.

"It's none of our business," I replied and he sharply looked down at me.

"You know my brother?"

"Well, not exactly. I was at his party last weekend and some things happened but in a general sense, I don't know him."

The warning bell rang and the people in the hall started to disperse and prepare for their class.

"I have to go," I said to him and turned to leave only to freeze when Axel held my shoulder. I looked down at his hand before facing him.

"Can I have your number?" He asked and I saw his face flush from his question.

"Sure," I said and took his phone when he showed it to me. I put in my number and handed the phone back to him before walking away.


As my fingers brushed the spines of the books on the shelf, I felt someone approach me. Their scent was familiar which made me turn my head. I frowned at the sight of Lucas. His face was blank but his jawline clenched. He was either angry or here to rub it in my face how his boys treated me.

"What are you doing with my brother?"

"Who?" I feigned innocence.

Lucas scoffed. "Don't play dumb, Jackie."

I'm surprised he still remembered my name. But that wasn't going to give him the chance to speak to me. I didn't want to be in his presence any longer than this. I dropped my hand from the books and started walking past him but he grabbed my arms and spun us around. I grunted when my back was pressed up against the bookshelf.

"Leave me alone," I said as I struggled against his grip.

"Listen, Jackie. I don't know why you're angry with me but I understand you very well. What I did was wrong so all I ask is for your forgiveness and for you to let me explain."

I growled. "If you don't let me go this instant, I will scream and the people in here will know the type of guy that you are."

We stared at each other for a minute before he released me. I rubbed my arm, one after the other then pointed at him.

"I have told you to leave me alone and the next time I see you close to me, I will call the cops. You should be happy that I have accepted the stupid phone that started all these things. So, now that your ego is boosted, stay away from me."

I pushed him in the chest and smiled in satisfaction when I saw a hurt flash in his eyes. What I felt that night was nothing compared to how he's trying to victimize himself. He can burn in hell along with his feelings.

I glared at him before walking away, angry that he ruined the rest of the day for me.


As the bell rang, signifying the end of school for the day, I packed up my things and left the class. As soon as I stepped out of the classroom, I spotted Axel leaning on the lockers across the class. He waved at me and I crossed over to him, smiling.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I school here," he said with a deadpan look then laughed. "Sorry. Anyway, I waited for your last class so I can drop you home."

"You didn't have to do that, Axel. I can walk home or take a cab," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"You're my friend now. So, can I drop you off at home?"


I turned in the direction of the new voice and smiled at Maddy who was staring at us with confusion in her eyes. She looked from me to Axel before walking up to us.

"Are you leaving now?" Maddy asked.

"Wait, you're friends with this one?" Axel asked while staring at Maddy with narrowed eyes.

"Mind your business," Maddy said without looking at him. "Come on, Jackie. We have a meeting with the cheer squad."

My eyes went wide. "Now?"

"Are you busy or something?" She glanced at Axel before looking back at me with raised eyebrows. "If you are, we could talk at my place about it later today."

I opened my mouth to reply but Axel dropped his hand on my shoulder.

"Go ahead, Jackie. I'll wait for you to be done. When is the meeting going to end?"

"It's going to take an hour. We just want to see what physical activities you can do as well as brief you on what to do as a cheerleader."

I smiled at Axel, ready to thank him but Maddy grabbed my hand and dragged me with her.

"I'll pick you up in an hour!" Axel said in a loud voice.

"Thank you!" I replied in the same manner.

Some minutes later, we arrived at the basketball court that was filled with the cheer squad and some of the basketball players practicing. Suddenly, I felt self-conscious at the eyes that landed on us. I gulped and shifted closer to Maddy who chuckled.

"Don't worry, they don't bite," she said and dragged me to where the girls were sitting in a circle on the floor.

"Is this her, Maddy?" One of the girls asked.

"Yes! Everyone, this is Jackie Garner, our new addition to the team," Maddy announced and the girls eyed me.

Some eyed my body out of interest others did with a bored look on their face. I was glad none of them looked at me with some type of hate.

"Here," Maddy said and I looked to my right. She was holding a paper bag with a grin on her face.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Your uniforms. This bag contains the two uniforms we wear. The red one is for interschool competitions and the white for huge competitions we are lucky to be in," Maddy replied and handed me the paper bag.

I peeped inside the bag and spotted the folded uniforms inside it. I looked at the girls on the floor. Some were in the red long-sleeved uniform that stopped under their butts or thighs with a red ribbon in their hair.

"Thank you," I said to them and Maddy clapped once.

"Why don't you go change into the red one so we can show you some simple moves then talk about the stuff you need to know," Maddy said.

I became nervous when I realized I would most likely jump around in their presence, especially the players in the hall with us. When I looked at Maddy, she was smiling at me and I felt a small feeling of courage.

"Where do I change?" I asked.

Ten minutes later, I had changed into the uniform that stopped at the middle of my thigh. The top part of the dress hugged my body, bringing out the curve of my waist and the volumes of my breasts. I felt different and shy.

"Are you done?"

I jumped at the sound of Maddy's voice and then sighed. I kicked the paper bag away from the door of the girl's locker room then exhaled to take off the tensed feeling in me. I touched the door handle and pulled it open. Maddy smiled brightly as she saw me. I stepped out of the room and placed my hands behind my back while she eyed me from my head to my toes.

"You look marvelous! Come on, the girls will love your look," she said and grabbed my hand then ran with me to the courtyard.

Just as we stumbled in, our sneakers squeaked on the floor, grabbing the attention of everyone in the hall. Worst of all, I saw Lucas Hamilton amongst them. He rose from the bleacher he had been sitting on with a wide-eyed look on his face. His eyes went up and down my body from where he stood and I saw a slightly angry expression on his face before he passed the brown ball to the player beside him.

My back straightened when he started walking toward us then I looked to Maddy who was staring in the direction where the girls were. She motioned for them to come forward which they did but Lucas arrived before them.

"What is she doing here?" Lucas asked in a stiff tone.

"Do you know her or something?" Maddy asked and he scoffed then glared at me.

"You're not supposed to be here, Jackie. This place isn't for people like you," he said and my throat tightened from the hurt I suddenly felt.


"Jackie, don't listen to him. Come on," Maddy cut me off and dragged me to the girls.

I looked over my shoulder. Lucas was glaring at me with so much anger that I had to turn away immediately. He was right. This was not a place for me and I hated how right he was.

"Don't tell me you're letting what he said get to you," Maddy whispered and held my hand.

"But did he lie?" I asked, my voice cracking. It would be embarrassing if I cried before all of them.

 "Besides, you are his girlfriend or something. Why are you suddenly feeling okay with me being here."

Maddy sighed. "I admit that I am not the best person in this school, but people change. We'll graduate anytime soon so what's the point of being some jerk face? Plus, Lucas and I kind of stopped being together even though we were never together if you know what I mean. He's a bastard and doesn't deserve anyone or anything good. Now, come on. It's time for practice."

She released my hand and gave her attention to the cheerleaders. I stared at her in shock, wondering when the world changed that Maddy, a bratty and rude cheerleader started being good.