
Wheel of chaos

World has been changed ever since a wheel had appeared in the sky .As the first time wheel rotates human gain mana while weapons became useless and animals became beasts , plant was the first to adapt to mana and evolve into plants that produce mana fruit or absorb nearby beasts as nourishment to produce mana fruit.The second time it opens portal into other worlds and many species such as Demi human,dwarves,elfs,and monsters into earth.The third time wheel rotates to produce dungeon inside earth or outside gate From another planet. The novel starts from 3250 which is after 1200 years where human adapted to changes and evolve after wheel of chaos had appeared meanwhile reasearch had predicted that next time Wheel of Chaos rotates in 18 years and it was confirmed by Demi human, dwarves, elfs that it will be arrival of vampire and demons The elf dwarves Demi human ran away from their own planet to earth because of vampire and demons so races United in protecting the planet but they realised it was too late since many spies and forces came into earth via gates .Our protagonist is a young boy who saw his own father dies in the hands of a vampire . Desiring revenge he wants to get stronger by joining the academy where human and other races train for the upcoming war in 18 years but they have no idea that vampire and demons are the last enemies are someone even stronger are waiting behind them NOTE: MC is a kid in novel so don't expect the kid to be powerful and smart from the start

SHADOW_WRITER506 · Fantasie
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27 Chs


Everyone agreed drawn out battle tactic worked against the archer well but teacher realised that not only the Archer but sheild user also lost a considerable amount of mana.

While shooting arrow against the opponent she grew seeds into the ring.The ring was full of sand so not many noticed such a fact . When the opponent activated his skill " Holy Domain ".His strength increased by a whole grade .Many people thought it was over but Nera raised her hand and activated her skill " Nature's Authority " suddenly all the seeds grow to fast and trapped the boy.Since the Boy had E- strength he quickly cut down all the vines that are spreading on his body, Only Nera knew that she had thrown 3 types of seeds

First seed was to trap the opponent,

Second will release poison,

Third will spread around the opponent body like a wine that causes itchiness in the body.

Strength was counter by vines

Agility was messed up by poison

Vitality was cancelled by itchiness

Nera who was on the verge of defeat turned the battle in he favor by one move .

She casually took her crossbow and aimed her opponent head which only 30 cms away and BANG!

Opponent turned into light particles.

The teacher praised Nera for the strategy and advised

boy watch your opponent movement not be focused on yourself.

Next time device was used and Landed on 3 on 3 battle Karan and the twins entered the ring with excitement while on the other side Jim and his friends saw his as an opportunity to to teach them a lesson to the guys who messed with them.

As soon as the teacher said START Jim took his spear and his friends took a sword and a 2 daggers and followed him. His friends already know what Jim is going to do . The plan was to create Earth wall and separate those 3 counter one by one. The wall will be created when they close the distance by 10 meters.

But when they entered the radius around 14th meter

fell on the ground and could not stand properly due to high gravity

Before the duel started Karan told the the twins not worry about defence and focus on offence

In the duel Karan used his DOMAIN OF THE GUARDIAN BEAST skill and increased 40 kg right away.

Jim's skill is Earth wall but since he could not get close it is useless others were wind Skills one was wind Blade and the other was wind spear both their skills were crushed under 40kg weight

( You may think 40kg is not much but when you fall it is like having 40kg stone each on head,neck arms, legs,back atleast 40 40kg stone since on ground area is more than you stand up )

Jim realised he needs to get out the range of the skill and managed to create a Wall on his stomach of him and his friends and push him outside the skill radius.

They managed to get outside of the Skill radius.