
Whatever, Rose

Rose never know she would wake up on her favorite dating game, and she isn't even the main character?

Thalia_9705 · Teenager
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3 Chs


Vere loves pizza rolls, especially the ones on canteen.

It makes him forget his anger for a little while.

And it seems like he isn't the ones who think they're the best because the pizza rolls stand is always crowded.

He never missed pizza rolls, and today isn't going to be the day he missed it too.

Vere is usually early to canteen but he is late today, and he isn't going to elaborate on that.

There's still one left!, he reach for it-

Only to be snatched by an unfamiliar girl.

"C-can i have those please?"he asked her, he needs that.

Rose stares at the pizza rolls on her hand the at him and smiled.

"No lmao"as she then ran.

Vere blinks and gritted his teeth "why, you!-"

Rose turn around and laugh seeing the hating percentage on Vere reaches 23 percent.

This should be easy.


"Do you want some?"

Vere turns around and saw the familiar girl he bumps into this morning.

Holding a pizza roll and a small smile.

Vere feels like crying "i love you"


"I-i mean, i would love to"Vere said "thank you"he said.

Cherry smiled "your welcome"


"Here"Rose gives the pizza roll to Lia.

"What"she said.

"I didn't really like pizza roll"she said, she didn't really like anything.

"I see"she murmured and ate the pizza roll.

"Oh wow"Lia said "they're so good"

"What?"asked Rose "give me a bit"

"Here"said Lia.

Rose munch "wow"she said "that is really good"

"I know right"

Rose wonders if she is doing the right thing.

"Lia"she said.

Lia looks up "yeah?"

"Have you ever did something that makes others hate you?"asked Rose.

Lia smiled bitterly "i mean, i didn't even do anything and yet it seems like everyone hate me"she said.

Rose blinks, Lia looks adamant and didn't give a damn about other people's opinion but it seems like it affects her as well.

"But it's okay"Lia said "it is okay"she said.

"I'm on the middle of doing something to make certain people hate me"said Rose.

Lia stares at her "why?"she asked the other.

"I-"Rose shuts her mouth "so i can live"


"Just-forget about it"Rose sighed.


Vere's week isn't good.

He has this weird girl annoying him and it isn't the best thing to feel.

Do they even know each other?, is she the lame type to bully her crush or something?.

This needed to end.

"Hey"he confronted the girl when the first period ended.

"Can we talk?"

Rose shrugged "sure"she had a hunch she knows where this is going.

"Look"he said "i don't know what you're doing but can you please stop getting on my nerves?"he muttered.

"I don't know what you're talking about"Rose said.

"Please"he said "it's tiring"he looks tired.

Rose watches the hating percentage, it's on 40 percent.

She will push her luck "i didn't like you"she said.

"You're weird"she said to him.


"Why?"it seems pained, his voice.

"I'm sorry"Rose said, he didn't deserve all this.

Still 43, she still needs those percentage to move upward.

"You're always so angry"she said "do you have issues with your family or something?, how annoying"


50 percentage, good.

The percentage freezes, that means it will stay like that.

Vere's relationship with his family is not great at all.

"I'm sorry"Rose said "i didn't meant what i said, i have to do this.Don't worry i won't bother you anymore"after she said that she runs away from him.

Leaving the said male confused and hurt.

The percentage is still on 50.

One down, four more to go.

Rose needs a new plan, suddenly being on their life without warning might creep them out and fail her plan.

She gritted her teeth.

She needs to be close with Cherry then proceed to make them hate her one by one.


"Why are we eating together with her?"Lia asked Rose.

"I will explain it to you later"Rose whisper "bear with her for a while"

Cherry looks up seeing the two girls.

"Hi!"Rose smiled "care if we join you?"

"Sure!"Cherry beams.

The three ate in silence until Rose breaks it.

"So..."she said nosily "found anyone interesting yet?"she asked although she already knows who Cherry met and haven't met yet.

She just wants to know from her perspective.

"Not really"Cherry smiled.

Rose frowns, but Vere?. Well they just bumped into each other that might not be interesting to her.

Although according to storyline it means the world to Vere.

"How about you guys?"Cherry smile softly.

Well, her own annoying Vere experience is interesting but that is all.



Vere wonders if he was always a masochist.

He finds himself missing Rose's appearance, although she is only annoying him-she is the only one who wants to hold conversation with him other then Cherry.

He sighed, what should he do then?. Come up to Rose and said "hey, i didn't mind you annoying me. You can do it again"that's so stupid.

And that's what he did, right here right now.

"What do you need?"Rose asked the said male.

"I-"Vere stares at the girl in front of her.

"Feel free to come up to me and annoy me again"he said.

Rose stares at him "are you a maso-"

"Shut up"the male is red in embarassment.

Rose laughed, how amusing.

"That's interesting, but no thank you"she said.

"You're probably just feeling lonely"said Rose "and my annoying company makes you feel something"she said.

"Just befriend anyone, it can be Cherry or your classmate"she muttered.

"It doesn't have to be me-"

"But i want it to be you"said Vere.

Rose sighed "let's just be friends"she said.

He beams "really?"he said.

Rose nodded.

Extra :

Rose forgets to read one more line from the program, it's written :

"The males can feel a big amount of hatred, but that doesn't mean they can't feel a big amount of love"