
Chapter 7 The School

After making the outrageous skill i decided to put the mana regeneration on hold for now.

(since the [Grand Mana Control] is such a broken skill there's only one [Creation Magic] left that uses mana. [God-Ranked Creation Magic] even then it onky uses 5% of my mana!).


"Ni-chan I'm home!"

Suzuki shouted. She walked towards to the kitchen holding a grocery bag in her arms.

"Mn, wait in the living room, i wll prepare the dinner"


She walked towards the living room and then she sat at the sofa tapping away at her phone. I then prepared the ingredients at the kitchen counter and began cooking.


The aroma of the spices sprinkled in the steak fills the kitchen.

*sniff, sniff*


"Dinners ready!"


Suzuki rushed out of the living room towards the dining table. We both sat at our chairs and prayed.


*naaam, nomed, crunch, gulp*

"Oi! slow down Suzuki"

*gulp, buuuuurp*

"Oops , sorry onii-chan"


Saito puched Suzuki's head as a red lump poped out of her head smoking.

"oww what gives *sniff*"

Suzuki cried while raising his arms to cover her head. (Cute)


"you need to control your eating habits Suzuki it lacks etiquette"


Saito glared at Suzuki as black aura begins to emit from him.

"No buts"

Suzuki pouted at my statement.

"hmpf meanie"

"you should take a bath, it's almost time to sleep, i will wash the dishes in the meantime"


I proceeded to wash the dishes as the night passes


"Onii-chan hurry up we're gonna be late!"

Suzuki shouted while running in the streets with a bread in her mouth.

"wait up!"

i panted lightly. (Damn I've forgotten that she can move way too fast, what a blunder).

Suzuki has astonishing track records at her past schools and she is always at the top. (I need to catch up to her).

"[Low-Ranked Creation Magic]"

{Skill [Boost] Created}.


- a martial arts skill slightly boosting your physical abilities

for a few minutes. (+3 to STR, AGI. Duration: 15 minutes, Cooldown 30 Minutes).

(With this i can keep up with her).


Seito and Suzuki arrived at the Seito Gakusen Academy school gate with Seito panting heavily.

"haaaa~ i can't feel my legs" Seito grumbled while he is crouching on the ground.

(It looks like my body is not used to the sudden boost. I should probably train my body to use skills like this)

*ding dong ding dang*

the school bell chimed.

"It looks like we just made it right on time"

I stand up from the floor and walk through the school gate with Suzuki.


"Hey Ota did you bring your textbook? today is deadline you know"

"yeah yeah i have it on me Tamura"

Ota is a boy that has a good face and a strong physique with a blond hair and stood 5ft 7 tall with blue eyes eyes and wears a dog tag with a bandage at his nose.

"well you always forget important things like that you know"

Tamura is a handsome young boy with a petite body and wears black thin-framed glasses. And has a green hair with black eyes.

A cheery girl approached Tanaka and slapped his backed.

"yo Tanaka it would seems that you got into a fight again didn't you"

"Ack!, Mind your own business Aoki"

Ota replied with a lazy tone. Aoki is beautiful girl that has crimson eyes and a smaller than average height for her age. she had a long silky brown hair and her breast area is something akin to E-cup.

The door slides open and the teacher walks inside.

"Alright everyone take your seats."

as the class finished taking their seats Tanaka rest his hands to his desk.

"alright today there's going to be a new student joining you this semester"

The students started murmuring each other. Because having a student transfer is rare at this occasion.

"Hey Ota"


"Do you think the new student is a handsome boy"

"I dunno maybe it is, maybe it's not"

Tanaka gestured for the student to come inside. Saito walked inside the classroom as Tanaka wrote the name Saito Takashi in the black board.

"the name of this boy here is Saito Takahashi, due to some circumstances he will join you in class this semester. Go on introduce yourself"

"I'm Saito Takahashi pleased to meet you"

Tanaka nodded.

"right, now then you can sit there at the back"

i then walked towards the desk that my teacher pointed to and have taken a seat.


It is now break time as Saito stare off the distance. (i wonder what Atlas-san is doing right now) Ota approaches Saito with a smile.



As i look at the source of the voice a tall blonde man approached me.

"I'm Ota Harashi nice to meet you"

"I'm Saito Takahashi likewise nice to meet you Ota-san"

Saito's desk is in the back of the class with Ota's desk at his front.


Tamura called out to Saito.

"I'm Tamura Kisaki pleased to meet you"

"Nice to meet you Tamura-kun I'm Saito pleased to meet you as well" i smiled.