
The Unexpected (6)

"Hi, it's me. Its's done. Yes, okay I understand, no problem."

Mits and Shane drove up to the apartment.

When they got out Mits saw a Slender, young guy looking at them, when he saw her looking at him, he turned and started walking over the street. Not taking much note of the guy they walked into the apartment.

When they get to the front door Shane noticed that the door is a bit opend, he grabbed Mits and and pulled her back, don't go in there. Shocked Mits looked at the door and saw that its been broken open.

Shane got his phone out and phone the police. "Stay here, I am going to look inside."

Mits grabbed his hand and pulled him back, "No we don't know if that person is thill in there. Please stay with me till the police come."

"If I stay and he is still in there, he can get away when he hears the police, I will just check and come back I promise."

He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and went into the apartment.

The whole place was traced, throw out and things broken.

Shane knew who was responsible for this, but he knew that it will not lead back to her, because she will have not done it herself she would have paid someone to do it.

Coming out the apartment, Shane looked at Mits, "I am sorry, he is gone, but the apartment is totally trashed."

"I am just glad that we were not here when it happened."

Mits looked at Shane and saw the worry in his eyes.

"You think it was her don't you?"

Shocked at that question Shane looked at Mits not sure how to answer.

"You can tell me Shane, it's me she wants to destroy, so she started with the place where I live."

"Yes I think it is here, but we will never be able to prove it, like I know her she would not have gotten close to your apartment, she would hire someone to do it."

Then Mits remembered the slender guy that was standing outside when they got here.

Not wanting to say anything she kept it to herself.

After the police came, and was done at the apartment, Shane said to Mits.

"I thing it better we go and stay at a Hotel till we get this sorted out, let's get a few things and get out of here."

Mits agreed with him, and she only grabbed a few things that she needed and waited at the bedroom door for Shane.

He took her hand and they left the apartment.

Once down stairs, Mits looked around but did not see that guy. Walking to the car Mits asked. "I think you must take your car, I will take mine I don't want to leave it here."

Shane was not happy with that idea, but in the end he nodded and locked open her car door and let her get in, "Start the car but wait for me." Shane said in a worried voice, he can not loose this feeling that something is not right.

Mits started the car and Shane ran to his car, Mits drove slowly past him and Shane followed her.

Mits started driving faster, and Shane cursed in his car. "I told her not to speed."

Shane flashed his lights at Mits, but still she did not slow down, the light is red and she is still not slowing down, "What the hell are you doing Mits?"

Shane started blowing the hooter and flashing his lights at her, then his phone rand and he saw Mits name, at once he picked up with anger he asked, "What the hell are you thinking slow down."

With a voice of panic Mits replied "The car does not want to brake."

With horror to that answer Shane feared the worse, they are close to the red light.

Shane stoped his car and got out running towards Mits car where she had just drove over the red light into a truck.