
The Unexpected (5)

For a minute Mits saw shock in Janine's face, then it disappears.

"I am not afraid of you little girl, I will be the one breaking you into a 1000 little pieces, I will make you suffer and you will beg me."

Without thinking Mits slapped Janine in the face, she took a few steps back, and when Shane saw Mits lifting he hand again he rand to her side. "She is not worth it my angel, lets just go."

"Yeah that's is coward run away and take your little tramp with you, but just know I am not finished with the two of you."

In a minute Mits turned around and punched Janine so hard that she fell down on the floor, blood running down her face.

"You have it wrong you money grabbing, I am not finished with you, I will make sure you loose the last bit you still have."

Walking away, Mits saw her parents face, they were smiling at her.

With shock she managed to ask "Why are the two of you smiling?"

Her parents looked at each other, but is was her mother that said, "We were worried about you, thinking that you can not take care of yourself, but after what we just saw, we know that you are able to look after yourself."

They walked back into the restaurant, her parents got a take away and Shane paid the bill. Gathering their things Mits father came to sit next to her and whispered into her ear.

"You hold onto that man my little girl, I can see that he loves you more than anything in this world."

With a soft kiss on her cheek her dad got up and took her mothers hand, and started walking to the door, where they stood and waited for Mits and Shane.

All the way home they were talking and laughing, deep down Mits was worried about Janine, and she know she had just provoked that crazy women more tonight that she wanted to, and she is fearing of what Janine had planned.

Mits parents went straight to bed when they got home, "Good night you two, we will see you in the morning."

Mits smiled and gave them a kiss good night.

She forgot how early her parents went to bed, but then they were always about before the sun.

Mits and her parents had a lovely week, nothing happened and Mits started forgetting about Janine.

Sunday morning they all got up early, her parents had a flight back home at 8am and they needed to get her parents to the airport.

They all got ready and Mits mother had already made tea, they sat and talked over a cup of tea, Shane took the bags and put it in the car, he decided that they will take his car today.

After dropping Mits parents at the airport, and saying there good buy's. Her mother told her "Please come and visit my baby, we do miss you."

"We will mom I promise."

Her mother gave her one last hug, before she turned to her father, "I love you my little girl, be safe and remember to come and visit."

With tears rolling down her face now, she hugged her dad, "I love you to dad."

They waited till her parents went though the door to board the plane before they left.

Ones outside, Shane took Mits by the hand and pilled her close to him, "You know that I love you?" and he gave her a soft gentle kiss on her lips.

"I know you love me, and I love you to."