
The Investigation (4)

Shane came out of the study with David, "We need to go we can't stay here anymore."

"Did you not read her message, we can not hide from her, she will get us where ever we hide."

"I did read the message, Mits. But I must say that we can go somewhere without being traced."

"HOW Shane" Mits started screaming at him.

He walked over to her taking him in his arms, "David said he think that she tracked our phones and my card that I used for food."

"Mits I suggested to Shane that he withdraw a large sum of money and get all of you new phones, pay for everything with cash till we catch her."

She looked at her mother and them standing there with them, "What do you guys think? You are also in this!"

They all looked at each other, "If it means that you will be safe we are in." Mel was the one answering.

"Well lets start to pack and lets get out or here."

"I suggest that you guys only leave tomorrow, I will triple the security tonight, Shane needs some time to go to town and withdraw the money from a few different tellers, you guys wont be able to do it tomorrow, or together she might suspect what you are doing."

Shane holding Mits tight to himself said "Try to act normal, pretend that you guys are enjoying yourself, we don't want her to know that we found the emails, I will be back in an hour."

"Please be safe"

"I will, I love you." Giving her a kiss he left the house and got one off the body guards to go with him.

Mits and her parents pretended to have a good time next to the pool.

It started getting dark and Shane was still not back, Mits started to worry. "We can he be they were suppose to be back already."

"I am sure they would have let us know if something happened."

Mits was just about to phone him again when she heard David say, "They are back."

Mits ran out the door and straight to the car, "Why did you take so long I was worried."

"Sorry my love we were followed and had to act normal, I could only draw money when I was sure we weren't being watched."

"I am just glad you are home."

He gave her a kiss and they walked into the house, the body guard came in with a bunch of bags.

Mel looked at the bags started laughing and asked "Did you two girls go do shopping is that what to you two so long."

"No Mel I bought a few things for everyone, don't worry I got you a few things as well." Smiling at her, he gave them all the bags, there was clothes, shampoo and everything in it, and a new cell phone.

"While we were there I though that we must leave all our things here, if Janine got hold of one of the security guys he can let her know that all our things is still here and that we only went out for the day."

"Good plan, I think that can work." Said Mits father.

They all ate while David packed all the things into the one car. After dinner they all went to their own rooms, Mits took a shower and got ready for bed. Lying in the bed she did the work that Beverly send her. Shane came out the shower and got into bed next to her just as she finished the last bit of the work and putting the laptop down.

She went to go in Shane's arms and put her head onto his chest.

They laid like that for a long time without saying a word.