
The Investigation (3)

They have been staying at Shane's parents house for just over a week now, Mits is all better and her old self again. Things have been good Mits had been enjoying her time with her parents and Mel.

Shane had been working most of the time, and they had been looking for Janine and her "friend".

Sunday afternoon, they were all sitting outside by the pool when Mits phone started ringing, "Hello Mits speaking."

"Sorry to phone you on a Sunday Mits, I know that you are still off for a while, but there is some work that I needed done and would appreciate you help."

"No problem, I have my laptop with me please email it to me and I will get it done for you."

Shane looked at Mits, but not wanting to say anything in front of everyone he just smiled and asked "Do you have some work to do?"

"Yes that was Beverly she has a few things that needs to be ready for tomorrow."

With a smile she excused herself.

Shane got up and walked with her, "You know that you don't need to work anymore, I can provide enough for the both of us."

"I know you can but I still want to work or just do something to keep myself busy."

Without thinking she said "I don't want to become like Janine and rely only on your money."

With sock and horror on his face he could only look at her.

And she gave him a loving smile and a kiss on the cheek, "I love you but I am still going to work."

Not wanting to fight with her he took her in his arms and gave her a long, soft passionate kiss, "I love you to."

He walked with her up to the house ones inside he said that she can sit in the study and work, he also have a few more things that he needs to do.

Mits took her laptop and went to the study, opened it and waited for it to start up so that she can open her emails.

She hit send and receive and saw that there is 98 email coming thought, she gave a light sight thinking that Beverly send her all that emails.

She got up and went to the kitchen the get herself something to drink and walked back to the study she looked at the laptop.

Only one of those emails was from Beverly, the rest of the email address she does not know.

Opening the first one she see and there is a picture attached, opening the picture she sees that is a picture of her and Shane sleeping.

Then she opens the second one, another picture of them in the dining room.

All the emails had a picture of them doing something, shocked she opens the last email, that made her jump and bumping the chair over, running out the study screaming Shane's name, "Shane where are you?"

In a flash of light Shane and David was next to her, "What's wrong?"

With tears flowing down her face, "She knows where we are, she knows!"

"What do you mean, how could she know?"

"There is a picture of all of us on my email, she said that we can not hide from her she will get us no matter where we are."

Shane and David ran into the study just as Mel and her parents came walking in.

"What's wrong my sweat heart?" her mother asked her.

"She knows we are here."