
The Investigation (15)

They walked out the room to her parents. Mel was already sitting with her parents drinking some more coffee.

"Good morning." Mits said to her parents.

"Good morning." Would you also like to more coffee.

"Yes please mom."

Her mother gave her a cup and poured some for Shane.

"Okay so you wanted us to talk, what can we do?"

"Mits would like to go home, and I wanted to know how you would feel if we all go home, I will just assign some more security for everyone until this mess is sorted out."

"I would love to go home." Mits mothers reply was, "I do miss our Bingo game every Thursday night."

"When do you want to go back home?" Mits father wanted to know.

"You tell me and I will make all the arrangements."

"We can go back tomorrow, if that is possible." Mel replied.

"Okay no problem, I will go and do what needs to be done and I will see everyone for dinner."

Shane got up and gave Mits a kiss before walking away.

The rest of the day was quite, they all relaxed on the beach and had lunch together, Shane was no where to be found.

Just before dinner they all went to their own rooms to get ready, they went to the small little restaurant Shane said he will meet them at, after an hour there Shane was still not there.

Mits really started to get worried, she tried phoning him, but there was no answer, after the 10th time she tried him, his phone was off.

Not hungry anymore she told her parents that there is really something wrong and the will go back to the room and see if Shane is there.

Her father paid the bill and they all left in surge of Shane.

They got to the room, but he was not there.

"I am sure he is just busy with all the arrangements my child." Her mother told her.

Mits gave her mother a small smile, "I guess you are right mother."

"You can go to your rooms, I will let you know if I hear something."

The all left for their own rooms, but Mis could not shake this feeling that something is really off and that something had happened.

It was already past two the morning when Mits hear a knock on the door.

She thought that it was Shane and that he maby lost his keys, running to the door she opens it, but is was not Shane standing there but she looked into David's worried face.

"Where is he?" she asked him.

"Janine found out where you where, she has been here for more than a week, I am sure she just waited for the right moment."

"Yes, and Shane was alone the whole day, this is all my fault, I was the one who wanted to go home."

"No it's not your fault. She would have taken you to if you where here with him."

"Where are they?"