
What The Luck!?

Asher was always down on his luck, but that is not a surprise seeing that God made his soul with a negative luck value. When Asher's soul returns to God he decided to fix this problem and even give him an upgrade. Asher is thrown in to a new world almost exactly like his previous...almost. Follow Asher as he maneuvers this changed world, no more bullies? Friends? Loving family? Oh, yea, and superpowers! ===============================================

1King_Rep1 · sci-fi
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409 Chs

272. Constant Combo

"Shouldn't Asher be truing Janes' punches against her? What is he doing?" Sammy was the first to ask this out loud. The only two that had any real theory as to why Asher wasn't were Art and Cara. 

"I bet he is too evenly matched with Jane." Louis sounded sure that this was it. The two they were watching were the undisputed tops in the group. It would only make sense if they were strong enough to pin each other down in a way. 

"I feel like Asher may have just been lucky and now he can't use the style. What if he never knew the style?" Laura was afraid of this possibility because that would mean Asher wasn't as over powered as she had assumed. It was just a difference in experience between him and her. 

" Any other ideas?" Art looked around and landed on Jackson. 

"Is Asher trying to draw the match out like you did?" Jackson's theory wasn't bad and made sense. However, Art shook his head to signal no.