
Chapter One

It was seven in the morning it was my first day of senior year so I hop out of bed to go wake you the rest of the family and my father and his wife and yell all through the house saying "Wake up we have school".

I went to the kitchen and got something to eat and I also poured me so coffee and then ran back up the stairs to go take a shower. Turned it on the water it was cold they had used all the warm water and so I got in the cold water and washed my hair and body and then got out. I went to my dresser drawer and pulled out some black lace underwear and bra and when put on a black crop top with some blue skinny jeans that I loved so much I put on my van high top. Ran downstairs to see my half-siblings getting ready to go to private school but not Ryan he was at college in New York yeah he goes to NYU and his father paid for it but I go to public school and I like it. " Guys it is time to go you don't want to be last on your first day of high school, come on." Then I hear Neveah saying " You can't rush perfect which is not you Alex." I really wanted to hit her but then came Aiden out of the house. "Can't we just go I really want to see my friends from the baseball team." they left in there own car and I end up walking a mile walk to school.

Someone surprised me with a hug from behind then I realize that it was my best friend Alyssa we have been best friends since I got here and we have never stop being best friends since and when I turn to face her. " Hi, Alyssa you do realize you will never scare me? right?"

" I know but it can't hurt to try. Are you really for senior year of high school and when getting the hell up out of here?"

"Hell yeah Alyssa I can't wait to leave my crazy family and join the military."

"When you end up meeting a really cute military guy you have to tell me and see if they have a friend that is single and hook me up girl."

" You know that I have another year before doing that and I have to go sign up for R.O.T.C(a program for a high schooler to do to experience military trying) after school today and then go to work"

" Is your step-mother still a bitch and wants you out after high school over for you?" and she starts to mess with my hair and I look up at her not realizing that I have been staring at my shoe's and not at her and then I smiled to covering-up the fact that I was staring into space. " Yeah, I can't wait to leave anyways and no she has not stopped being a bitch and it gets worst every day." I hear the bell for the beginning of the school day. I and Alyssa ran into are the first class of the day English and we had Mr. Rueth for are English teacher we just end up sleeping in that class. The day went on and we went to P.E., Health class, Math class, art, lunch, and I had free time because I did most of these classes in my freshman and sophomore and Junior year. So I end up going to the back of the school and smoking so weed and hang out with the outcast and when I went back inside the school and then went to the office and got the paperwork for R.O.T.C and I signed up. I end up running into my ex-boyfriend his name is Carter and he smokes a lot of weed and he cheated on me I so glad I never loved him and he was a wast of time we only dated for like three months.