
What Started With An Empty Space

Upload schedule: 1 Chapter on Sunday and Monday at 7:30 pm. 2 Chapters a day Tuesday- Friday 9:30 am 3:30 pm est. 3 Chapters on Saturday at 9:30 am 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm est. The story follows like a normal Isekai routine at first then becomes so much much more. Follow along as Aegis fights his way to the top, in this action packed fight to remember who he is. Any support on this webnovel would be greatly appreciated, leave a comment and tell me what you think i could do better. Show it to your friends and help this story grow. Hope you enjoy your time here with me. And no i don't know what im doing so please help me if you think i have stuff to work on. All input is helpful. Thanks for reading and stay safe everyone. Love ya

ShadyGames · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Why a turtle?

Aaron is a normal college student, no special or specific traits to speak of.

That being said hes not boring, he just doesn't have a niche to call his own starts his day like any other he wakes up, gets dressed and walks towards his first class.

His friend Lineal called to him "morning Aaron, sleep well?"

Aaron who was aggravated, yet wanting to still be polite put on a smile and nodded "yea, what about you" he said not really wanting to wait and hear the answer.

"Not the best, I had that bad dream again. You know the one were the turtle starts to ea....." hearing him tell a story he has told a thousand times, Aaron puts on a smile and pretends to listen to his friend finish the story.

"and that's when I wake up in cold sweats!"

Jokingly Aaron asks "have you talked to a therapist yet, you've had the same dream a couple dozen times?"

"Yes.... I have, and she said it was quite normal for a man my age."

Aaron finally with a genuine smile said "Ohh, I'm sure she did." poking fu at Lineal.

"Whatever, hey make sure to head to Richie's for lunch today, there have a special."

Aaron having already promising to go " Yea I know, 11:15 right?"

"Yep" Lineal said as waving goodbye.

With this little meat up Aaron was now running late to his first class.

Aaron's days normally consisting of Basic Math and English classes talking up his first two periods, a break for lunch, and other various classes taking up the other three of his periods.

Aaron who was barely able to stand his English class, normally recorded it so he could skim through it later so he could sleep for a hour or so.

Or that was what he normally did, but for some reason he didn't feel like he had to today.

As he listened to his teacher tell his lecture, he wondered what the special was at Richie's was going to be.

Soon after he decided he didn't really care what it was his teacher dismissed the class. Which surprised Aaron as to him he felt like he had only just sat down.

Next was Math class, nothing hard like physics or calculus. It was more like a little bit of geometry, statistics, snd algebra, you know the easy stuff.

Today the professor was out sick, so he had the class form work groups and finish the work from last week that no one did but him and a few others.

Aaron not being very social, sat with the only other person he knew there, Isabella, or "Izzy" as he called her.

Aaron breaking the silence "Have you finished your work yet?"

"Yea" Izzy said abruptly.

"Wow someone's in a bad mood" Aaron said with a smile on his face. "Who pissed in your cheerios"

"No one I'm just tired" "so shut up" she said not actually wanting to end the conversation.

"Alright fine with me" Aaron said knowing what she meant for once.

"Shut up, did you bring any cards" Issy said as she always knew Aaron would for her to play some sort of game.

"Of course, I would be bored to death at this school if I didn't." "what do you want to play?"

"Anything beats just sitting here" like she had always said when asked that question.

And so the played many rounds of various card games (which Aaron rarely won) to pass the time by. As it turned 10:45 everyone headed out of class to go do whatever they wanted for the next hour and a half for lunch.

Aaron jokingly saying to Izzy "Same time tomorrow" as he expected he to say no, but eventually do it anyway when he asked later, was surprized when he heard her say "Yea, see you then" as she left the room.

Aaron saying to him self "Well at least I have cards for when Lineal starts talking about turtles" giving a small chuckle as he let what he said sink in.

Richie's was about three blocks from the dorm, which gave Aaron just enough time to get there if he left now. And so he did, with a smile on his face as he headed to a place he knew well ( because Lineal forced him to go one or twice a week) taking the short way for one because he was wondering what the special was. His normal route took four or five minutes more, but went through a park (that at this time of year was beautiful) he insisted just went straight.

Aaron who stood at a stop light waiting for it to turn red, though mabie next time Lineal told his turtle story he would actually listen, because he had always zoned out from how long it was. And because of that he felt like he was cheating his best friend. Once the light turned green he started to cross the road, until a object of very high speed and very dense mass, hit a smaller VERY movable object that was almost still in comparison collided.

Yep Aaron was hit by a bus.

Yea i know the chapter is short. Its 5 in the morning as im writing this ( no i did not just wake up I've beed up for 21 hours).

Anyway *Cough* Will we ever find out what Lineal`s turtle story was about, Find out in the next episode of DRAGON BALL Z.

Or not

Who knows

well i do




NO because i don't even know what it was!!!

dun dun naaa plot twist!

lol yall be safe ya hear

Let me know of any grammatical error if you wouldn't mind. Thx

ShadyGamescreators' thoughts