
Love him or leave him

At the Maximum-Security Facility in St. Barts

The morning air was cold and goose bumps rose on his skin. Unaware of what was about to happen, Quan stood in the shower washing away the evidence of the previous day's stress. His golden, tan skin glistened under the water. His round firm buns allowed the beads of water to roll off his toned body. The water was not hot as he had become accustomed to but beggars are not choosers, so he was grateful for what he had. He kept an eye around him but none of the other inmates seemed to be paying him any attention.

He relaxed his muscles as he scrubbed himself clean. He was just starting to feel like a human again when he caught a movement from the corner of his eyes. Years of instinct kicked in and he whirled around and assumed a fighting stance with his legs widened and his fists raised. He felt rather than saw the first blow as it came from behind. Pain exploded behind his eyes as he dropped to his knees. He shook it off and sprang from the floor as he swung at his attackers. The blows were coming from all sides now and he would connect with someone once only to take several hits. 

His grunts of pain were all that echoed in the room. His face was now bloody and bruised but he did not recognise his attackers He could no longer fend off the blows as he fell to his hands and knees. In this compromising position the visions of what could happen to him filled him with fear and a scream tore from his throat. 

His screams were muffled by many rough hands.

"Broke di bwoy, Ralph."

When Quan heard those words and realised what they meant, his struggles intensified as he got a burst of energy. He summoned every ounce of strength in his body to kick at the powerful hands that were holding him down. Ralph's hand lingered on his ass lovingly as if to clear the path. Soap suds ran down the ravine between Quan's cheeks as he clenched his muscles and bucked against his restraints on the slippery tiles. Terror caused him to shout until he was hoarse and thrash around wildly. Shaken, bruised and swollen Quan closed his eyes, too exhausted to fight. He knew what was going to come next. He would no longer be a man. 

His biceps and triceps quivered under the strain of being held hostage by four naked men. The streams of water beat against their bodies. Quan's skin colour contrasted against the dark chocolate bodies as Ralph self-primed his shaft and laughed at the thought of penetrating the young, virgin, tender flesh.

The screech of the guards' whistles echoed in the room along with the sound of heavy footsteps and gave Quan a sliver of hope.

Ralph's friends suddenly let him go and with a final caress, Ralph too let him go. They melted away in the shadows leaving Quan quivering on the floor. Ralph's words could be heard in the distance.

"Yuh lucky bwoy. Next time yuh dead like aunty fowl."

Quan collapsed in a heap on the floor of the shower sobbing. His body ached from the blows he had received in the shower. The faces and phalluses of the men haunted him behind his closed eyelids. This time the tables were turned, and he was about to find out what it felt like to be a victim. Well, almost a victim. But the next time he might not be so lucky. Quan knew he could not do his time alone. He had to get some form of protection from a group or he would die or worse be lost in the system.

Anger rippled through him. This could not be his life. Who could have done this to him? Who ruined his life and why?

The next day, An uninvited visitor 

Rex Morgan sat across the partition and took up the handset waiting patiently for Quan Wu to pick up on the other side.

Khaki fits you Wu" Rex chuckled.

"What do you want from me, Rex. This is your second visit in the past couple of weeks. You are not my type so I hope these visits are not counted as conjugal" Wu replied sarcastically.

"Hah, hah I hope the boys in here are treating you right. I can have a word with the warden if you want company at nights, Wu?" Rex said softly.

"Shut the fuck up dude, what do you want. I have enough money for the guys here. I am being treat very well for an innocent man." Quan bluffed, remembering what he went through the day before.

"What if we can work out a deal Wu. Unite our forces and resources to fight for a common dream? Rex asked.

"I'm listening" Quan's face brightened.

I know you are innocent with the attempted murder of the President, in some circles some people are thinking that you should be tried as a spy and when found guilty, you would be shot tomorrow at 6pm. The evidence is overwhelming Quan, but if you transfer ownership of the land that you bought recently here in St Barts in addition to any rights to the offshore speculation. Something can be worked out." Rex stated confidently.

"What are you trying to do blackmail me, Rex?" Quan asked shuffling in his chair.

"I would never use such strong words, Quan, I was just putting my cards on the table. Nothing is wrong in negotiating from a position of strength. While you have been locked away My team has been perusing your abode. We know that you have evidence that would be critical in ensuring that I remain President Morgan and you a key investor in the future of St. Barts." Rex retorted.

"Ok, sounds interesting, but in good faith. Get me out on bail first. Then you and I can take a trip to a place that does not have ears. Then we can discuss whether I am in possession of the evidence that you require. Besides, your goons paid me a visit last night. I don't think I have much of a choice, do I?" Quan sighed heavily.

Rex chuckled under his breath.

Sometimes in this country you have to beat a green mango until it is soft in order to eat it. Rex thought.

"Ok, I will make a call Wu, you will be out of here this afternoon." Rex boasted.

Quan's body ached, he needed a warm shower along with some tlc and the finer things of life.

"Oh, Wu, I will always have eyes on you, so please do not think about absconding. We are partners now." Rex growled.

Quan watched Rex hang up and walk away.

Three hours later

Quan was lying beside the pool at the hotel overlooking the Presidential Residence, sipping a daiquiri. The Masseuse attending to his legs was gentile in comparison to the men that tried to rape him in prison.

A million thoughts ran through Quan's mind.

How did he get me released that quickly without me hiring an attorney? I need to get out of this blasted country, who can I trust? Rex is just like me. Quan thought to himself.

Meanwhile a couple of miles away.

Letisha felt as if she was at wit's end because she jumped at the sound of every motorcycle or when a car backfired near her gate. Since the party four weeks ago sleep had divorced her and moved on with his mistress.

The events at the party played over and over in her mind as it was video on loop.


The flashback began again. Letisha watched as if she was having an outer body experience. Hovering without being seen.

 She had left the dance floor to find a restroom and curiosity took her upstairs the residence and just before the pee trickled down her leg, Letisha beathed a sigh of relief when she found a bathroom at the end of the hall way. The bedroom was emaculate, but she noticed male colognes on the dressing table and just before relieving herself, she stopped aand inhaled the fragrances of a few bottles. The scents took her back to a time when Raymond's colognes would make her kitty meow.


Letisha hurried to the lieu and closed the door and releasing the pee was almost orgasmic. The party was nice, yes but Letisha had only one thing on her mind and that was confronting Small about her conspiracy theories regarding Raymond's murder. Letisha looked around the marble tiled bathroom and saw only one toothbrush, a razor with hair still in the blade and an uncovered tooth paste.

Panic panged in the back of her neck. Shit she thought. Was this Colin Small's bathroom?

Then she heard some one come in the bedroom , Letisha froze on the toilet seat, her thong was around her ankles and her hand was also frozen in place wiping her coochie.

What the hell do I do, what if the person of Small bursts into his bathroom and finds me squatting on his throne? Thoughts raced through Letisha's mind. She stood up and pulled out the thong that derailed immediately. She didn't want to flush the toilet or turn on the pipe just incase the person heard the flush of the pipe running.

Letisha thought about hiding in the shower behind the opaque glass, but then the person began speaking and Letisha's curiosity got the better of her.

She wasn't hearing any direct responses, but it was one sided shouting match. Then she recognized the voice. It was Colin's. Then she wondered, why was the President not sharing a bedroom with his wife. "WOW" Letisha muttered under her breath.

Son of a bitch, cheated on Mrs President and she put him out of her bed. Lethisha shook her head while she pasted her ears against the bathroom door, listening.

The person did not stay long, because Letisha heard ffoot steps an then the door opened and closed.

She stayed for a few seconds more and then she quietly opened the door and peeped.

Relief washed over her, but in stead of making a dash for the door , Letisha tipped toed like in the Scooby do cartoons. Then she heard a rap on the bedroom door and a female voice on the other side.

Letisha, wanted to hide, she looked at the closet and quickly decided against it and then she chose under the bed instead.

Her heart was in her mouth, if she came out of hiding and tried to explain her presence, there might be too many questions. She wanted to fart, but struggled to clench her cheeks. She watched as the stilhetto shoes walked in the room, she could only see the from the shoes to the calves of a glimpse of the hem of the dress.

"Colin?" The person called out. Then Letisha heard the door open and saw a male shoe and trousers. "What are you doing in hear the male asked in a pitch that Lestisha was straining her ears to figure out who it was.

"Why shouldn't I be in here? I have as much right to be in hear, just as you." The woman said. 

I'm going to tell everything, I cant hold this secret anymore, it's killing me slowly" the woman yelled.

"Tell who, what?" the man replied.

If you tell anyone, we will lose everything, and I mean everything that I've worked so hard to build.

"Shh the woman replied. Letisha watched as the pairs of shoes came together inches apart toes to toe and then the man's shoe parted the black stilettos. Letisha heard heavy breathing and the rustling of clothes. Then the door burst open and she distinctly heard Colin's voice. "What the hell?" He yelled.

There was a tussle and Letisha watched as the pairs of shoes danced around, the woman shoed went behind the first man and then the men danced grunting and groaning and then "Bang, bang" followed by a grunt and a yelp. The bed shook. Then the clunk of the gun on the floor and the man went into the bathroom.

The woman screamed aloud and the door burst open, a few seconds the Chinese guy fell to the room his eyes wide open but blank stared directly at me. Letisha froze again. Then the people came rushing in and started beating the Chinese guy after the woman screamed "He shot the President"

Everything happened so fast as if it was choreographed, more men came in the room after they moved the President and went into the bathroom. Letisha climbed out from under the bed when she thought the room was clear and high tailed it from the Residence.

Letisha came back to normal suddenly from the flashback.

Holding her eyes closed as if she was trying to avoid opening her eyes to what she had witnessed.

"Who could I trust to tell, what I had heard and saw. But telling anyone about the dancing shoes and voices without faces wouldn't make any sense, would it?" Letisha asked herself.

Panic stricken, she looked out through the black out curtains of her home.

Lord God, what have you gotten me into. I know I should have loved Raymond and now he has left me in pure problems.