
Change is coming

Back in St Barts

The private plane with three people and the pilot landed in the early morning in the middle of a cane piece. A discreet reentry to St Barts, exactly what Colin wanted. Within a few minutes, Imona pushed the wheelchair up the ramp of the Presidential Residence, Colin could tell that she was in awe.

"Imona, wait until you get inside, did you think that only Jantique had great houses?" Lesley said with a smile on her face.

Moments later as they walked through the huge entry doors, the painting on the wall caught Imona's eye and a tingle went through her spine.

"Why does she look so familiar to me, Ive seen that lady before" Imona mused aloud.

"Well, that might be impossible, she was my great grandmother, she owned this great house when it was a part of a plantation. They called her the Queen, not because she was royalty, but she commanded the respect on the island of St Barts." Lesley replied.

Ummhm, ummm Colin cleared his throat.

"Yes Imona this house has been in Lesley's family for generations, but the despite the pale skin , blonde hair and fiery red eyes. The Queen ruled St. Barts with an iron fist. She decided who lived and who died. To this day her name is spoken in hushed tones by the descendants of the slaves. You see that back in the 1800 Haiti was a flourishing French Colony and the aristocrats moved from Jantique to Haiti and the small islands as they felt like it. It was rumored that the Queen studied the black arts in Haiti and then mastered them in Jantique, before settling in Jantique. If you look at her picture her eyes seem to glow red. I think she was possessed, but don't mind me. The only man that seemed to have tamed her was Lesley's great grand father Joshua Joe, a slave." Colin spoke in a storyteller tone.

"Hah, Hah, Lesley chuckled.

"If she was around Colin, you wouldn't be in a wheelchair , she would have seen your accident coming and would have warned me." Lesley spoke with reverence.

"Imona, she was clairvoyant and communed with the spirits, but my Grandpa's passionate love changed her. I heard a story about them, boy oh boy." Lesley blushed.

"Sit down Imona One of Lesley's stories are about to come." Colin said with huge smile on his face.


Lelsley began, "Picture this Imona"

The Queen resided in Haiti at the time. It was the middle of the revolution. The slaves were revolting, burning plantations and killing their masters. The Queen came to St. Barts and acquired, land and built her own place of safety. She practiced her dark arts on her subjects, but one man seemed to be impervious to her lure. One day, however, Joshua found that her powers had strengthened, he could feel the pull of her thoughts. He stood beside her throne as she freed him. The warmth of her hand made his manhood grow. Her eyes glowed pink, soon her fingers could not encircle his manhood while she played with its head.. pulling at his foreskin until his knees wanted to buckle. She opened her coat to expose her nipples and without saying a word he bowed and suckled them before her leg rose and rested on the arm of her chair. Her phat porky welcomed his tongue massage. she hissed and moaned softly.

While he lapped and licked he gazed up s his rising nipples, gently heaving.. growing.. filling .. his country joy stick wanted to plunge into the town pum pum .. aching.. wanting... but he first wanted to hear and feel her climax...

He could see the rosy glow of her eyes intensify while her waist gyrated on the throne, her plump juicy thighs quivered as his hands held them at bay he wanted to cup her ass but he was timid and afraid, the Queen did not allow him to have her the way he wanted, but yet his tongue went deep tasting her spicy honey.

He was raised in the cool climes of Westmoreland, Jantique on everything fresh, his blood clean like the morning due. Nothing artificial went into his body his joy stick strong and veined like dry yellow yam, his bamboo was ready for her vine to wrap around it and as her first shudder subsided... he straightened and took her same place on the throne his black skin glistened while he plunged into the town pum pum. Fluffy and welcoming he heard her hiss with satisfaction he had never felt anything that soft and sophisticated on his joy stick her kitty welcomed him like a pillow to a tired man..but his muscles glistened in his back, the contrast of the pale bronze queen being fileted by the dark ebony against the royal purple robe with white mink at the hem was a sight the Queen's ass was at the edge as he held on to the top of the throne the throne room.

Echoed with her sounds of satisfaction like try tasty country dirt.. that felt the fall of his heavy hooded fork.. plugging her farrow with the sound of ummmhhh from her throat apart from the break of yessss... yesss.... he listened as her breathing suddenly changed..her manicured nails sank into his muscles around his back...the veneers of her white teeth showing as she gasped.... for air...he was in a trance.. feeling her body change against him... but he knew his job was to plough the land and plant his seeed....

Joshua was strong like an ox, but was handsome and his skin soft to the touch..He had been with women on the plantation before, but not like this.. Massa only wanted him to plant his seed but watched while he told him to bring his pot to a boil first with his hand and then empty it into the waiting hot vessel... he had never known what it was to pleasure a woman and hear her breath heavy and thrust her body against him like how the images the Queen was stirring in his head.... every thing that he saw in his head...the Queen turned around and he saw her pale ass cheeks and then her plumb pudding nestled below with its downy blonde hair...Joshua knew what he wanted to do and he grinned...

"Don't spill your seed in me bwoy" the Queen said with voice ladened with pleasure..Joshua dipped a d bent his shaft upwards and parted the pink penny lips... his heart swirled with excitement.. instinctively he thought of the horses mounting the mares back on the plantation... Joshua grabbed hold of the Queens flowing Maine and he plunged deep and hard to the hilt watching his joy stick disappear beneath the pale bronze skin and then reappear slick with the Queens arousal today he was a steed... feeling the wetness, the heat, the grip of royalty, the women never felt this succulent on the plantation... they were dry and Joshua loved to look as breasts, but he only got a glimpse of lactating mothers... but now his hand reached around and fondled the pink nipple of the Queen...pillowy soft breasts he kneaded and stroked her nipple until he heard her call bull. Joshua could not hold strain... he wanted to bruk and bruk he did...the Queen released a torrent if her own bathing the black country joy stick.

Three years later just before the Haitian revolution ended

Joshua saw the royal carriage enter through the majestic gates of the plantation and saw the Massa scurrying too and fro akin to mad ants. Joshua Joe had grown stronger he had sired many a bambino and Massa had moved him into his own quarters. The ladies were no longer watched by Massa when they were sent to Joshua. He tried and did everything the Queen had left in his head and he meant everything and more...women blushed when he walked by them shirtless, remembering how he made them stir crazy on the mat after dining down under or fileting them with his sugar cane... but it wasn't just about increasing Massa's stock. Joshua Joe reveled in the women shouting out his name or chatting in their African to tongues. However, Joshua saw curly blonde hair blowing through the carriage window and alarms immediately sounded in his head, because the Queen had straight blonde hair.

Joshua Joe stood mesmerized looking at the carriage.. fear gripped him.. what if... he had sired a Princess or a Prince?

Would the Queen hang him from the cotton tree down Yonder? Joshua Joe fretted.

That little boy was my grandfather and the Queen kept Joshua at her side until the day she just disappeared from St. Barts. Somethings are still in our bloodline today, Imona I must warn you my step brother Flynn seems to have gotten the bloodline of Joshua Joe in him servicing the woman left right, so be very careful and stay far from his charming smile."

Colin could not resist the laugh that made him start to cough vigorously.

"Maybe, we should return to the days when the Queen ruled St. Barts, Colin. A change is coming, and we are going to take back what is rightfully ours." Lesley said with her eyes filled with tears.

Imona swore she saw Lesley's eye change colour to a shade of pink.

"You know Lesley I thought you wanted to come back home long before this?" Colin asked.

I'm sorry Colin I was being selfish, I was reading the posts on social media and it was driving me crazy. I wanted to come back home to snap Rex's neck. I was frustrated at our position. Me having a brain attack, you being stuck in a wheelchair. I was lashing out at everything and everyone." Lesley replied.

"Ok, so what is social media saying while we were out of town? I'm very curious."

Are you sure you want Imona to hear what is happening?" Lesley asked.

Colin looked at Lesley and rolled his eyes. She can hear, because she has seen both of us at our worst, besides I heard she found you butt naked on the floor in the hospital, nothing else can be as embarrassing." Colin chuckled.

"Ahh boy Colin. Well while we were away; Rex has given the public service a fifty percent wage increase, cut the wages of Parliamentarians by twenty percent, he has abolished income tax and has raised the consumption tax by five percent and guess what Colin, he is trending on social media. Meanwhile you are just missing in action and St. Barts is listed as one of the happiest places on earth."

Colin smiled.

"Lesley you are looking at this all wrong. I am happy that Rex's policies are working and the economy is doing well. It means the people of St. Barts are doing well and happy. God is good." Colin remarked.

"All the time"Imona whispered.

"Colin you worked too hard for this country, only to be treated as if you never really mattered. You were shot in this house and nobody has called to say how far the investigation has gone. The Chairman of the party has not even called you or enquired about your health. So How can I be calm?" Lesley asked with her chest beginning to heave.

"Hey, honey we have life, we have this house, we have some money in the bank and this happened for a reason. I got a chance to reconnect with God while I was on my back and it got worse when I saw you in the bed beside me. It was then that I realized that the Presidency and politics does not mean a thing. If we have each other. Sure, we are not perfect, but we can work things through." Colin responded in a reassuring voice.

"And do what Colin, I must leave you alone and go back and find a job?" Lesley asked with vitriol in her voice.

"Breath Lesley, we will be fine, I will be back on my feet soon and then we can arrange a press conference. I'm sure Rex will relinquish power once I've announced that I'm fit and recovered. We can always show ownership of the policies that are working." Colin replied in a calm tone.

Tsk, Tsk, evidently you don't know the animal that Rex is Colin, the night you were almost killed. Rex told me that he wanted me. Lesley snapped back.

"Then if you were in that frock, any man would be aroused Lesley." Colin replied.

"Except you!" Lesley shouted.

"Hear we go again, ok I'm sorry babes for sounding jealous, but you are a beautiful and sexy woman and that dress that night just brought out your aura, maybe we should use that to neuter Rex once and for all." Colin replied with a half chuckle.

Lesley, shook her head. "That is why I love you Colin. I was trying to draw you out and you take everything so easily." Lesley replied with laughter.

Colin raised a single eyebrow.

"Imona, it's been a long day so far and I'm feeling tired."

"Mrs Small , can you show me to Mr Small's temporary quarters so that I can get his water ready so that you can bathe him?" Imona asked.

"What?, aren't you his nurse?" I didn't sign up for that duty" Lesly replied and stormed off. "

"Let, him tell you himself" Lesley shouted over her shoulder.

 Colin hissed his teeth.

Come Imona I will tell you where to go. The great house was huge and Colin guided her to a room with a huge four poster bed with a wood floor, the bathroom was huge with a white claw foot tub in the centre of the room. The matching brown door to the bathroom was thick, contrasted to the light earth toned paint on the walls. The room had an acoustic ceiling that absorbed all sound.

Moments later Colin was clad only in his white brief lying in the warm water.

Imona smelled like ginger bread cookies ... or so Colin thought as she wiped him down with the sponge

Her hand strayed near his loins and he felt electricity run through his lifeless legs. He was afraid she noticed but his view of his legs was blocked by her breasts through the vee in her scrubs. Colin tried not to look... but the freckles on her chest drifted towards her nipples and his eyes were drawn to look. She was gentle and her touch was light... the white brief was the only thing that separated her hand from his limping manhood. His mind wanted and was trying to will her to touch him and wash him especially his thing.

Colin leaned back in the tub and closed his eyes... just as Imona's plump hand went inside his brief Colin was thinking like a man...

Thinking what her hands felt like on it... he wanted to blush... she was the only woman that had touched him down there except for Lesley.

Emmmph Colin sighed softly... Imona rolled back the foreskin and was washing the head...

Don't stop Colin whispered... I can feel it ...

The blood gradually filled the shaft.

His mouth made Imona wet and wanting.... Colin Small's hand pulled at the elastic waist of her scrub and found her meat... Imona's breathing became instantly jagged.... she was wet and waiting while his fingers found her toggle switch..... shiiiitttt Imona thought... he was finger fucking her... his fingers felt awesome like a joy stick.... her waist gyrated... teasing her love sponge

Mr President....Imona gasped

Imona wanted to be the professional, but at the same time.... it was magnificent in how it felt in her hands.... his waist undulated slowly... Imona wanted to let go, but her hand would not cooperate with her brain

Her feet wanted to flee... but her fingers tightened around the head.... and it poked it self through her fingers playing peek a boo...

Imona bit her lips... watching the man in the tub that she had long admired she could feel his tension... hard as nails... the scar on his belly contracting and releasing.... Imona dropped the sponge and cupped his balls.... ahhhhhh Colin moaned

Imona was looking at the brown man naked in the tub and she a help him... thinking about how harsh his wife's words were to him while she nurses the moans of pleasure out of him while he fucks her fists

But his hand finds its way inside her scrub... pinching her nipple with one hand and rubs his other nipple with his other hand. He was licking his lips and flicking his tongue.... Imona lifted her blouse and lifted the cup of her bra and gave him what he wanted.... emmmppfffff.... left her lips.... he suckled her nipple that responded to his tongue

She smelt like warm cookies and her breast satisfied his need...for milk

Is this really happening Imona thought... but his hand had the right touch... her body shuddered. It stretched yearning... it had been a while, since Imona had held or felt any man "Fudge." She whispered.

Colin's body stiffened and then uncoiled like a spring his thick white juices erupted from between Imona's fingers.

It was as if a nuclear explosion ripped through his cells.... his back arched shaking like a 9.8 strength earthquake had gripped him. She could feel his sense of eagerness and hunger. Imona heard her toes crick and her calves stiffen, he was making her cum.

"Aaarrrghhhh" Imona growled into her upper arm.

 "This is our little secret, right?" Colin asked through heavy breathes.

Then he began to cry, his tears mixed with his babbling. 'I'm no better than Lesley, she uses her ancestors to justify her lust. I did mine out of feeling so emasculated and curiosity."

"Shhh, you didn't cheat, it was therapy. If I had done what I was thinking about, then it would have been, but I am happy to see that your spine has repaired itself to facilitate stimulation of the genitals. How are your feet?" Imona asked.

"Wow, spoken like a politician" Colin smiled with a huge grin.

"Colin, this is a great sign, you are healing, my services here may be short lived. You are on your way to feeling like a man again." Imona replied while drying him off. Her eyes drawn to the thick shaft that throbbed. Her body pulsed, the temptation was strong.

"Colin was washed with depression and it showed on his face.

"Why are you so sad Mr President?" Imona asked.

It's hard to taste sugar and walk away from it as if it never mattered. I am not like that." Colin remarked.

"Boy oh boy, you are special. A little hanky panky and you are talking about a connection. Where have you been all my life, Colin Small." Imona replied.

"Values, morals and commitment Imona are important to me Imona and once you allow someone to come within your personal space, it's hard for me to just disconnect myself. However, I appreciate your perspective. Your contract is for six months, and I won't release you before that."

"I'm good with that Colin, I will get my chastity belt until then." Imona laughed and slapped him on his ass.

"Woman!" Colin moaned.