I woke up aching, but feeling better than I ever had before. Where was I?
{Somewhere safe...I puppeteer your body to get you here.}
That was fine enough, but where are we? Looking around I was in some kind of trashy hotel that looked and smelled like it was used for sex.
{That's all I could do without being too suspicious. We are actually in Hong Kong China. IT was incredibly difficult to get here without the use of that stone.}
Right, Only I could activate it. Space energy would hurt Cognition. How did you manage to get here though? How long was I sleeping?
{22 days, and by boat.}
That was insane. Too much lost time while unconcious, that was certainly not normal. Looking more around the room there was several duffel bags. What the hell is all this?
{I may have robbed a few people. The boat I used apparently had some kind of substance. A whole lot of drugs and too much cash for us to need.}
You certainly had an adventure without me.
{You are not in a health state of mind. It was better for you to sleep it off. Besides I tried to wake you, however you remained asleep. I believe the constant use of your visions have weakened you in some way causing you to sleep for so long.}
Fine, Time to see what we have here.
I opened one of the bags and found a shit ton of coke. I was gonna have to sort this all out. Looking through all the bags would round up to 6 bags of just cash. 4 bags of varying normal drugs. Ending with 1 bag containing tubs of a strange yellow substance.
What is this?
{Some kind of drug I assume, The people I took it from seemed to have stolen it from someone else.}
Will that bite us in the back?
{Honestly I have no clue.}
I am gonna look into the future to see what the hell this yellow stuff will do if I use it.
My vision faded and a new sight appeared. I saw myself stabbing it into my body. It strengthen my body and gave me physical power. However my future self began to burn and my future self grabbed at his head. Slowly the vision distorted showing a different outcome. A version where I had a bowl of a secondary liquid. The Second version of me mixed the yellow drug substance with the liquid in the bowl. Mixing them and drinking the combined substance.
My vision returned and I wanted to hurl.
I didn't receive any knowledge of what that second substance was. However if I thought about it. I knew in that vision I didn't leave China. So It meant I could some how get it here. I would likely have to make it though. The Space stone and Soul stone would not be enough for this. I had a sinking feeling I needed something more. It was time to pick up a 3rd infinity stone.
My vision shifted again and I saw a man with a red cape fight off a demon of some kind. The man held a green stone within a necklace. It was time to find a man name Dr. Strange.
---Author note, note----
So I decided these won't have a set word count I type out, so a chapter may become super long, or super short. Sorry it took a while for this chapter. I was debating how to handle the Thanos Snap.