
What if? Severus Snape.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] A resounding boom filled the night air as thunder reverberated through the sky, revealing the face of the once-feared wizard who had terrorized the entire magical population of Britain for the past years. Now, his lifeless form lay still, Voldemort, once hailed as the greatest dark wizard of all time, was reduced to an unrecognizable, charred husk. The man who killed closed his eyes, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. But among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the day of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to find his destiny. And on the day that woke up another part of him, one that he always feared. It was the day he killed his father. From that day, he must learn to adapt, rise, and conquer within a world teeming with gods, monsters, and Superheroes. The day that started his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? Follow Severus's journey to redefine the boundaries of magic unfurling in this new cosmology, a merge of the mythos of Marvel and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Author's Note: This is the old version of the book Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince. I will continue to post the chapters here as well but you won't find the changes I have made to the story. While it might seem idiotic to keep two versions here, this version was loved by many and they wanted the unchanged version to not be deleted so I left it here. Even with the changes the story remained mostly the same, the core, so I hope you all love it. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

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10. Superheroes.

# Prince Manor #

"Dobby, I will be going to the muggle town for some time, I want you to practice the spells I gave you"

"Dobby will do as master told. Dobby will practice those spells gifted by Master Severus."

I gave him some spells on healing and defense to learn.

Dobby didn't really need to learn spells due to the raw power of their magic but learning these spells introduced him to many types of magic other than just cleaning and clothes transfiguration.

I left the manor and started to explore the nearby town.

Before exploring the town, I decided to take a haircut first.

I found a hair salon by the end of the street.

I entered the salon and had to wait for my turn.

As I waited for my turn, I saw people leaving with a rainbow on their heads.


"How would you like me to cut your hair?" The barber asked me.

I had long hair, and I wasn't ready to see myself with short hair so I decided to get them cut in half.

"Cut off half of the length and adjust the sides"

I looked at myself in the mirror as the barber continued to cut my hair.

After 30 minutes, the haircut was quite good, to be honest.

I still had the length I was comfortable with, and it didn't look disoriented.

"There you go, it looks good on you, be sure to visit again." The barber said with a laugh.

I paid a bit extra at the counter since I liked the cut, I looked sharp and my hair didn't cover my eyes now though they were longer than normal length.

"Please visit again."

The lady at the counter shouts as I left the salon.

The next thing I did was visit the nearby mall.

I found some clothes that were sold at ridiculous prices.

I did want to spend money leisurely but these clothes weren't worth the price I pay.

I strolled around and found both good clothes and the price wasn't that high.

I bought a lot of t-shirts, shirts, trousers, hoodies, and jeans, most of them were in black, grey and white.

I sure did buy a lot of clothes; people were looking at me as I stacked up quite a pile of clothes.

I moved to the shoe section, they had quite a collection.

I bought some classic shoes and a pair of shoes helpful for exercising and workouts.

"It is 7,000 pounds, sir"

The guy at the counter made the bill for all the items I bought.

I paid for the items and moved to the kid's section.

This is where I can find clothes that would fit Dobby.

After buying some clothes for him I left the mall.

Once I was in the clear from public eyes, I dropped all the items I bought into my shadows.

As I was walking around the town, I saw a piece of news flashing on the TVs that were put up for the sales through the windows.

I stood in front of the store and watched the news that was flashing.

"The Famous genius billionaire, Tony Stark reveals his secret identity as the IRONMAN."

"For the past 2 years, people have been spectating who was the man behind the iron armor that protected the Stark industries during the attack that left one of the Stark industries in shambles."

"At first, the official report was that it was a bodyguard of Mr. Stark for a long time, and Mr. Stark's support for recently formed Avengers, caused rumors that the man behind the armor was in fact, Mr. Stark. To this day there was no official confirmation of these rumors, but today at the press meet, Mr. Stark revealed that it was him who was piloting the iron armor and saving people around the world."

The reporter goes on about the life of this billionaire.

Intrigued by this news, I stood there in front of the store so that I could fully watch the report.

"Here is a short video, that caught Mr. Stark in action."

The reporter then played a video of a fight between a man in iron armor and a giant green dragon.

I saw some kind of armor flying, shooting, and blasting things up.

'Muggles sure have come a long way'

I found the armor fascinating.

As Mr. Evan insisted, science is interesting.

Wanting to know more about these superheroes, I searched for an internet café.

I found an internet café on the end of the street and rented a cabin for a certain amount of time.

I searched about the guy on the news, Tony stark.

It seems he is a genius engineer and owns a multi-billion-dollar company.

He started supporting this group by the name Avengers ever since they emerged.

But recently he revealed that it was in fact him, who was piloting the armor and was a member of Avenger.

The more I searched for him, the more I found science to be as interesting as magic.

I searched the internet about these superheroes and mutants.

Most reports were about attacks by the mutants, only a few said anything about attacks on mutants.

Many old attacks from mutants were being shown on the news.

The group led by a man named Magneto was the main focus of all these stories, and hate was spread around the whole web.

AS I read through the different reports, I saw some reports mentioning a group of mutants that opposed Magneto and his group, but they too weren't seen in good light.

I then searched about two superhero groups, Avengers and Fantastic Four.

I was shocked by how widely famous and accepted these superheroes were by the populace of the USA.

They were even not newly merging superheroes, they existed for some time.

I looked through the members of Avengers, the group consisted of a soldier from the past.

A guy who claimed to be God, a billionaire with high-tech armor.

A guy with a bow

A man who grows larger.

A woman who can become tiny and had wings.

A man who called himself Wonder man, that would be the last I would ever call myself.

A girl who called herself a witch and a boy who can run very fast.

I thought that people with powers were mutants, but it seems I was wrong.

There was no explanation of how these people got their power.

But from reports, I knew that Quicksilver and Scarlet witch were mutants since they worked for Magneto before.

I knew bits about these superheroes individually from Mr. Evans, but I never truly took any interest in them before.

I was taken aback by the number of superhero activities in the USA, mostly in New York, it was attacked almost every week by some kind of lunatics.

There were reports about fights between superheroes and villains.

Then I searched about Fantastic four, a team older than Avengers.

They had no secret identities, unlike some other superheroes, according to a report, they acquired their powers after being exposed to some radiation in a space mission.

I was intrigued by Mr. Fantastic and Invisible women due to their scientific involvement.

I was impressed by Mr. Fantastic or Reed Richards's feats in multiple fields of science.

I downloaded a few documents of some papers published by Reed Richards.

I was having a headache just by reading the whole superhero thing.

Even my mother talked about these superheroes a few times.

'With the tech these heroes have, they must at least have an idea about the Wizarding world.'

I decided to think about these superheroes later.

I searched for books related to genes, engineering, biochemistry, etc.

I made a list of all the books and got a print of them.

I got prints of the documents that I downloaded and left the internet café.

Sure, it would take me a lot of time but I wanted to study these genes inside me that gave me powers.

After paying for the cabin, I left to buy these books.

Finally, I completed my work today.

I found a dark corner and apparated back to my manor.

I went back to my room and summoned all the clothes and shoes.


Dobby appeared in my room.

I handed him the clothes I bought for him.

"Is this for Dobby?"

Dobby asked with tears running down his cheeks.

I nodded, and he flung himself at me and hugged me.

I just awkwardly patted his back and pushed him away after some time.

"Do you like them?"

I bought him a white shirt along with navy blue trousers and a blue vest.

"Dobby likes them, they are my precious" Dobby said with tears brimming in his eyes.

when Dobby said this, I remembered Elf from the Lord of the rings books which Lily read after I told her about the magic and she forced me to read along with her, giving me chills.

"Don't call them my precious, Dobby. Here I placed the Prince symbol on the vest. From now, you are the House-elf of the prince family"

I created the crest on the vest.

"Master is the kindest! Master gives Dobby clothes, Master gives Dobby a room, Dobby will always serve Master."

Dobby started praising me, it felt good for a few seconds but it was getting boring and irritating.

"Stop praising me, Dobby. Tell me did you practice the spell that I gave you." I enquired him.

"Yes, Master. Dobby can cast the healing spell. Dobby learned the whole day."

"Excellent, Now go and prepare dinner for us"

After ordering him, I went to my potion lab.

I was trying to improve the Mopsus potion.

It is assumed to give the consumer of the potion seer-like abilities and the power to move objects telekinetically, but it was never reported to work efficiently or have lasting effects.

I doubted it would give someone the power of seer since being a seer was genetics but I was sure it would give me telekinetic powers for a while.

I knew this since there has evidence that it gave the telekinetic ability to people but the power only last for an hour or less.

I am trying to improve it so that the effects of potions last longer than it was reported.

I improved the process so that I would be able to hold the powers for at least 10 hours.

There is no need for telekinetic powers when I have magic but using a spell or wandless magic is different from moving the objects by just a mere thought.

I can also move the object by mere thought using magic but that would take time, it would be different from telekinesis.

I looked at the potion I concocted, it smelled bad.

I wanted to puke but I need to drink it.

I poured the potion into a small flask and drank it in flash.

As I emptied the flask, I was hit by intense pain in my head.

I caught my head with my hands and screamed in pain.

I felt my vision blur, my arms sweat, my blood boiling, and felt as if my head was being split apart.

I tried to place my hand on the table for support but to no avail, I wasn't able to catch the table, I fell to the ground screaming in pain.

'This wasn't supposed to happen. Sure the potion was concentrated and borderline alchemy was used, but this wasn't the planned outcome'

I felt the intense headache continue breaking my consciousness apart.

I passed out after a few seconds of hellish pain.

When I woke up in my bed, I saw Dobby standing beside me and understood he must have apparated me to my room.

"How long have I been out?" I questioned him.

"Two hours, sir. Dobby found Master lying on the floor of the lab after Dobby heard Master scream in pain."

I put my hands towards a towel and willed it to move towards me.

The towel instantly moved from Dobby's hands and fell into my hands.

'Excellent.' I couldn't contain my smile at the results since only a few wizards can brew a perfect Mopsus potion.

It will take at least 9 hours left until the effects of the potion wear off.

"Is master alright?! Does Dobby need to get a healer?!" Dobby asked worriedly.

"No, Dobby. I am alright. Have you cooked the dinner?"

"Yes, sir. Dinner is ready"

I made my way towards the dining hall while I thought about other potions that I will be brewing.

While having dinner, I moved objects around using my new temporary telekinetic powers that were granted due to the potion.

I was able to lift and move objects half of my size and double the weight but I wasn't able to move all objects.

It seems, unlike magic, this power doesn't levitate the objects the same way a spell does when it is cast instead it depends on the person who is performing the telekinesis.

It was as if my genes were altered to give me this power, just like my other powers.

There was not much difference between magic and this telekinesis, telekinesis just made it easier to perform than magic.

After performing some more experiments, I went back to sleep.

I woke the next morning expecting the telekinetic powers to be gone by now but to my surprise the power wasn't gone yet, I shrugged it off and freshened up.

I started doing the exercises I did the other day.

I noted that I was able to do better than yesterday, it must be related to my third power.

I didn't make a small amount of progress to just shrug it off.

I progressed more than just what is considered normal.

Another one of my powers awakened this day, along with my last power that produces some sort of magical power inside my body, I got magical eyes that allow me to see the magical flow and pathways.

I used this newfound eye power to observe myself and Dobby to note the magical flow patterns.

From my observation, I concluded that Elves attract more magic present than humans, and their magical pathways are more open and less constrained than humans.

It seems that both Elves and Wizards are just gateways with controls through which the magic flows.

Both Dobby and I didn't store any internal magic, but I could see a magical colored pattern being left inside my body after each spell is cast.

This disappeared after the spell's purpose is over but I wasn't able to note how long these patterns last inside me.

Each pattern was different for each spell.

Deciding to research more about this power later, I went on with the day.

I started reading the books I bought from the muggle store, and evening arrived again.

I still had the telekinetic powers.

I thought the effect might have worn off by now but I decided to wait till the next day but it didn't happen.

I still had the telekinetic powers.

"Dobby, bring me these ingredients from the Diagon alley"

I gave him the list and sent him to bring those ingredients to potions.

Two days have passed since I got telekinetic powers due to the potion, I was sure its effects must wear off by now.

Then, it hit me, this must be due to my third and fourth power.

I had the feeling it must have something to do with my Mana and physical mutant power.

The combined effect of these powers must have taken the effect of the potion and made it permanent, altering my genes to genes to give me telekinetic powers.

Then does it mean will the poisonous potions have devastating effects on me? I must check them out.

NO!, I should be reckless in experimenting with my body.

Mopsus potion thought me a painful lesson, I have to be careful.

"Dobby has brought the ingredients"

Dobby gave me the ingredients.

I spent the rest of the holidays learning about my powers and muggle subjects.

I drank poisonous potions, while I still had the antidote nearby.

It seems the body was building an immunity to the poisonous potions after I drank the antidote that I took but I didn't check truly dangerous potions as it would be a risk.

Without the antidote, my body had a higher defense mechanism but it didn't have that effect against the poisons and it made my blood poisonous.

This newfound power was a blessing and curse.

Due to the nature of this power, let's call it Fuse, I have to be careful what potions I consume.

Since Fuse assimilated the properties of the potions into my body permanently, I took the memory potion, strong Exstimulo potion, strength potion, and Invigoration potion separately which increased my already near-perfect memory to perfect memory(Ever since I was a kid, I had sharper memory than other kids which help me in remembering most potion ingredients and their properties like thousand herbs and fungi.), magical power behind the spell, physical strength, and my stamina.

At first, it seems as if the bar on properties acquired from the potions was constant, but as the days go by, I could feel a fraction of an increase in my powers.

My strength didn't reflect my body, as I had strength stronger than humans yet my body appeared to be more muscular than the lanky figure. ( He is at an Olympian athlete level)

My mana was increasing each day but it was just by a fraction and it was very slow.

I found out that the resurrected dog was able to stay as a shadow due to my mana, the dog constantly drew mana from me as long as it is out of my shadow realm.

My mana drainage depended on the amount of time my shadow was out of my shadow realm.

I was able to infuse more mana than it normally requires into my shadow dog, which increased its agility and strength but I ran out of mana after a certain amount of time.

I was well-shaped now due to my power and my daily routine of 10 km run, 100 push-ups, and 100 pullups along with other exercises.

I received the reply from both Tor and Mr. Flamel.

Tor's Letter

"Mr. Prince

I have done my work as you requested. I sent a copy of your book to the ministry. It was approved by the ministry, and soon after it was sent for verification.

I sent this book to Flourish & Blotts publishers to get it published, they have accepted to publish this. I will inform you once the book starts getting sold. Ministry has already tried to get your name but I haven't revealed anything as you suggested.

I hope this book was worth working on.

- Tor"

I chuckled as I read the last part, it seems Tor still has doubts about the book's sales, well he is a goblin he likes money so he doesn't want to lose it if the book fails.

It won't happen since I have confidence in my work.

I opened the letter from Mr. Flamel.

"Mr. Half-blood prince

I haven't read any new innovative papers in the last centuries, I have gone through all your papers, and consider me impressed. You have rewritten a few potions brewing processes, which helps in the brewing process as well as giving out a perfect potion.

Though I believe your skill in transfiguration is remarkable it will need work and I congratulate you on studying basic chemistry as well, many wizards and witches nowadays have forgotten the use of basic chemistry.

I like your idea of using alchemy to create useful resources other than just focusing on turning metals into gold. I have attached a few documents of my research for your help. I hope you send me other letters to discuss more.

-Nicolas Flamel"

I was happy about getting research documents from the world's best alchemist himself.

My holidays came to an end, I have to return to Hogwarts now.

I looked at myself in the mirror, the lanky figure and hooked nose were gone, in its place, I had a good body frame and a normal nose.

During the span of the Christmas Holidays, I made five shadows, one was of the dog that I resurrected at the Graveyard, the second was another dog, the third was a Fox that I found in the forest nearby, fourth is a rat and the last one is an eagle.

These shadows don't need food or sleep.

Maintaining the shadows after they are summoned for a long time starts to put a strain on my mana.

Each shadow drained a different amount of mana and my usual magic wasn't useful to supply my shadows with the magical energy they needed. My shadows were linked to my mana.

"Dobby, you can apparate into the Hogwarts, can't you?"

"Dobby can get into Hogwarts."

"So listen to me carefully, I will send you summons through letters, you visit me in the castle. I will give you some work to attend."

Dobby was changing a bit by bit but if I stayed in the castle, I would ruin my project Dobby as He would revert to his former behavior since I would not be at the mansion.

"Dobby will do as master say."

Dobby was now wearing the dress I presented him.

In the rest of the days left before I have to return to Hogwarts, I prepared plans that I need to execute.

I planned out every step of my plan, just like I brewed a potion.

I knew it would be successful despite all the odds that I might encounter since those encounters would also be part of my plan.

I brewed out 40 different plans with all the odds that I might encounter, yet there was a 23% chance of all these plans not working, and a 33% chance that I might encounter a new oddity in my plan.

The whole purpose of my returning to Hogwarts is to get myself followers and get the payback for the unpaid debt that Marauders owed me.

Just wait for belated Christmas presents Marauders, I will make sure you remember this year for the rest of your life.

[Sixteen-year-old Severus image]