
What? I Was Reborn As A Dragon At The Time Of Spiritual Awakening!

Di Tian was a guy with a little sadder than normal life, of course that was only until he was struck by lightning and died in a rainy day. Even though his life was supposed to have ended right then and there, the fate had something else stored for him. He was reborn in another world that too as Dragon Egg. Just when he was thinking that he will be able to live with a peace of mind and sleep without a single care in the world, he was mercilessly brought back to reality. The world he was reborn into wasn't like his old world, even though both share some similarities, they are two different worlds. The most troublesome difference being the fact that this world was about to awaken its sentience, in another world the spiritual energy of the Heaven and Earth was about to be awakened. And of course, that wasn't Di Tian's only concern. Di Tian first had to worry about safely hatching, after which he had to become strong in this new world so that his life won't be at somebody else's mercy. He also had to find out how did the egg of a dragon which could be considered as a creature of myths appeared in this world, in this journey of getting strong and finding his origin he will have many fateful encounters as well, but the question is... Will his journey end after finding out where he came from, will his path end after he finds about his origin? Let's find out what happens. --- The world setting although similar to the real world, still has a quite a few changes, so plz don't use your extraordinary yet ordinary brains and tell me geography, I'm already having at it anyways. And this is Xianxia novel, wow I don't need to waste hours thinking about all those flashy, magic with no logic abilities, seriously I'm still regretting writing my first novel on magic with no logic, I'm already out of ideas. I'm a human so I will definitely make mistakes, so if you find any spelling mistakes or anything you are free to point it out, don't worry you won't lose your valuable money for doing this. Lastly any update regarding upload dates or anything will be known on the discord server including the reference images, and if you have any suggestions then feel free to talk about them on the [#suggestions] like previously you won't lose money to perform this action either. discord: https://discord.gg/kw7JDBuwa8

Dark_Sovereign_28 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 23: The Enigmatic White Snake

As Di Tian continued to soar through the sky, his serpentine body gliding effortlessly, his keen eyes once again caught a glimmer of movement among the trees below.

"What was That?" Curiosity getting the better of him, he descended gracefully, eager to explore the source of the enchanting sight.

As he approached the patch of trees, his eyes widened in awe, and his heart skipped a beat at the breathtaking sight before him. There, nestled among the dappled shadows, lay a stunning white snake with mesmerizing blue eyes, its scales reflecting the sunlight like glistening diamonds. The creature's ethereal beauty took Di Tian's breath away, and he couldn't help but be captivated by its presence.

The white snake seemed to be injured, struggling to recover from some unseen ailment. Concern welled up inside Di Tian, and his sense of compassion took over. Without a second thought, he approached the creature gently, mindful of not startling it further.

"Hello," he spoke softly, projecting a sense of calm and friendliness. "I mean you no harm. I saw you were in distress and wanted to see if I could help."

The white snake regarded him with a mix of curiosity and caution, its blue eyes studying him intently. It seemed to recognize that Di Tian's intentions were genuine, but the fear of the unknown still lingered.

"Please, don't be afraid," Di Tian continued, taking a step back to give the creature more space. "I am not here to harm you."

As he spoke, he noticed the tension in the white snake's body slowly ease. It seemed to understand his words on some level, if not the language itself, and recognized that he posed no immediate threat.

Di Tian was taken aback by the intelligence displayed by the creature but didn't dwell on it for long, focusing instead on its injuries.

"Can I help you with your injuries?" Di Tian asked gently, gesturing to the snake's wounded form. "I have several recovery pills. If I give them to this snake, they should have some healing effects." Di Tian wondered.

The white snake regarded him for a moment longer before lowering its head, almost as if in acceptance of his offer. Di Tian took this as a sign of trust and, with great care, reached out to examine the snake's injuries.

As his clawed hand made contact with the snake's scales, he could feel a subtle energy emanating from its body. It was unlike anything he had encountered before.

"Let's take out those healing pills," Di Tian began to reach for the pills in his INVENTORY when the voice of <Wise One> interjected in his mind.

[I would suggest the host to save those pills,] <Wise One> advised.

"What do you mean? Do you think it's a waste to give it those pills so its life can be saved?" Di Tian felt a hint of anger at the seemingly cold suggestion from <Wise One>.

[You are mistaken, host,] <Wise One> clarified. [This little snake isn't just suffering from physical injuries. Its soul has somehow suffered a devastating blow.]

[As I see it, it should be born with an incomplete soul, and its soul essence is nearly empty. Even if you save it using the healing pill, it will only address the physical injuries, not heal the soul of the creature.]

[With its current soul condition, I doubt it will live past today.]

Di Tian was taken aback by this revelation. "What?! How is that possible? Didn't you tell me there is no spiritual energy in this world currently? How can something like an incomplete soul exist?"

[You are mistaken about something here,] <Wise One> explained. [Even though the world doesn't have spiritual energy currently, it doesn't mean that the creatures of the world will be freed from diseases. Having an incomplete soul is a condition, just like any other mental disease you know.]

"There has to be some way to save her, right?" Di Tian asked as he looked at the injured white snake, feeling a deep sense of pity for the creature.

[As things stand now, there is no way of saving this creature,] <Wise One> responded. [You could heal its soul injury with one of the pills you previously saw in the system shop, but collecting the huge number of points needed for purchasing it in this short period of time is impossible.]

"That means I can't do anything for this little guy" Di Tian's heart sank as he realized his powerlessness to save the little white snake. Despite his initial curiosity about the creature, he had grown attached to it, sensing something unique and special within it. The white snake's shining blue eyes held a depth of emotion that seemed almost human, evoking a sense of connection and understanding.

Though the creature was of a different species, Di Tian couldn't help but feel a kinship with it, as if they shared a mutual understanding beyond mere words. The purity and innocence reflected in its eyes reminded him of a newborn baby, untainted by the complexities and hardships of the world.

Feeling a mix of sadness and frustration at his powerlessness, Di Tian was about to give up hope for the injured snake's well-being when suddenly, a new notification from the system interrupted his thoughts.

<Ding! A new quest has been issued>

[Quest Name: The White Snake's Salvation]

[Quest Description: The white snake you encountered is no ordinary creature; she is a spiritual being in dire need of help. Her injuries are severe, and only a rare magical herb, untouched for over 10,000 years, possesses the unique properties to heal her wounds. This herb lies hidden within one of the ancient cave havens deep within the forest. Your quest is to find this precious herb and bring it to the white snake, saving her from her plight.]

[Difficulty Ranking: S]

[Quest Objective: Find the ancient magical herb that has been growing for 10,000 years in the cave haven and use its healing properties to save the white snake.]

[Quest Rewards: White Snake's Intimacy, +50,000 Spirit Coins, +5000 Enhancement Points, and a GOLD Treasure Chest.]

[Note: The white snake's injuries are beyond ordinary means of healing. The magical herb is her only hope for recovery. Completing this quest will not only grant you valuable rewards but also deepen the bond between you and the white snake.]


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