


"Honey come on let's go or we'll be late for our flight". My mom shouted at time from downstairs, man her voice is so loud .

"I'm coming mom". I yell at her as I applied my powder satisfied with my look in the mirror, I'm dress in a baggy black trouser and a white crop top giving it a little touch up with my white snickers. I roll my three boxes, Yeah three boxes because I took my time in packing everything I was going to need at college, my clothes, few bags, shoes and I love reading so I pack my novels and some important things.

I dragged my boxes, heading to the car, my dad driver drove us to the airport.

I don't have any friend so there is nobody to tell a good bye holding hands crying, I only watch those stuff in movies, but I would like to experience having a sweet best friend doing sleepover, shopping together and so many interesting things I do watch in movies, the only people I have access to were my mom, dad and David.

My parents are dropping me off at the airport, i didn't want to but my mom keeps insisting, mama is kinda of stubborn and will never rest till her will is done.

We live in Nigeria and I'm going to study in the UK, my mom knows she won't see me for some time so she wanted to say her good bye to me and at the same time see me off.

I said my good bye to my mom and dad at the airport, mom was crying I know it would not be easy for her seeing her only child going to somewhere far from home to study but dude I got to go, this is my only opportunity of doing things on my own and living in a surrounding filled with my age group who would understand me.

"We believe in you Ada remember what you are going there to do you've always made I and your mother proud now is when you should make us more proud of you my dear". Dad said patting my shoulder.

"We will miss you, your father as speak on behalf of both of us we won't be there to guide or protect you and I think you are old enough to take care of yourself don't forget to call me when you get to school" my mom spread her hands wide open I gave her hug.

Damm did my mom just said "old enough to take care of yourself", my mom as always saw me as that little girl she almost lost her life in exchange to bring to this world.

"Bye mom love you and dad too, I think it time for me to start leaving".

I said my good bye to my parents again, well most girls of my age would have cried out their eyes , but trust me I tried my best forcing myself to cry.

I was singing Wade by The Spirituals, I love that part of the lyrics that says "Let my people go oh", finally freedom I feel like screaming right now but it would be stupid of me to do so cause people in the plane would think am insane.

I wasn't denied the freedom of going out at home, but I couldn't choose or speak for myself it always my mom and dad, but that in the past now .

I got to my university, just by looking at the building I feel happy, I let out a small smile, I dragged my bag heading for my hostel" Block A , Room 215", I read from my form, I stood at the door practicing the smile I was going to give who ever opened the door just to be friendly, like people always say first impression matters.

I knocked and the someone opened the door, what I saw isn't my eyes expectations at all.

Someone opens the door and loud music is blaring, i see a black skinny girl dressed in baggy clothes and tattoos all over her neck.

"Hey" she says her mouth was smelling of alcohol and I almost choked. Is she drinking at this time of the day?.

"Uhmm hi..I'm Amanda Ezekiel your room mate", I said sticking out my hand for a Hand shake, she stared at me from some seconds, left my hands hanging on the air and went back to what she was doing leaving the door wide open for me.

I entered the room dropped my belongings on an empty bed which I guess is mine.

"Can you please reduce the volume of the music", I said through the loud music almost shouting.

"What you name" she asked stopping the music completely.

"My name is Amanda" I say….

"Okay I'm Destiny" .

I looked around the room, the room was okay but my room back at home was way more better. I decided to unpack and arrange my bed side.

"You are a rich kid right" Destiny ask sitting on her bed facing me.

"Uhh….I don't understand what did you mean".

"All these designers clothes, bags and shoes are expensive, You love Justin Bieber", she asked pointing at the sticker I was holding.

"I do"

" Most girls does, you want a tour of the school"

"Yeah", I don't mind", I replied wearing my slippers.

Destiny as showed me so many places, the library, the school event hall.

"This is the basketball court" Destiny says .

I saw some players throwing balls in the net, Destiny introduce me to one of the players whose name was Jace.

"Thanks for the tour Destiny", I thank her as well work back into our hotel.

David flashes on my screen, "Hey Dave".

"Sup, did you like your school".

"Yeah, I do".

"That nice, have you made any friends yet".

This guy as no patient, David finished School last Two years ago.

"Yes, I guess so", I inhaled deeply sitting on my bed, if you were on my shoes would you call a girl you just meet fifty minutes ago friend?.

"Let speak later I have something very important to attend to just called to check on how you were settling, typical David that always his language "Let speak later I have something very important to attend to or do, I'm I not important, let me answer that, " no to him, am not".

" Lover girl, I guess you were on phone with your boyfriend".

"Yes, but my fiance", I corrected.

"What, you?..she was utterly shocked."But why did you get engaged so early in life, what the rush marriage isn't something you rush into, you still have many things to enjoy".

"Well my family and David family are actually family friends, And David as been my childhood friend, he loves me and I love him so why not get engaged", I said but she just stared at me .

"You rich folks kinda of have your life figured out and you parents take your life very seriously".

"Yeah, they do and after college I will take over dad company and marry Dave"

"Yep, I watch that in movies a lot , rich kids married to each other and expand their empire but in your case company".

"It seems you don't like the rich".

"Naa, don't get me wrong, I'm nobody so why should I hate somebody, wow nice ring I don't mean to be rude or harsh but wearing your engagement ring is gonna be awkward,".

"You are correct again I Don't need this to remind me am engaged, you are right De"

"You've given me a nickname so fast", she asked turning on her music" I should help you in unpacking".

" thank you", I was tired so turning down this offer is gonna be a stupid idea, we unpack together, talking and laughing like childhood friend.