

--- Chapter 5 ---

Edited this chapter because it was really confusing at first so for those who have already read it you should read it again.



The rain had conveniently stopped right after Ren had spoken the words 'I promise' making him look up at the sky.

The clouds had already parted, revealing the sun after the rain.

Ren gazed up for a while more before looking downwards.

He then sat there in silence before, thinking on how he can get all of them home without waking them up.

Ren then accessed his status and added 5 points into strength before picking both Masamune and Aki up.



[Name: Ren Hayase]


[Strength: 10] - [Average Teenager's strength]

[Agility: 5] - [Child's agility]

[Endurance: 5] - [Child's endurance]

[Intelligence: 10] - [Average Teenager's intelligence]

[Charm: 10] - [World's best looking child]

[Points: 0]

[Note: Maximum for a child is 10. Maximum will increase when Host reaches the age of 13.]

[Skills: None]

Ren looked at his stats before nodding.

'So this is how it feels like to have a teenager's strength. Though, my body still looks the same. That's good...'

Ren started thinking and then sighed.

'Ah, now I have to get home somehow...'

He picked up the umbrella and hung it on his shirt before picking Masamune and Aki up.

'I have to walk right then left. Is it?'

Ren started thinking for a while before shrugging it off.

He then walked right and then left before stopping when he found himself in a completely different place.


'Wait...am I lost?'

(A/N: Zoro?!)

Ren started panicking a little before calming down.

'If that doesn't work then I'll just walk straight...'

Ren stared ahead with determination before running forwards.


Unfortunately, he did not realise that a green haired man was scratching his head not too far away from him.


(A/N: ..?)


A few moments later...

(A/N: Spongebob?!)

Ren had continued walking straight for a while and decided to give up.

'My sense of direction is absolutely trash...'

Ren sighed and then sat down before laying both Masamune and Aki on the floor.

Ren was then about to rest for a while before freezing.

He turned his head around and saw a figure approaching them from the distance.

'...A ghost?'

He then froze and sat still. Ren then stared at the figure before feeling like he had seen it before.

'...Where have I seen it before?'

Ren's eyes slowly widened as he saw the appearance of the figure.

'A boy?'

The figure possessed pale skin and silver hair while his eyes and face were covered by a traditional japanese yokai mask.

(A/N: Search up Gin from Hotarubi No Mori e.)

Ren looked at the boy with confusion as he walked near them.

Ren narrowed his eyes a little before asking the figure a question.

"...Who are you?..."

The figure paused his steps and spoke after a few moments of silence.

"I'm...something that lives in the forest..."

Ren looked at the boy with interest before speaking.

"A spirit?"

The boy nodded softly making Ren speechless.

'Spirits exist here too? What a weird world..'

Ren then went into a daze as he started thinking about what could happen in the future.


The boy then walked near Ren and asked him a question.

"Are you lost?"

Ren snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.


The boy suddenly stood up and walked away.

"Follow me."


(Ren PoV)

I followed after the guy.

I know it's stupid.

Following a random guy that you met but...I feel like I've seen him somewhere...

"We're here."

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my surroundings.

Countless cherry blossom trees surrounded us while they swayed gently.

Their leaves fell slowly and landed on the lake creating ripples as animals of all kind surrounded it.

The wind blew gently, caressing my face as I enjoyed the scenery.


"Beautiful, isn't it?"

I turned my head towards the boy and listened to what he said.

"This is the most beautiful thing inside of the forest..."


I shifted my attention from the boy towards the place he was pointing at.

My eyes slowly widened as I saw something I would never forget.

The sunset beyond the horizon colouring the once blue sky, red.

The most beautiful red I have ever seen...

I could truly say that this was the most captivating scene I have ever watched.

Meanwhile, Masamune was having a difficult challenge inside of his dream.


(Masamune PoV)

I was inside of a house when suddenly someone asked me if I wanted to try the eating challenge.

I obviously accepted. After all, it's free food!

The guy that asked me smiled and I was suddenly transported into some ramen shop called 'Ramen Ichiraku.'

When I entered it I saw a yellow haired boy,that looked like the same age as me, talking to the owner.

I narrowed my eyes at this as my competitive spirit ignited.

'A fellow foodie...this...might be a true challenge.'

I slowly walked towards the bowl of ramen and sat down on my seat before picking my chopsticks up.

The person who escorted me before counted from 3 to 1 and we started.


I grabbed my chopsticks and sucked on the noodle while drinking the soup.

I soon completed the first bowl making me eat the second bowl all the way until the 34th.

I glanced to my side and saw that the yellow haired boy was also next to me, eating his 35th bowl.

I smirked at this.

'Too bad. I'm already on the 36th..'

Right when I was about to grab the 36th bowl, I vanished.


'Why does my face feel cold?'

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Ren sitting down in silence.


I was about call his name but then stopped when I saw the horizon.
