
57. Taming Yandere II

———POV Violet———

"Wait! Where am I? Where is Max?"

I looked around and wasn't able to figure out which part of the park I dragged with the crowd for a moment, But that's not what is important at this moment. What's more important is that when I looked around I could not find Max's figure anywhere.

"It's suddenly become quite lively around here, doesn't it?" - Passerby Girlfriend

"Yeah, they might find out I came out here with my beautiful girlfriend, I better hide you if I don't want you to get stolen." - Passerby Boyfriend

"You stopped it, Hahhah." passerby Girlfriend

"Mom, quick quick, let's go on that ride or we have to wait in the long line." Passerby Child

"Yeah okay okay, we're going there just stop dragging me." Passerby Mother.

Voices of surrounding people fell on my ears and suddenly I realised that I was standing alone in the crowd of unknown people.

I got goosebumps, My body felt cold all over it, My heart started beating super fast, My hands were sweating, I tried to run away but my legs felt so heavy as if they were filled with lead.

I had urge to quickly turn invisible and hide from all this strangers eyes. If not for the fact that only my body will turn invisible not my clothes, I turned invisible long ago but this decision also started to crumble second by second. I instantly looked at the ground and closed my eyes, Trying unfruitful attempt to convince myself that no one is around me.

'NO! No!!! I can't turn invisible now. If these people find out I am a super, then the government has to relocate us again and I will forever lose the chance to be with him again."

Just as my will to resist stopping myself getting weaker and weaker, Max figures emerge in my mind, The crumbling will all of the sudden became as firm as iron. For a moment all fear, anxiety vanished, I felt like I turned into a completely different person.

But as I became confident and raised my head to look at the surroundings, all the confidence suddenly vanished the moment I laid my eyes on the crowd again.

Urge to turn invisible again started to appear in my heart, but fortunately I managed to resist it. I looked down and started walking at random directions like a headless chicken, just hoping to find some secluded part of park where i can calm down.

"Hey look at how ugly that girl is."

"Yeah, She is too ugly, Just look at her dressing sense, She looks like a clown, Hahaha."

"Yeah, Clown and look at her hair, They were covering her whole face, Can she even look through them?"

"Humm might be because her face is too disgusting to show it to others, hahaha."

"Look how weird she looks while running."

The sound of constant ridiculous coming in my direction. People are pointing at me laughing and making fun of me. I covered my ears with both of my hands and I kept running aimlessly. I just wanted to go away from the crowd but no matter which direction I went, I was always getting end-up in a more crowded place.

"No!!! Enough stop talking, I am not weird, I am not ugly, Just leave me alone."

I kept muttering these words but my voice was so low that even I myself was barely able to hear it. I finally lost all my hope, I couldn't bear this constant ridicule. There is no reason left to stop me from using my power to turn invisible.

Just as I was on my last leg and just about to risk lossing everything by using my powers, Just at that moment I saw the figure I was desperately searching for all this time.

I suddenly felt weights on my shoulder relieved, Constant ridicules also abruptly stopped, Before realising my whole body dashed towards that figure as if he is the only osis in this merciless desert.

——— Violet POV Ended ———

Few minutes before...

Max saw Violet getting carried away by the crowd. There was a sly smile on his face and playfulness in his deep dark night black eyes.

"Well, now I just have to wait and watch for the right time to strike."

Max was observing her through his Geass, Then he pulled out the paper note from the system space. If you look at it you will find out that on it is written an email id with beautiful hand writing.

This is the same note that an unknown girl gave to him. The same note he threw away in front of Violet.

"It's good that the system lets me transfer my things in system space as long as it's in the range."

Max was delighted to find this out. When he threw that note the system promoted that if he wanted to put it in inventory and just as he confirmed the note appeared on the system space in instant.

"It's just a pity that this function has limited space. I can't transfer that many things at one time."

Max felt pity about it but he was still happy to get system space. Before he could only store things he got from the system in it but now he doesn't have to worry about storage for the time being. There is also this surprising feature.

Then in swift motion he walked in the direction of Violet.

"That's weird, Why is she having this extreme reaction?"

When he was watching her through the Geass, he saw her reaction.

She kept mumbling to stop talking but Max saw that no one was saying anything.

He just gave them commands to point at her when she walked by. All the other things that she was experiencing were happening in her head.

He didn't expect her to react like this, He at best thought that she would be anxious after all she was though awkward was still pretty normal when touring with him.

Then he realised something and slapped his forehead.

"I again made the mistake of thinking she will act like a normal person. I have to remember that in future."

He quickly made a mental note of this lesson for future targets.

But this mistake can't blamed on him after all she is really too abnormal, Wait..no whole parr family is abnormal.

Think about it, which teenagers kill hundreds of adults while laughing and enjoying the whole thing? Also which parents other than being angry and terrified they cheer them? Their whole family is psychopaths*.

Only Helen might come close to being normal in that house, Which is also a stretch.

"Okay scratch other steps, She is ready."

When Max saw she was about to use her power, Other than being panicked he became happy because this means she was completely desperate and at this time if he reached out a helping hand to bring her out of the pit of despair, then not only he occupied her heart but also her mind too.

He hurried his steps and reached where she was, Then without any delay he came to her line of sight.

(A/N: I know I know it's too late update but I couldn't able write at all, There was no motivation to write like before, Before I felt like I was in mind of characters but lately I couldn't able to do that but fortunately after some days I again motivated to write, So here is update.

Also I am sorry @blake01, @Evil_reader, I wasn't able to reply because I myself don't know when I am gonna reply.

Don't worry like I said before book will not be dropped but update might be late

* We all know those people all dead, Even if they not shown it we know. They are dead.

Like always thanks for reading and have a good day 😄😄😄.)