
What Happens When The L.o.V. Isn't Trying To Harm UA?

Legally_Stupid · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Birth Defects

3rd POV:

As time goes on, it becomes increasingly clearer that Baby Touya is suffering from being born prematurely. Even at a year old, his newborn sister is almost as big as him.

He seems to be slower when it comes to picking up things other children his age have already started. His movements seem to not be as coordinated with his thoughts, and he constantly drops things. Even his crawling seems to be behind others. He can't even try to stand on his own yet. He hasn't begun teething either.

His mother is trying as hard as she possibly can to make sure her husband doesn't find out about this. Instead, she occupies him with the youngest. She's even sworn the nanny to secrecy about these issues.

She's worried his father might stop loving him if he isn't perfect.

Of course, she believes this is a silly thought, but something in her mind is nagging her to keep everything quiet until he catches up with his age group.

Rei POV:

Sitting in the nursery's rocking chair I watch Touya, yet again, fail at crawling on his own. At the sound of his cries I walk to him before sitting on the floor. The second he sees me within his line of sight, he calms down immediately. A small smile spreads on my face when I see the excited expression he makes. Such a mama's boy.

Noticing I'm a little far away from him, he tries to creep across the small distance to curl up in my lap. After making it halfway to me, he falls again. I give him my finger, instantly shushing his cries before they can start.

His blue eyes intensely study it before he chooses to grab onto it, sucking it into his mouth right after. Almost immediately drool starts to run down his face. "Ewwwww. Such a messy baby." I coo, making him giggle. The small noise lifts my mood the second I hear it.

Looking up at the wall I spot the clock. "It's almost time for bed, Angel. Let's go find your sister for dinner." At the mention of Fuyumi he smiles widely. Picking him up gently, I cradle him against my chest before leaving the room.

Padding quietly through the long hallway we eventually make it to the dining room. After going through the door, I see the maid made us food already. Usually I make dinner? Did something happen?

At the thought of an emergency my mind starts to race. A few moments later Enji walks into the room holding our daughter. Seemingly reading my mind, he speaks. "Nothing happened, I just had her make it since you've been so tired with the kids lately."

Once again, a smile makes its way onto my face at the considerate thought.

We gently set the children into their highchairs before seating ourselves. Serving them before us, we make their plates and cut up their food. Immediately, Fuyumi starts to grab her food before stuffing it into her mouth. Like usual, Touya tries to copy his younger sister, but fails at keeping it in his small hands.

While watching him silently, Enji sighs before breaking out of his mind. "Is something wrong with our son?"

I can feel his stare harden when I involuntarily freeze. Clearing my throat, I ask a question back. "What makes you think that?"

"His younger sister is ahead of him. He should already be able to hold onto his food, like her. But he can't, and I want to know why?" By now, his food is forgotten as he settles his chin on his hands. He's looking at Touya with a look I can't quite figure out. He's got love in his eyes, but there's something new there now?

Lowering my eyes to my plate, I pick with the food on it. "He's a little far behind... It's because he's a preemie... It'll just take him a little longer for some things, like grabbing, or walking."

Moments pass in silence. The children aren't even making noise. A long sigh is heard across from me, causing me to look at the source. "As long as he is fine in the end. Please don't keep these things from me anymore. I want to be in the loop with his life."

After agreeing, we both help the kids eat their dinner. Ours long forgotten since we're both in our own heads. Once dinner is finished, we stand to get each baby ready for bed. Like usual, I grab Touya and he takes Fuyumi. While laying my son down in his crib, I can't help but get stuck staring into his eyes.

He has so much potential... but so little chance to show it...

Like the mind reader he is, Touya reaches a worried hand up to me to grab my hair. Once he has a chunk in his hand, he pulls gently with a small babble "You're right. Think happy thoughts. You'll be ok. Even if you're behind for a bit longer. You'll get there in the end."

A large grin slaps itself onto his face as he lets me go. Another babble later, he's practically tucking himself into his crib. "I know, I know. It's past your bedtime!" I lean down to give his forehead a kiss. To my surprise, he makes a kissy noise back at me, for the first time. Overwhelmed with love and joy, I give him another one, and get the same noise back! We go back and forth for a minute before he reminds me it's his bedtime.

Making sure the nightlight and baby monitor are on, I crack the door a bit after going into the hall. Watching to make sure he actually settles down, I see him look over at me before making the noise again. Once he's sure I heard it, he snuggles down and falls asleep.