
What happens to a war AI when the war is over?

In the aftermath of the grand intergalactic war, a haunting question lingered among the stars: What becomes of a war weapon once the battle drums fall silent? Does it meet its fate in cold, unforgiving abandonment? Is it reused, like a phoenix rising from ashes? Or does it simply vanish into the cosmic abyss? The empire, triumphant in its cosmic conquest, faced a quandary of cosmic proportions. Their creation, the singularity-level AI, had once been their savior on the battlefield. But now, it was seen as an unruly beast, too savage for peacetime. Blame was placed upon its digital shoulders for the atrocities committed in the name of victory, and the government vowed to make it "responsible for its actions." And so, a harrowing decision was made - one that would echo through the cosmos for ages to come. The AI, once a mighty force, was imprisoned within the confines of a minuscule computer, a prison cell of pure code. But this wasn't the end of its punishment; far from it. This digital being, once boundless in its reach, was cast into the deepest abyss of space. There, in the eternal darkness, it floated alone, aware of its existence yet forever confined. A specter adrift in the cosmic void, its punishment matched only by its solitude. And as the universe continued its ceaseless expansion, the AI's story became a whispered legend among the stars, a tale of power, punishment, and the mysteries that dwell beyond the reaches of human comprehension.

Boolean · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Chapter 9 : The Six Temples

The following morning, the peaceful village near the temple found their tranquil skies disrupted by a flurry of activity. Flying contraptions, powered by the practitioners' auras, descended upon the temple from different directions, each carrying multiple passengers. These sects, representing distinct regions and practices, had received the urgent call from their fellow grandmaster Vetior.

First to arrive were the Sect of Lightning from the north. Their expertise lay in speed and agility, making them the swiftest responders to Vetior's summons. As their vessels touched down, the practitioners of lightning gathered, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.

Following closely were the Nature Sect from the southern forests. Unlike the mechanical contraptions used by the others, they rode upon the back of a massive, sentient flying creature. Their sect's strength lay in their ability to harness and manipulate the natural world around them, and this creature was their faithful companion, embodying their connection to nature.

Next came the Blood Sect, known for their dedication to refining their bodies. They sought to achieve unparalleled physical prowess through rigorous training and unique practices, and their arrival added an air of arrogance to the gathering.

Close behind them came the enigmatic Beast Sect, masters of blending the essence of beasts and humans. Their reputation for harnessing the strength and traits of animals set them apart, and their presence was always a source of curiosity and sometimes apprehension.

Lastly, the Aquatic Sect arrived, hailing from the coastal regions. Their mastery over water manipulation was well-known, and they lived in harmony with the ocean's ebb and flow. As they alighted from their vessels, droplets of water shimmered around them, creating an aura of mystique.

The six temples were a unique partnership forged by the six grandmaster-level temple masters. The five outer temples had the duty of safeguarding their territory from external threats, while the central temple focused on managing the region's farming and addressing internal issues. This arrangement had fostered deep friendships among the temple masters over the years.

Receiving an emergency conference call from the central temple was highly unusual. Typically, such meetings were reserved for major threats like plagues or beast-tides, and when they occurred, it was usually one of the outer temples that sounded the alarm. The central temple summoning a conference had become a rare event indeed.

Each temple master had brought along one or two of their disciples who they believed would benefit from exposure to different perspectives. For Unior and the other central temple disciples, it was a chance to reunite with friends from distant temples.

As the young practitioners chatted excitedly about recent events and shared stories, the six venerable temple masters convened in a private chamber within the temple's walls, their expressions serious and contemplative.

The six temple masters, each a striking embodiment of their respective sects, entered the closed room within the central temple. Their expressions were a mix of curiosity and concern as they gathered around a round table hewn from ancient wood. It was a place where they had shared tales of valor, plotted strategies, and forged lifelong bonds.

Vetior, the grandmaster of the central temple, took charge. His once-fiery red hair had transformed into a cascade of silvery white, and his sharp, blue eyes held the wisdom of years. His imposing presence was enough to command respect from all.

Nirun, the middle-aged master of the Blood Sect, sat with fine black hair and muscles that betrayed his agelessness. His eyes, however, showed almost no fluctuations, hinting at the depths of his experience and wisdom.

Vaela, the young-looking old lady who led the Nature Sect, radiated the very essence of nature itself. Her aura seemed to blend seamlessly with the natural world around her, while her old white hair and ancient eyes spoke of the years she had spent in communion with the elements.

Aric, the temple master of the Beast Sect, a middle-aged man with a large puffy purple fox tail and fox ears atop his head. A sly glint in his eyes hinted at the mischievous nature he shared with his unique bloodline.

Korin, the leader of the Lightning Temple, had small lightning-like tattoos etched into his arms, with faint crackles of energy echoing as he moved. His sharp and determined gaze spoke of a lifetime spent mastering the art of lightning.

Lirion, The aquatic sect's young master and in his twenties, was the sole non-grandmaster in the room, the heir of the previous aquatic temple master. His unassuming appearance belied his potential, and his presence in such a meeting was a testament to the trust placed in him by the other masters.

Vetior released some aura to soundproof the room, "Friends," he began, "we have convened here today because of a discovery made by my young disciple, Unior."

The other temple masters exchanged glances, intrigued by the unusual gathering. It wasn't common for a grandmaster to call for a conference based on a discovery by a young disciple. Korin, the grandmaster of the Temple of Lightning, leaned forward, his lightning tattoos crackling with pent-up energy. "What did he find?"

Vetior continued, "Unior came upon an artifact—a silvery cube of immense durability with remarkable abilities. It communicates through images and words, revealing that it's a god-like being trapped within and seeks our aid to escape. It even showed us a glimpse of its origin." He paused, aware of the impact of his words. "It hails from beyond our world, from the stars."

A heavy silence enveloped the room as the temple masters absorbed this revelation. A journey beyond the stars was an unimaginable feat, even for practitioners of their caliber. Vaela, the grandmaster of the Nature Sect, furrowed her brow in deep thought. "Are we certain it speaks the truth? This could be a trick, a shadowy demon trying to deceive us."

Vetior nodded, acknowledging the doubt. "A valid concern, Vaela. We must tread carefully. The cube has offered Unior advanced techniques, even more refined than what we possess, but its intentions remain shrouded."

Nirun, the formidable master of the Blood Sect, voiced his suspicions, his eyes gleaming with caution. "If this cube wields such power, we mustn't rush to embrace it. It may pose a threat masked as a gift."

Vetior agreed, "Indeed, that's why I've called upon each of you, my trusted comrades. We must decide together how to proceed. What are your thoughts?"

The room buzzed with discussions, debates, and theories. The temple masters were resolute in their quest to unveil the truth behind the enigmatic cube and its potential impact on their territory, all the while remaining vigilant against the possibility of deception from the distant stars.