
What Does It Mean to Be a Kamen Rider?

A new life in the Tokusatsu world? Yippee! I'd love to be a Kamen Rider, that's for sure. But, problems arise. Can I kill a person? What should I do in the future? Just go around defeating monsters? I don't know. I hope that the teachers from the school can help me find my way to the future. (SI in Kamen Rider Fourze) Thank you, SHeiNNie for the cover photo.

Zimrence · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Is It Too Late to Back Out Now?

Chapter 02: Is It Too Late to Back Out Now?


The first sensation I experienced after transforming into Calibur was sleepiness. Yes, I felt sleepy. It was so comfortable that I might have believed I was lying in a bed if I hadn't known better.

I completed my transformation at home. I clenched my fist. Yes, I felt much stronger than before. And the [Sword Mastery (High)] skill was working perfectly.

[Book Gate]

I opened the first page of the Wonder Book. This book didn't originate from the [System], but rather appeared directly in front of me.

With the assistance of the [Book Gate] Wonder Ride Book, I arrived near where Gentarou and the gang were battling the Pegasus Zodiarts.

I desired a dramatic entrance, so I dragged Kurayami across the ground. The Pegasus Zodiarts... I believe that should be Kijima Natsuji-san, a member of the Rakugo Club.

Ah... what a troublesome fellow he is. Should I just stop him before he becomes a Horoscope? But then, Ryusei won't experience any character growth. No character growth for Meteor means Gentarou won't come back from the death with the power of friendship.

That's the advantage I gained from wielding Kurayami. It presents me with multiple potential futures, and all of them involve the Earth being destroyed. From some of those futures, I noticed something. Gentaro will undoubtedly die if his friendship level with Ryusei isn't high enough.

Well then! I'll allow the guy to become a Horoscope. The Fourze world will be safe to a certain extent. There aren't as many deaths in the series compared to other Kamen Riders.

But... do I truly need to let Gentarou die without taking any action? Just so I can take the easy route? I haven't interacted with him much, but he has been nothing but a kind friend to me.

Why can't I do both? Why can't Ryusei experience character growth and I prevent Gentarou's death? If I'm not strong enough, I can simply train harder like a typical Shonen protagonist.

With renewed determination, I stride toward Kijima-san. And it appears he noticed my impressive entrance.


"Who are you?" The Pegasus Zodiarts demanded to know my name.

"A Dragon?" Gentaro tilted his head in confusion.

"I am Kamen Rider Calibur," I replied. But hold on... I believe I won't be using this sword form forever, so, "At least I'm going with that for now," I added.

"A Kamen Rider?" Ryuusei's voice came from behind me.

"I heard you enjoy fighting against martial artists. How about fighting against me?" Inhale, exhale. Taking a stance with Kurayami in my hand, I taunt the Zodiarts.

"I don't know who you are, but... you shouldn't interfere!" I blocked a right kick aimed directly at my head by simply raising Kurayami.

Even though this is my first time engaging in combat, strangely, my mind remains calm. I can easily anticipate the rapid kicks coming toward me, which I block without shifting from my position.

"Weak," I muttered unconsciously. Does transforming into a Kamen Rider truly grant me this strength? I suppose this is the answer I have to discover for myself. After blocking the incoming punch with Kurayami, I delivered a kick to his stomach. And oh my, he was sent flying like a rocket.

"Don't mock me!" Kijima-san scooped up a handful of sand from the ground and rose to his feet in anger.

"I'm not mocking you, Pegasus Zodiarts." I genuinely didn't mock him. Even I was surprised by how effortlessly I could kick him.

"You rascal!" The Pegasus Zodiarts charged at me furiously. Well, Kijima-san, your mask is gradually slipping away.

Once again, another characteristic kick from Haruka-sensei. Blocking the incoming kick from the Zodiarts, I impaled my opponent with Kurayami. This has dragged on long enough.

But why in the world did it produce sparks?! I stabbed him, shouldn't Kurayami be inside his body? Somehow, it generated sparks when I stabbed him... Well, at least he'll experience pain whenever he touches the left side of his body for at least a week or two.


Just as I was about to launch another attack, pink feathers blocked my vision. My sense of danger flared up, so I raised Kurayami to block whatever was coming toward me. An energy ball? Nice... I mean, such a weak attack won't get past Kurayami.

The next thing I knew, the Pegasus Zodiarts, along with the crossdresser Virgo, disappeared. Not wanting to encounter the KRC members yet, I used [Book Gate] to return home.


I think because I'm back in my safe place or the rush of adrenaline that had kept me going is now gone, leaving me completely exhausted. My legs give out, and I collapse on the ground.

Why did I do that?! I tried to stab a person with a sword! Enemy or not, that stab could kill a person. The only reason I didn't become a murderer was because of the Tokusatsu logic. Why else would a very powerful Seiken fail to stab a horse?

I... should tone down my excitement, or else I might become a real murderer. Killing a person to save the world, no... save the city. I believe... that is still too early for me.

I might be able to do it if the other party is of another species. Although I might not go as far as Man Nii-san, I believe it would be better for me if I get to face a villain who truly wishes to destroy the planet. Heh, that made me sound like a racist.

I must shed my naivety someday in the future. I have to take the life of another monster or even a Rider. But... not now. All the monsters here are just high school students who got high on powers they cannot control. So, I have to refrain from accidentally killing them.

I am still a new Rider, and I am not fit to protect the planet Earth yet. But... I can at least protect the town where my classmates and I are living. No, I will protect it.

"Now, that is the face of a true Kamen Rider," a sudden voice sounded from the man sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"YOU!" My eyes widened in horror the moment I set my eyes on the man.

"I saw your first fight," the man leaned back into the sofa. "And you breaking down from that stunt you pulled on the poor guy," he added.

I can't believe he's here! WHY?!

"You get the gist of who I am, don't you?"

"Kadoya Tsukasa," I swallowed my saliva. "May I ask why you are here?"

"Hmm... Your form looks like you are with the guy I had to crash with a jeep to get a Ride Watch from. Is this guy perhaps from that era?" he muttered.

"Anyway, I am here because of a request," he gracefully stood up from the seat. With a wave of his hand, a gray wall appeared in front of my face.

So, he had been watching my fight with Pegasus with the [Aurora Curtain], I see. But why is he creating it now?

My eyes went wider than the time I first saw Kadoya-san. On the other side of the [Aurora Curtain], a black and gold watch-themed Kamen Rider sat on a throne.

"Greetings, young Kamen Rider," his majestic voice sounded from the other side of the curtain.

It hasn't been 24 hours since I arrived in this world, yet I am meeting face to face with possibly the strongest Kamen Rider. Is it too late to back out now?


Author's Note:

Kousuke has a dilemma about letting his friend die or not. Don't worry, just some SI stuff.

And another topic kicks our MC in the head. Can he kill a person? That's what I'm writing about in Fourze. Can Kousuke truly kill his enemy to keep the world... no, his city at peace?

Both Kadoya Tsukasa and the old demon make their appearances early! Can our MC survive the third chapter? Let's find out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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