

Deniz's friend Pınar is not depressed anymore. She doesn't want to make love either. After a while, this affects me too.

I'm starting to spend more time with Pınar now.

They read newspapers with Deniz while eating and watch TV at night.

When she first starts taking medication, she sees in the drug commercial a picture of a bright white summer house with blue skies streaming in through all the windows and seagulls flying around the fireplace.

That's why Pınar imagines the end of depression like this

Almost never feels the end of depression, like a bright and beautiful home with no dark tunnels

Pınar feels a vague calmness that allows her to move her limbs with a certain ease, to sleep, to eat, and to seemingly behave the way other people spend their days.


This is the house that has stood right across the street all this time, with its sloping green roof, green veranda, windows decorated with carvings, garden, and purple flowered vines covering everything.

Suddenlynotices the sign

We didn't even know there was such a house here

It will probably disappear overnight and very ugly apartment buildings will be erected

After all, urban transformation

It spread all over Turkey

Pınar stops and looks at him

in that past...

He knows his eyes are filled with tears at this situation.

He thinks that Deep Darkness has opened up inside his chest but instead it's just the Original, which is a sad thing, and the two of them walk away from the house...

They buy their coffee and read the newspapers while eating and drinking. On the way home, they do not hold hands with Pınar as they used to do.

Deniz always thinks about the house that night, she can't sleep with me. They always wanted to have a house like that with a roof whenever the wind blows. They talked about how great it would be to be able to move out of the apartment if they saw one of those little beach houses with flowers and boards on the veranda, the jasmine garden they always dreamed of, and how they would have enough room for a puppy and a baby room

Me, Pınar and Deniz, the three of us were best friends.

They both like the same type of houses. Some of the paint is peeling off.

They always like those houses with verandas and big windows and gardens.

When they first met, after I took her for a walk along the shore,s he came back through the neighborhood.

Outside, I stopped her in front of the grass green and white beach house covered with morning glory and made her. look towards me.

I knew that Pınar and I would make love that night and that she would come out of depression.

Pınar, who is reading the newspaper with her back turned, looks at me and touches my shoulder, I kiss her.

After a second,s he continues reading and then turns to me. The slightest touch always brings me to her

Pınar is passing out

When she sleeps, her hands seem to move on their own.

I always loved how they touched every sector of my arm muscles and the flat line of my stomach and tried to find my penis.

Then it's like she's waiting for me while I'm asleep.

It reacts immediately to penis erection

I need to remove this environment, I need to wrap it up

She likes it when I pull her to me like she's waiting

I say what happened

my love ?

Pınar says, "I was going to go and look at that house."

Will you go and look?

they are demolishing that house

I knew they destroyed the spring so I wanted to sleep there tonight

I open my eyes and sit up again

What are you talking about?

I just wanted to go I don't know I just want to go there

Maybe I missed the sea.

by sea

I have so many memories.

Why did she go to England?

Of course for the university

Maybe she will find a new lover there and start a new love without realizing our forbidden love.

Pınar gets up and puts on her jeans. Now she always sleeps in jeans and a t-shirt, then puts on her flip-flops.

I'm sitting and watching her. It's a very warm night. She won't need a cardigan. She's thinking of wearing a bra, but right now she doesn't feel like it.

SHe wants to wake up in the other room

I'm looking at her like I've completely lost my mind.

SHe can't say no either.

Together we go out into the vine-scented night that smells like sea and flowers.

we went

the house has a strange almost phosphorescent glow and there are a few old oyster shells on the porch

Hanging wind dish made of glass in the shape

I'm guessing these have been hanging here for 30 years.


SHe wonders what will happen to the wind chimes.

SHe can't imagine that they will actually destroy it.

What about the ornate glass windows, the carved woods, the vines?

What will happen to the Spirits s he wonders?

What will happen to the souls of the people who lived here before?

She suddenly feels a coolness, as if she were standing there naked in front of the eyes of the house, numbing arms with goosebumps, even though it was one of the rare warm nights.

Are you cold, baby?

I say

I haven't called her that in a long time

do you want my jacket?

Pınar says I'm fine.

I can't believe you really want to get in. We might get caught. We'll live out a new fantasy by making love in this ruined house. But what if?

If we stay, we might spend the night in jail

The wind chimes ring like the heart of the house is alive and radiating

The glow emanating from the house shines brighter

Those who lived here were beach people,

They were people and they were making love just like the ocean

Suddenly she holds my hand and together we enter through the hole in the garden gate and pass the sign, be careful, there is a dog. It is forbidden to enter!

What did the people living here think they were doing to their souls?

We slowly climb the creaking steps to the porch as the walker, step by step, throws them out and destroys them.

the cracked weeds are in clusters against the green glass, the house is like a Botanical Garden misty from the breath of the flowers

front door open

Since the house was going to be demolished very soon, someone must have thought, what does it matter if the door is not open?

Our shadows stretch across the wooden floor, we both hear the sea in the wind chimes and the occasional sound of passing cars.

We stand there for a long time listening

Pınar says I feel something

touching your belly

It's like a little hand is scratching your belly

is moving away from me

I follow her into the kitchen.

When I turn to him, her eyes are like fire. They shine. They look different, almost like a wild or feverish illness is passing through.

"I think whoever lived here was truly in love," she says.

Pınar moves away from me and touches the torn lace hanging on the window. I think they were madly in love and died here together.

I follow her.

Pınar feels my breath on her bare neck.

I grasp Pınar's hands in my hands and press them on her trousers.

Pınar feels my penis between her butt

I say they couldn't make love normally

Because she wasn't a normal girl

but that didn't matter

yet they made love non-stop

They only felt safe when making love

Pınar suddenly gets soaked.

She gets wet down to her panties, she has long legs that she can spread wide open

soft wetness between her legs..

turns towards me

SHe's looking at me under that strange light that makes her eyes sparkle as if they were underwater.

I don't take my eyes off Pınar's eyes

I grasp your waist with my hands

Then, holding her, I slide my hands up her ribcage.

Pınar's delicate bones seem like they could break at any moment.

I trace under her breasts with my fingertips.

When I move on to her soft nipples, Pınar throws her head back.

Pınar is thinking

What if I never want him between my legs again?

My breasts would become very sensitive

I suddenly take off her. shirt and lift her up and sit her on the sink.

Pınar wraps her legs around her narrow hips and pulls me between her thighs.

she feels his hard chest against her own plump breasts

lips are swollen.

Her clit is pushing against the fabric of her panties and her hard buttons.

My hands slide down there.

I grab the front of Pınar's trousers, unbutton them, and look for her ass in every way.

I take down the front of her trousers and her panties and make a small hammock for Pınar's clitoris.

Pınar starts breathing so hard that she feels like she's going to drown.

Pınar whispers, I don't have my medicines with me..

Pınar is an Asthma patient.

I say no problem

Everything will be fine.

We will be together.

Pınar lifts her hips.

Her hips hang in the air and suddenly I enter her with a single thrust, a single thrust and a single sucking movement, but at the same time Pınar feels like she is inside me.

My big dick is inside Pınar's narrow and wet organ.

Pınar starts coming right away.

I feel like my whole body is upside down with the deep shaking

It goes on like this, hitting my heart in these waves as it's revealed

Pınar comes and comes, crouching over me.

She feels my dick in her heart, in her throat and deep in her hips, which she has kept closed for a long time.

As I cum, I bounce with such force that her ass is almost torn and she feels my dick still pushing deep into her contracting womanhood.

I just say thank you and I just keep saying thank you.

Thank you my baby. Thank you Pinar.

We fall asleep right there on my chest and wake up a few hours later.

We help each other get dressed.

We are like children.

Then we wander around the house in silence.

They say goodbye to the souls of the people who have lived in this house.

SHe says goodbye.

thank you all.

I take down the oyster-shaped necklace called Wind Festival and hang it around Pınar's neck.

A necklace found under the sea.

I have to go to work the next day.

More precisely, I have to go to school. No teacher says 'I am going to work', they always say 'I am going to school'.

But I guess I'm an exception

Sometimes I also say I have to go to work

The demolition of the house I'm just watching.

The Foreman from the demolition team keeps giving her suggestive looks.

I'm sure he's thinking why this fancy girl is looking at us.

Pınar says the man feels guilty.

In this way

It's normal to feel.

He doesn't want to do this, but that's his job.

In the past, such looks would have driven Pınar away from there, but she wants to see everything. The soft roof and walls collapsing like a wedding cake. The windows being crushed like candy.

This little thing, like frozen flowers, is beyond transcendence.

Maybe the Spirits will escape and enter the Spring

Pınar, who does not take her medication, cries for hours.

Pınar is not safe, but she is alive with the wind chime necklace around her neck.

That night, I cum inside her and Pınar is now both alive and safe.