

There is a swimming pool on the ground floor at the private school where I work. Today she went to the swimming pool.

She is now sitting up in the water, drops of water sliding down her chest and forming quivering beads on her nipples.

The curve of her hips, tightly wrapped in a sheath-like fabric, makes me explode with pleasure.

ecstatic droplets glisten under tight thong

The drops slide and fall back into the water

I move Harika's sun lounger aside and take her on my lap.

Although the girl is very light, she is taller than she looks sitting on the sun lounger.

Her lower body is more muscular than I thought

I feel the weight of Harika's tight ass on my arms and wrists

She wraps her wonderfully long and slender arms around my neck.

just like a child...

I feel something like power coming to me

Like the power I felt while riding the Waves before...

"It's a very nice pool," she says, "Great."

while looking at the flowers covering everywhere.

Lying on a sun lounger is like being underwater.

Sometimes s he says she wants to be underwater and I gently place her on the sun lounger.

do you want to take a shower? I ask.

laughing and shaking her head

Well, how about drinking coffee after the pool?

SHe grimaces slightly and smiles again.

You look different today, mister. ANDERSON.

I squint my eyes and look at her

Have we met you, lady?

"It was a long time ago," she says, adding casually, "you weren't yourself."

I sit next to the girl. She plays with her wonderful hair. I pull the thick and tangled strands from her face and kiss her lips.

Protruding cheekbones that appear thicker than they actually are are small.

and she has a shaped chin.

Her eyes are moss green and smiles again. SHe takes off the thin towel I gave . SHe puts her hands on her hair and lifts it up even more.

Her hips are big and dark colored.

I'm also trying to hide my erect penis

Great tension.

SHe grabs my hands and presses them to her chest.

There are only two of us in the pool.

I feel like I've been electrocuted by their width and soft legs.

her breasts are soft.

almost buzzing with emotion.

My fingers on her chest. When I touch the tips, she throws her head back.

She kind of moans.

While her whole body is shaking, she slowly pulls my head towards her left chest.

Harika's body starts to shake even more as my tongue starts drawing circles on her nipple.

It's up to me to caress you too.

SHe sticks her big and juicy mouth on my neck.

I'm out of breath

I feel her heartbeat.

Her heart is pounding so hard it feels like she's about to have a heart attack.

She runs her lips over my hard bare sunburnt chest

I feel like my penis is getting bigger.

My penis is like a whole ocean. SHe keeps looking at me from time to time.

It's sharp enough to tear it apart if I wanted to.

And I have an erection

And I smile with white teeth and gently touch the back of the girl's head and the soft nape of her neck.

I caress her.

The girl's spine feels like liquid.

Trying to touch my hard penis with steel fingers, she carefully pulls down the zipper and slowly removes my shorts with soft movements.

I tell that this place is not suitable, we need to go to the cabin.

When I go to the cabin, she takes my penis in her hand again.

While holding the penis, she slides like a snake and moves her tongue in my mouth, taking my lips inside me with her lips.

Sliding her tongue inside

The salty sea water she saw in her dream and Harika's fingers are hovering over my dick.

I suddenly jump, then Harika slides down again, this time she touches my penis with her mouth.

She takes it in once and I can feel the deepest part of the girl's throat.

She immediately pulls the soft head of the tool with her wonderful lips like a suction cup and then puts it in her mouth all the way to my testicles.

I think this is a dream

I suddenly remember the first time I nearly drowned in the swimming pool.

I was 15 years old and 4 teenagers saved me. I remember the water waves pulling me to the bottom. I remember being out of air.

I remember being suspended in the middle of the water

Actually, I didn't really want to leave, I wanted to stay there.

I could have stayed, but then something pulled me and made me feel safe

That person was my cousin and 3 more young boys came to help.

Now I'm saving Harika from being suspended in the water by hugging her like a baby.

I can't keep you here It's great because you're the most beautiful and you know the ocean better than they ever will.

I move with you

As my penis dives deeper into her wetness, she gets cramps in her groin and suddenly I feel that feeling in my testicles.

She doesn't want it yet. Harika says don't rush, but she can't stand it any longer.

Now it's like her body is waking up from a long sleep.

As if it had been under water all this time and had just been rescued.

She struggles to breathe when she surfaces.

The sperm she swallows gushes out like milk and she suddenly ejaculates.

My dick, which is still cumming in her mouth, stretches its hardness