

It was very easy for us to get along. After staying at home for 20 days, she was going to go to England to study at the university. She was going to study nursing again. Anatomy was the course she was most successful at in high school. This way, I would regain my freedom. I would water the grass I grew on the terrace. Also, I missed Harika very much. She was very advanced in her job. 2000 lira for one trip. Actually, their financial situation was quite good, her father had a business called Harika Tekstil, but s he was looking for other adventures.

Maybe she enjoys sexual intercourse, I don't know why she did it, I paid the fee and tried to enjoy it. I had money because I was continuing to sell at the school where I worked as a side job.

Young people at this school were always looking for new jobs and had no intention of going to university.

In fact, families were sending them to this school to get rid of them.

Meanwhile, I started to forget my main duty. I should not neglect the duty of calling people to Christianity. But I had a big problem, that's why young people started not to believe in Islam or Christianity.

Deism was rising rapidly, not believing in a religion

Just believing in the Creator.

It is a rising movement among high school youth.

I can't explain my problem to England, they said they helped me financially and told me that I should be more productive.

They wanted me to distribute free Bibles to the classes I taught in. If I did this, the parents would probably complain about me.

I had to do it secretly, just like selling powder

I started giving the book about the Christian religion to young people at the parties I held at their home and asked them to read it. However, what was told in this book seemed like a fairy tale to Generation Z, and their generation did not buy any book and finish it until the end.

He was reading book summaries.

Similarly, he would instantly change even a short song instead of listening to it until the end.

I am an old generation

To admit, I was in the past now.

Today, while I was writing my book, I made a new discovery. When I spoke by pressing the speaker instead of pressing the keys on the keyboard, the computer transcribed my words and I thought about the writers of 100 years ago. For example, if the authors had written their books in this way, could they have achieved the same efficiency?

If the last book I read, The Lighthouse, had been written in this way by its author, would it still be effective or perhaps its author would have stopped committing suicide thanks to that beautiful Technology?

She would choose to live instead of throwing herself on the ground with stones in her pockets.

Writing a book was full of difficulties for me. Firstly, it takes 10 minutes for the computer to start up, and secondly, the machine starts to stop after working for a certain period of time. That's why I started writing on my mobile phone. The keyboard on the mobile phone is also very small.

Because of this, I could press the wrong keys. Therefore, I often had to go back and correct the mistakes. However, typing with a microphone was a problem.


Why didn't I notice this before?

But there were sometimes problems here too, for example, when I said the name of an English writer or a German writer, the machine could not understand it and wrote Turkish words.

That is, it translates proper nouns into Turkish.

We will go to in-service training with the literature teacher at school.

Education is in Izmir.

I'm so happy to travel with her.

Moreover, our rooms will be close to each other in Izmir.

I want to chat with her between every lesson

When I come to school, I look for her with my eyes.