
What do I feel

Edward pov why do I keep staring at him is it hatred or obessesion ok let me admitted I have a thing for Quincy I guess when everything someone does irritate you, you keep track of them, I have everybody's attention expect his, he just sits there thinking he's better than everyone, I have tried my best to let it not concern me but why do I feel all this this is a bl story you don't want to miss

Peace_Nghe · Sport
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2 Chs

chapter 2

Edward pov

What is it about rumors in high school, the moment I step on school grounds it's like the grounds are speaking to me?

I walk to my locker, I heard John and Bond talking, I know they are the ones become they ain't whispering 

"do you know we have a new student?"

"who cares, I can't believe they break up"

"who broke up"

"oh my god, are you in this school it's all over"

"dude we just resume!"

John laughs "Edward and Rebecca broke up"

"What, really, how? I thought good sex is the basis of a strong relationship"

"hmm how is that related to the matter at hand"

"wowed! bro, it is my turn to ask if you are in this school, Rebecca and Edward have sex every minute, in the storage room before lunch, every free period, I thought they are crazy about each other"

"fuck, dude you are such a creep, how do you know where they have sex and the time, Bonds don't tell me you listen to them fuck!"

"of course, I did, Edward is a horse"

ok! I have heard enough of that, I slam my locker, it seems I slam the locker a little too hard

"really Bonds and John, gossiping like little girls now, I can't believe you guys" I sigh, I don't have their time, luckily they didn't say anything bad, if not, they both, would have been carried to the nurse office plus the coach is waiting for us. I stroll past them, and they followed behind, I halt, and glare at Bonds, his real name is Andrew but we call him Bonds because he gets a Boner for anything that wears a skirt, he is a horny freak

" you are sick, really sick"

I immediately walk pass them, I need to see coach then I will get to class, I know he wants to give his long lecturer about how it's our senior year, we should keep our head straight and focus so we could aim a good scholarship.

after the 20 minutes which seems like 5hours, talk with the coach, I was running out of my mind, I know he's just talking for just 20 minutes but it felt so fucking long, my phone chimed in my pocket and Rebecca's name appears on the screen, oh please what part of its over don't she understands, I don't know what it is about me they want I'm a total asshole to them, maybe it the money or sex? ok sex how I miss it, I don't fuck around so when I have a girlfriend I fuck the living daylight out of her, yea I have a high urge for sex, sue me, I'm a red blood male and teenager so it is biology, it been long since I had sex, the reasoning is that Becca was in France, I'm everything but a cheat, I could date you today and break up with you today but I won't cheat on you.

I try to slow down my pace as I nearly run down the hall to my English class, I love English ok, maybe or maybe not I also want to gaze at that jade eyes, if he will give me the pleasure to look my way, I wanted to smile but stop myself I don't know what I feel but I know myself to know I won't relax till I see him, I sit quietly on my sit, the teacher is already teaching but he didn't comment on me coming late to class, I search the class with my eyes, he's not here, damn it!

I angrily stood up and left the class, he didn't come to school today. I know Jade, I know his name is Quincy but I call him Jade because his eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've seen, they are light green, full of life and light even if he always gives the bad boy vibes, I know him very well to know that his never late for school, he came to school early to take a nap in quiet before students arrive." fuck!!" I shout in the hallway, students turn to look at me, and I glare right back at them, they turn back in fear, mine your business mother fuckers, I stroll rapidly out to my car and drove off, I don't even know why I'm mad but I know I'm fucking palm twitching mad, I so want to spank someone so badly, preferably Quincy ass, whoa where did that thought come from.


Quincy pov

I miss school yesterday because of her,

yes, it is what you imagine, having a sister is, hell, ok let me be fair Queen is not that bad, she is the kind of girl with the cheerleader looks but also kind, you want to know what is so annoying and amazing at the same time, she is me!! I never saw myself as beautiful but damn, Queen makes me see myself in a different light, she is just the female version of myself, we have the same face, and she could be mistaken for me, wow it amazing how we look alike, she has my lips, eyes, nose, and hair but hers is longer and she dyes her hair blonde, mine is black its suit her she is pretty now I see why people stare at me.

"Hey what up, can you show me around the school, it is bigger and prettier than I thought, I'm so going to make a lot of TikTok videos here!" I place my book gently inside my locker, and I glare at her, her hair is tied in a ponytail, I still haven't recovered from the shock of her appearance, staring at her face up close, is like looking at myself in a mirror but this mirror I applied makeup and I look pretty and girly.

"No" I give her a brief reply

"why? what your problem Quincy, I have done nothing but try to be friendly with you since I came but you are so grumpy, what did I do wrong"

I don't know, ok let's start by, abandoning me, I know I'm being childish but that is me, I don't forget or forgive easily, a grudge is always packed in my mind, I sigh, I open my bag and bring out a school map and her class schedule for that semester, hand it over to her, she frowns when she took It but smile when she opens it and hug me, oops! girls and been dramatic ha!

I hate people touching me, I tried to put some distance but she hug me tighter

" you did this for me, thank you" now you are making me regret it.

"just stop ok" 

I try to sound cold, I'm not a bad person I'm surprisingly very nice, in fifth grade I had this classmate that always fall and bruise herself so I bought a pack of bandages and secretly put it in her school bag, the next day instead of her wound been exposed, it was cover with the bandage I bought, it made me happy to help someone like that but I don't want people to see me as nice, people tend to walk over good people, I walk past her smiling face and came in contact with a hard chest, shit I know that scent because it keep pushing me to the floor everything I come in contact with it.

"Quincy why weren't you in school yesterday?" I almost smile, typical Edward, always straightforward, putting his mouth in other people's business, Edward is like the complete opposite of me, I and Edward are the same height but he looks taller than me I didn't see him coming because I always hang my head down when I'm walking down the hall of this school, I just want to be invisible I don't want attention and I don't want attention to draw to me, anytime I mistakenly have eye contact with someone, they hold my gaze and refuse to look away like I cast a spell on them, I know my eyes are beautiful but most you stare? Edward is a different story if I like I look at him or not he just stares at me I know he does it to make me feel uncomfortable, the dude just like torturing me. I slowly look up at him, his beautiful at ever, his hand are inside his pocket, If it was someone else I would have ignored them and walked away but Edward no way he will annoy me till I tell him, and I don't need his attention it unnerving 

"I was busy," I said nonchalantly 

I try to walk past him but he drags me by the collar back to where he's standing, he loves doing that, anytime he wants to get my attention he drags my collar, if I didn't know better I will think he want to choke me, sexual or violently I really don't know at times, first he don't have any interest in me, the guy hate me, secondly he bullies me, but not today, I violent held his wrist and twist it but carefully not to break it

I stare at him, he doesn't look that angry but many other emotions travel through his face, I think I saw shock, it seems like all the workout pays off

"Woah seem like the cat has brought out his claws," he says smiling

"Don't touch me" his emotions change so fast you think someone stab him, he seems angry now, wait I hope this guy doesn't think he owns me or something.

"Quincy... who are you making angry now,"

my sister said from behind me, great, I forgot she was there, Edward and I were lost in each other gaze, we are weird like that sometimes

Edwards, look behind me, his eyes widen, and I can see him controlling his jaw from dropping, how great.