
What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters!?

“Huh? Who am I? Where am I? Am I going to fight someone?” After waking up from his slumber, Li Yexing found himself transmigrated to the world of Resident Evil and became a cold-blooded mercenary?! He thought he was going to live a life of blood and violence, only to pick up a girl on his first mission instead! He thought she was just an ordinary cute girl, but she was actually a biomonster?! Huh? They are all biomonsters?! Li Yexing: This is overwhelming... === This is not my story and it was written by a Chinese Author, I'm just translating it. Thank you very much for reading! Author: Super Dark Dombara Raw: https://www.trxs.cc/tongren/4016.html === Support and read advanced chapters at: patreon.com/VALRRR

VALRRR · Videospiele
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100 Chs

Chapter 65: What are You Doing Here?

After taking a shower, wrapped in bath towels, the three of them left the bathroom and headed back to their room to sleep.

Passing by a room on the first floor, Li Yexing saw the butler Avery watching a TV show, which seemed to be a variety show.

Li Yexing didn't usually pay attention to this kind of thing, but he saw a familiar face on the TV. It was Charlie Atwood! The little nobleman who could still talk and laugh despite being greeted with insult by him!

"You guys go back first, I'll watch TV for a bit," Li Yexing said to the two women before sitting next to Avery in his bath towel without hesitation. Avery furrowed his brows slightly but didn't say anything.

On the TV, the smug host was asking the middle-aged man in a suit next to Atwood, "Mr. Clark, how did you manage to escape with Mr. Atwood?"

"We tried to pass through the entire ship and found those damn monsters everywhere. Finally, we had no choice but to crawl through the ventilation ducts," Clark replied to the host.

"At first, I refused, after all, I saw those things crawling out of the ventilation ducts with my own eyes. If we bumped into them in the ducts, we would be done for. And the ducts were really disgusting..." Atwood said, "But there was no other option, and Clark forcibly dragged me into the ducts."

"This kid is being melodramatic," Clark commented.

After an awkward burst of laughter, the host continued to ask, "Did you encounter any monsters inside?"

"Of course we did. They were everywhere. We tried to pass through the cabins as much as possible and climbed through the ventilation ducts when we couldn't avoid them. We probably killed over ten of them in total, and finally, we found the lifeboat," Clark said. The audience below burst into applause.

"So the second half of the escape actually went pretty well?" The host asked.

"Not really, when we finally found the lifeboat, we ran into a very tricky one," Clark said.

"God, I should have shown you that thing, it was like something out of a horror movie!" Atwood said next to him, looking distraught.

"What did you encounter?" The host asked, leaning forward as if his curiosity was piqued.

"They call that thing the Elite Hunter, it looks like a humanoid lizard that can stand with two legs, it's scary looking, and we were chased by the damn thing while we were in the lower cabin," Clark replied.

"And how did you escape from this Hunter thing?" The host asked.

"We took it out." Said a somewhat proud Atwood aside.

"Wow! That's incredible, how did you guys do that?"

"The monster we met was injured, a bloody mess on its head and a hole in its chest, it looked weak..." Clark explained, "Even so the monster was dangerous, it was agile and poisonous, Mr. Atwood and I fought it for a long time and finally killed it, and it really felt like a bullfight."

"My God, that was incredible..." the host agreed, applauding, so the audience applauded along with him.

"Finally, we escaped in a lifeboat, and just when our lifeboat was less than a mile, The Orianna suddenly exploded, and Mr. Atwood and I were terrified that if we were a little late, we were going to go down with the damn ship," Clark said.

"That was a close call. Let's give a round of applause to these two brave gentlemen, Mr. Atwood from England and Mr. Clark from the USA!"

With the host's words, the television erupted into enthusiastic applause.

"This is the first public television interview with a survivor of the Orianna Incident," Avery suddenly said, breaking his silence. "They had also invited Miss Helen, but she has already been through so much. She lost her parents in the accident, and I don't think she should have to endure this kind of interview."

"That sounds like an overprotective idiot parent," Li Yexing commented on Avery's behavior. "Without experiencing wind and rain, how can a little flower grow?"

"I've said it before, you need to show respect for the head of the Lorena Family... but in the end, I'm not Pavlov, I can't teach a mad dog how to show respect," Avery replied coldly. "And this level of hardship, the child can't handle it. Education needs to be gradual, the impact of the Orianna Incident on Miss Helen was too strong." {TN: Pavlov is a famous Russian Physiologist who experimented with dogs}

"Too strong?" Li Yexing murmured to himself, suddenly laughing. He spoke softly, "I can tell that you, like me, crawled out of a pile of dead bodies."

"So what?" Avery frowned and asked.

"It's nothing, I just think you should understand that there is no pain that a person cannot bear. No matter what kind of pain is weighing on your head, you must carry on and move forward," Li Yexing said with a smile. "It's absurd for people like us to talk about the need for gradual education."

Avery fell silent. After a moment, he said, "But people like us, who constantly bear the burden of pain, do it so that others don't have to bear it, right?" He turned his head and looked directly into Li Yexing's eyes. "Even a mad dog like you has something you want to protect, right?"

Li Yexing was speechless, with thoughts of BSAA, Black Umbrella, Wesker, and Tricell flashing through his mind.

After a while, he waved his hand irritably and said, "Remember to settle my payment."

With that, Li Yexing turned and left.

Li Yexing felt a little depressed after being poked at the center of the matter. He returned to his room and opened the door without turning on the lights. He untied the bath towel he was wearing under the moonlight outside the window and looked at the noble family's guest room.

There was a large floor-to-ceiling window, platinum-colored curtains, exquisite flooring, beautiful wallpaper, a separate bathroom, a solid wood bookcase, a gold-inlaid table lamp, a soft double bed, and a maid wearing sexy lingerie...

Wait a minute? Did something unexpected slip in?

Li Yexing suddenly looked up and saw a maid in black lace lingerie standing by the bed, looking at him with a ghostly expression.

"Master, Rita has been waiting for you for a long time." The perfect maid in sexy lingerie said with an elegant smile and a slight bow.

"Rita, what are you doing here?" Li Yexing asked in shock.

"What do you think Rita is here for?" Rita, enjoying Li Yexing's shocked expression, opened her grey eyes and licked her lips.

"Don't be ridiculous, go back to your room! Lilith will be angry if she sees this!" Li Yexing instinctively stepped back and was about to leave the room when the sound of the door closing came from behind him.

Surprised, Li Yexing turned around and saw Lilith, who was wearing the same white lingerie as Rita, locking the door.

"Lilith? No... this is not right. What is going on?" Li Yexing felt his head overheating due to the inability to process the current situation.

"Yexing, let's sleep together tonight." Lilith softly spoke to Li Yexing with her ruby-like eyes open, and then, before Li Yexing could react, she picked him up and threw him onto the bed with force.

Li Yexing tried to sit up, but Lilith was faster than him. With a strong force in her arms, Li Yexing obediently lay back on the bed with his head resting on Lilith's thigh.

At this point, even Li Yexing, no matter how foolish or dense he may be, should have realized what was going on. Giving up resistance, Li Yexing looked at Rita with a mix of anger and amusement and said, "You even prepared lingerie. Are you and Lilith conspiring against me?"

"What's wrong, Master? Don't you like it?" Rita sat next to Li Yexing and ran her fingers over his cheek.

"I like it, why wouldn't I? I'm not losing anything." Li Yexing said, "It's just that Lilith... are you sure about this?"

"Lilith... doesn't mind this," came Lilith's reply from above.

"Don't worry, Master. This is something Miss and I agreed upon a long time ago..." Rita climbed onto the bed, her eyes seductive and her sweet voice pouring into Li Yexing's ears like melting honey. "Don't worry, tonight I will teach our Master how to be a body that only monsters can satisfy..."

"How exciting!" Li Yexing's face showed a maniacal grin. "Do you think I afraid? Come on!"


Under the cover of darkness, a group of people fully armed quietly boarded Lorena Island.

"How's the situation?" The leader asked.

"No problem, but the insider gave us news that the little girl from the Lorena Family invited three friends for a party today, and they are also in the mansion."

"That's fine. They are probably just children from other wealthy families. It doesn't matter if we kidnap one more or one less. We can demand more ransom money that way. Isn't that great?"

"It seems so..." The person thought for a moment and said, "But we need to distinguish between primary and secondary targets. The main target is still the little Lorena girl, and the others are not important."

"I know, but I heard that the butler of the Lorena Family is a troublesome character..."

"Haha, with so many of us, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Of course, we're not afraid. Now, everyone move out. Remember, once we've kidnapped her, we run!" The leader smiled slightly.

"After we finish this job, we'll eat and drink like kings!"


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