
What are you

7th_DemensionalGod · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Overwhelming Power

'Damn!, It hurts.'

I stop the flow of mana going to my eyes.

They stop shooting the superheated beams of light and I seemed to have stopped floating and pulsing out anymore shock waves but my eyes don't stop glowing.

'That hurt. Should've seen that coming though. God, I'm an idiot.'

"Exodus!!, are you okay? Oh you poor baby. Honey his eyes won't stop glowing". She said while trying to use healing magic on my eyes.

'Thats useless don't try. Dammit why can't it stop glowing. I stopped the flow of mana but my eyes still won't stop glowing.'

Then my hair started to glow.

"Aaah?!! What's happening". My mother started panicking.

My mana core started to increase in size then shrink to condense itself only to increase again in size. The process kept repeating itself and getting faster.

'This feels good. I feel like I'm on a vibrating massage chair.'

I closed my eyes and started to smile making my mother calm down with a confused expression on her face.

"I think he's fine". She said after fully calming down.

She looked up at the ceiling and frowned. Then looked at her husband and who was in the corner of the room huddled up arms around his knees gloomy and crying.

"Why are you crying?"

Sniff… "because this house was built reinforced with magic to absorb and withstand any magical attack and our son just blew a hole right through it. I threw some of my most powerful attacks at it and it did nothing". He said in a defeated voice.

'Aww, you big baby you need a hug? Your a grown man for crying out loud why the fuck are you crying over me being stronger than you. You should be proud your son is a being of pure awesomeness. Now praise me fool.'

"Oh, its fine you can always get a new ceiling". She said while helping him to his feet.

"It was made by your mother". He said to her.

They walked out of the room. My mom counseling my father as they left the room.

'My eyes seem to be permanently stuck glowing. Fuck how am I going to find a girlfriend. I'll just use a blindfold. Maybe I should see if I can use search magic or echolocation or something else to help see where I'm going. Well whatever I'm tired. I'm taking a nap.'


15 Years later:

After a few more years of doing some magical practices and blowing up the house. I now discovered that I might be a God since there is literally nothing I can't do. I've been messing with magic since the shock waves and laser beam eyes incident. And it seems I can do anything as long as I can imagine it.

My parents are worried cause I'm pretty much alone and have no friends. So they made a request with the king of the human kingdom to enroll me in the royal magic academy. He agreed since he's an old friend of my parents. They didn't enroll me because I need to learn magic its just to find friends. Right now I'm on my way to the human kingdoms capital. I live in the sky on a small floating island. I can fly so no worries for falling off. Even if I did I'm still indestructible so I'd be fine.

"Theres so much beauty in this world."

I couldn't help but feel peaceful when flying.

'To bad I'm already here.'

I landed a mile from the city. I shrunk my body size to only 6 ft since my natural hight is giant. And covered my eyes with a blind fold. No light should get through. Despite being able to do almost absolutely anything I still can't make my eyes stop glowing. When I was done I looked like a very handsome blind young dark elf. The only two strange things about me now were my glowing hair and the fact that I'm a elf with no slave collar around my neck. Getting into the city was easy just made a fake adventurers ID which confused the shit out of the guards by the city's entrance. When I got into the city I was shocked. Out of all the none humans in the city square I was the only one without a slave collar and the only one who seemed anything close to an elf. Which everyone immediately noticed.



Emma POV

I was just roaming the city square looking around at all the people and shops. It's kinda hard to escape the palace security but years of practice and I've managed. I was in the middle of examining some weird blue scaled looking apples When I heard a commotion.

"Hey you are you an escape slave wheres your master". A noble man was talking to a very strange looking elf. There was only one word to describe him. Perfect. Everything about him seemed perfect. He radiated power. He was the very definition of beautiful and handsome. My heart started to beat. No, not just mine but every women in the square too.

'Snap out of it Emma you have a fiancé. But… I don't even like him. No, but you don't have a choice you have to marry him for the sake of the kingdom.'

"I don't serve a master. I'm a free man."