
What are you

7th_DemensionalGod · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Character info

(A/N:) New Author hear. This is my first time writing a book so I hope you can forgive any grammar or writing mistakes I make and help me out by posting some comments.



Name: Exodus Heavens

Title: Creation God

Race: ??? Demi-god ???

Age: 117

Human standard age equivalent: 17

Mp: Infinite


Ht: 9ft 2in

Hair: White

Skin: Black

Eyes: White

Iris: None

Pupil: None

Looks rating: Abnormally handsome

Body traits: Immortal

Has a constant emotionless face


Mc's Parents:


MC's Mother

Name: Angela Heavens

Title: Daughter of the Supreme

Race: Elf-Angel Hybrid

Angela is the only one of her kind and is known to be in impossibility. Angels can't give birth and they can't impregnate, thus making her an impossibility.

Age: 521

Human standard age equivalent: 21

Mp: Infinite


Ht: 8ft 1in

Hair: Snow white

Skin: Snow white

Eyes: White

Iris: Gold

Pupil: None

Looks rating: Abnormally Cute, Sexy, Hot, Beautiful, and Busty

Body traits: Immortal

She is highly intelligent but also a little too innocent; she is usually simple minded.


MC's Father

Title: Guardian of the Moon

Name: Ronan Heavens

Race: Dark High-Elf Human Hybrid

Like his wife, Ronan is also the only one of his kind and is known to be also an impossibility. High Elves, Elves, Dark Elves are all completely different races. Dark High-Elves were never a race. Yet Ronan exists.

Age: 222

Human standard age equivalent: 22

Mp: Infinite


Ht: 8ft 4in

Hair: White

Skin: Black

Eyes: White

Iris: Purple

Pupil: Black slits

Looks rating: Abnormally handsome

Body traits: Immortal

Hard working


MC's Friends:


Name: Heathen Royals

Title: King

Race: High human

Age: 47

Mp: King


Ht: 6ft

Hair: Blonde

Skin: White

Eyes: White

Iris: Blue

Pupil: Golden cross

Looks rating: Abnormally handsome

Body traits: Nigh-immortal


Race: Emma Royals

Title: Princess

Race: Human

Age: 16

Mp: Abnormal


Ht: 5ft 6in

Hair: Blonde

Skin: White

Eyes: White

Iris: Faded blue (shes blind and sees by using magic)

Pupil: Dark grey cross

Looks rating: Highly matured loli-body, cute, beautiful

Body traits: Abnormally strong and durable


Name: Oran Royals

Title: Prince

Race: Human

Age: 17

Mp: Apprentice


Ht: 6ft

Hair: Blonde

Skin: White

Eyes: White

Iris: Blue

Pupil: Black cross

Looks rating: Handsome, pretty boy.

Body traits: Abnormally strong and durable. He's also very battle hungry.


MC's Enemies:


Name: Dr. J Conner

Title: Chaos God

Race: ??? Demi-god ???

Age: 118

Human standard age equivalent: 18

Mp: Infinite


Ht: 9ft 4in

Hair: Black

Skin: Dark grey

Eyes: Black

Iris: Blood red

Pupils: Yellow slits

Looks rating: Devilishly handsome

Body traits: Immortal. Has obsidian black horns on his head.


Races: Strongest to weakest


Voids: Beings born of the abyss. Sometimes escapes into the third dimensional realm of existence and ends living things into nonexistence. They bring end to beginnings. They cannot be stopped. There has only been one to ever appear. Not even the celestials could stop it. So they let go. It disappeared after a short amount of time but by then millions had already ceased to exist.

—————————————————————- Celestials: Beings born of pure light. They are the complete opposite of voids.


Angels: 6th dimensional beings that live in the realm of God.


Messenger angels

Light angles

Dark angels



Devils: Beings born of pure evil. They are made of pure dark mana.


Demons: Weaker variants of devils. They aren't evil like devils their more human in nature.


Spirits: Beings that guide the living and help manage the ever increasing amount of mana in the world.


Light spirits

Dark spirits

Elemental spirits



Dragon-born: Descendants of elder dragons. Beings with high defensive scales covering most of their body and have a super abnormally high level of physical strength. They are also immune to heat of almost any temperature, anything above 70 degrees above they are immune to.


Titans: God like Giants that rule the Earth there are only two.


Fire titan

Earth titan


Giants: Being known for there colossal size and war like manner.


Metal giants

Fire giants

Earth giants

Ice giants

Water giants


Fairies: Peaceful beings that live in another realm specifically for them. They are beings that can naturally travel through realms without the need for magic. They tend to appear around forest elves. They are visible only to forest elves. They can show themselves whenever they want though.


Light fairies: Good

Dark fairies: Neutral

Dark fae: Evil


Elves: A highly technologically advanced and peaceful race with a high magical aptitude and a almost limitless amount of mana.


High elves

Sun fire elves

Moon elves

Dark elves

Ice elves

Forest elves

Normal elves


Immortals: Humans born immortal; have hypersonic regenerative abilities and can come back from nothing. They also have abnormal strength and speed and almost limitless mana. They are said to be impossible to kill. Not even the celestials can kill them. There are only 50 total on the planet. They are extremely rare.


High humans: Children of Immortals are known as high humans though they can be killed they are still just as powerful. There is only 17 known high humans and they are rarer then the immortals. One of the human kingdoms king is one.


Dwarves: Beings known specifically for the intelligence, shortness, and love for bear. Dwarves are also far more technologically advanced than elves but have a limited and low amount of mana in there bodies only enough to turn metals.


Beast-men: Beast with humanoid forms and intelligence.


Animal based beast-men

Insects based beast-men


Demi-humans: Half human half beast-men.


Mermaids and mermen

Cat Demi-humans

Dog Demi-humans

Animal based demi-humans

Insects based demi-humans


Humans: A race that makes up 73% of all beings on the planet. Though they are weak they make it through numbers, intellect, and magic. They have a limited amount of mana but can use any and all magic. Other races have a specific type of magic they can use; humans use this to there advantage.


Magic rating:


Amount of mana:

















