
Ch.18-I’m dating her

Tzuyu POV:

"Dahyun, what about the picture?" Mr. Kim asked. "jeongyeon, hands." Mr.Yoo ordered. Jeongyeon mouthed Sorry to me and loosened his hand.

Dahyun looked at me and I nodded. There was no way we could get away with it, and my father would find out about Sana sooner or later. 

"The little girl in the picture is Tzuyu's girlfriend." he said. 

"WHAT?!" "Omg..." "Jesus Christ..." My dad just sighed. 

"Tzuyu, tell us about it." my dad said.

"The day you sent us to earth, we're having a tour from Jihyo, the Parks, and Sana was one of her friends. Yeah and we've been dating like almost a year. I found out she's the daughter of the leader not long ago. She found out the same time too. She knows I'm a vampire and I told her to decide which side she'll be on when the war breaks out." 

"One thing, even if she ends up choosing her father's side, I won't hate her or anything. But I'll have to keep her away from the war, along with Momo, nayeon, and jihyo noona."

"Wait, are you telling us there's 3 more?" mr. Kim asked, turning white.

"Yeah. Momo's dating Dahyun, and her family agreed to help us in the war. Jeongyeon's dating Nayeon, since a long time ago, and her family except Mr.Im agreed to leave the organization, so mr. Im is our enemy. And lastly, the Parks agreed to help us too, and I think Jihyo likes Daniel."

"Wait Whose Daniel?" Jeongyeon asked. 

"he's the one who guided the Parks to finish everything they have to do to register as a citizen, and I think he once saved Jihyo noona from dropping into the river of Lost Souls. You know how dangerous it is. Don't worry Jeongyeon, he's my friend and he's nice." I assured. God, Jeongyeon really treats us like his child along with Nayeon noona the mother.

"so you're telling me, the three of you are dating hunters. And in order to continue to date them, you tried to take them on our side." Mr.Yoo tried to keep calm.

"well yes, but we also did it to make it easier to win the battle." Dahyun added.

"How about you chaeng?"

"I'm dating Mina." Chaeyoung said cheerfully. Mina blushed and nodded.

"Oh gosh...my son is dating the daughter of the hunters, and my daughter is dating a vampire for long and I never knew..." My dad muttered.

"You found out now, it's not too late. I wanted to tell you after the war dad." tzuyu said 'innocently'.

"Get out, I want some silence."

"Dad, don't worry,, they're good, not on the hunter's side, though I'm not sure with Sana. I'll go and ask about her answer tomorrow, Sunday."

My dad waved his hand and we left. "Tzuyu, let's check if the girls are moving to vampile or not."

I nodded and we teleported to the building.

"Tzu!" jihyo and Nayeon noona called when they saw us. 

"Are you guys just going to welcome Tzuyu?" jeongyeon stared at Nayeon grimly.

"Aw, come here." Nayeon noona giggled and widened her arms.

"Ew..." We all looked away.

"Anyways, why are you guys here?" jihyo asked.

"Well, Mr. hirai said he wants you guys to move to Vampile until the war ends, since your parents volunteered to join the war, and he thinks its even better if you guys are in vampile..."

"Ah! Yes, we're packing now. We've almost finished. is Sana coming with us?" Nayeon asked.

"I'm not sure, I told her I'll be fine with which side she chooses, she's not fighting anyways. I'll go ask her tomorrow." I said and helped jihyo to stack up their furniture.

"Ah...Don't worry, she'll choose yours. let's go together later, please?" Jihyo noona said.

"fine. her answer would be the same anyways." I shrugged and apologized as I saw Mr. JYP. "Sorry mr. Park, we should've suggested to move to Vampile in first place, then you wouldn't have to move twice."

"It's fine Tzuyu. You can teleport anyways, we're just packing up. I heard the war's going to start this monday?"

"yes Mr.Park.  I don't know if the hunters found out, but I'm sure we'll win anyways." I smiled.

"That's the confidence I want! Tzuyu, I want to ask for a favor..."

"please tell me, Mr. Park."

"Well, I hope you can also bring along Jinyoung and Jimin with you...I know you're going for the base."


"I know you don't need any help, but going with you can also boost their experience and there are lots to learn from you. And they've been to the base too, they can lead the way. you won't have to use your perspective power to scan through the base!"

"Please tzuyu."

"Fine... I'm bringing my students who wanted to come too. They're as strong as me, so you have to make them promise they'll stick beside my students at least. If not, i can't make sure of his safety." I warned.

"of course. Hear that?" mr. Park turned to Jinyoung and Jimin.

"Yes dad..."

"oh, and one more thing. I heard from Jihyo noona that you are quite a player Jinyoung hyung. I'm warning you not to do the same to my students, if you do, I won't care and won't interfere what they do."

"jinyoung, how long have I told you to stop doing this!"

"Dad can't I just try-"

"Just listen to him, stop for this once. Or else not even I can help you."

"yes dad..."

"good, you guys can come. I'll be leading my team into the base from entering the Minatozaki's. I'll gather up everyone at 6pm in front of the portal, don't be late. If you're late and don't see me at the portal, just don't come and stay at Vampile. now, have you guys finished packing?" 

"yes, we can leave now." Nayeon's mum said.

"Great, let's go."


No one POV:


"Sana~" tzuyu called as the gang of Jihyo, nayeon, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, jeongyeon and mina arrived.

"Tzuyu!!" Sana smiled and welcomed tzuyu with a hug.

"Ummmm we're here as well?" Dahyun said.

"hehe sorry, don't worry, dad isn't home yet."

"we heard briefly from tzuyu, have you chosen your side?" Jihyo suddenly asked while they're chatting.


"it's okay, I'll come tomorrow if you still haven't decided." Tzuyu patted her head, assuring her its okay.

"i...I don't know...I want to choose Tzuyu, but I want to solve this in peace...why does the solution have to be war?"

"Sana, your father misunderstood about your mother's death. He would never believe what we tell him, if we want to stop this, we have to do it. We'll attack the hunter's base tomorrow. Before that, I'll come and ask for your decision okay? just let us spend today together." tzuyu comforted her while the others looked away, not satisfied with Sana's answer.


owh...so Sana's going to Tzuyu's or her father's?

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acc: shiba_7321