
Solitary Movement

12:55 | Selina Johnson

-(Dialling tone),- I never really loved being around any of my over enthusiastic uncles or aunts. Same was true for babysitting their good for nothing sons.

-...,- Now I miraculously got myself an unwanted cousin or a very slick little thief. 'My Dad would be so proud' I told myself.

-Hey Selina.

-Hey, I am finished here.

-Wow. That was very quick, actually.


-And? Could have probably stayed with him a bit more, gotten something on the theft.

-I think I am going to have plenty of time for that.

-Alright then. So, want me to pick you up?

-No. Not really. But Jerry, could you do me a favour and get me Layla?

-Ugh...what!? I mean, you sure?

-Jerry. Let's pretend that we are on a job and move on.

-I don't get you. I never do. Hang on.


-Yess, I am here.

-Layla, were you serious about our date?


-Things can get, a little grumpy with me. You know that by now?

-I know that. Yes.

-Let's start off with our privacy.

-Huh? Okay,- It was hard to believe that not some hours ago I was standing as her love rival. So she believed. But if things needed to work I had to take initiative. There was a job I wanted to get done.

-You have a little searching and confiscating to do. Up for it?

-What! Why? No. How??

-You will see it first hand. Consider it a gift. The task is easy as opposed to what it may sound.

-Stealing? No. Sel. I mean, how in the world am I supposed to just..

-You wanna do something interesting and exciting than just supervising a bar? Go out with me? This is where start.


-Okay. I see. Forget it. Hand over the phone to Jerry.


-Kid, waiting here.



-I'll do it. But it's your responsibility if something happens to me.

-I know that. Now, get moving. Make an excuse to big guy and Jane.


-Call me in five minutes.


01:05 | Selina Johnson | Shen Anderson

-I know that it's pointless trying to talk to you. But I am tied up with my job at one point. So if you want to continue to act like a jerk, then I am going to have to have you over to the force. Or you can argue about correct authority here.


-But from what I saw, with a place this much populated and chaotic I reckon there's any less number of runners like you to hire.

-(A big exhale),- And it was really the first time he physically reacted to my statement.

-I see. As for now, you won't be moving much with the condition of your leg.

(Phone Rings)

It was Layla calling. I didn't believe her to be up for this, then. I was kinda impressed...

-Yes? Where are you?

-On the driveway. You don't really intend to send me into someone's house, steal stuff and not get caught?

-I'll text you an address. It's a hotel I am currently staying. Get there.

Have a good day!

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