
Muzan Is Just Birdshit!


Shinobu shouted and Kanae was shocked, but I wasn't because I expected such a reaction from them after all, it's been decades, perhaps centuries, the last time that any demon slayers have seen Muzan.

Their shock was expected because not even them have seen Muzan personally, yet a civilian saw Muzan and survived!

They didn't think for a second that he was lying, because there was no reason for him to do so!

"W-why are you guys surprised? Is that Demon a big deal?" I acted cluelessly.

Shinobu couldn't stop herself from slamming the table beneath her. "Big deal?! Of course! That THING is a big deal! That demon is Kibutsuji Muzan! Is the very reason why we Demon Slayers exist in the first place!"

"R-really?! Oh my god, I must've been lucky to survive…!" I acted like it was the greatest revelation ever, but actually, it wasn't compared to my teammates capabilities. Muzan is just birdshit.

A small one.

Besides, the system user is more dangerous than the main antagonist of the story, because they are the game-changers of this universe not that I'll tell them soon though.

"Yes! You are truly fortunate! But seriously! We have been looking for Muzan for centuries now and to think a civilian is the first one to see him personally!" Shinobu was becoming more frustrated by the information that I had just given them.

If it was them who saw Muzan first, they would have eliminated him on sight!

I would have been looking at her with a deadpan expression if I were to know what she was thinking. I mean even if all of the Hashira would fight off Muzan. It would have been impossible to kill him, except for the sun.

Muzan that guy has 7 hearts and 5 brains, he wouldn't just go down just by slicing his neck with Nichirin blade, while he could solo the Demon Slayer Verse by himself, he was too much of a coward due to the trauma that he got from Yoriichi the first sun breathing user.

"Now, calm down Shinobu, let's just be thankful that he survived and got to meet Muzan. Blake-san, would you please tell us his appearance? It's a very important piece of information to us Demon Slayers, until now no one has seen Muzan, the first demon that lived to see the day, except you." Kanae said calmly as she could, but I could definitely feel a quiver in her body.

This very piece of information that she we get from my mouth, might be the key toward ending the war between Demons and Demon Slayers!

"I'll tell you about what I know so please listen closely." I started explaining the appearance of Muzan to the best of my ability because if I could just say that he looks like Micheal Jackson they wouldn't get the reference at all.

Plus he couldn't say Heh..heh, too bad a real shame.

"I see..so this is what Muzan looks like.." Kanae looks at the paper in her hands, if you're asking me how did she even get the paper and pencil to draw Muzan?

I have no idea! She literally just took it out of nowhere! If I didn't know about this world. I would have thought she had magic or something!

Aside from this world of questionable physics, they were satisfied with the information I gave them.

"Kanae-san, Shinobu-chan you should eat the food while it's warm, anyway thank you for recommending me." After saying that I could see Shinobu twitching, she probably didn't like being called 'chan' by a person that she just met today.

"It's not a problem Blake-san, compared to the information that you gave us it's nothing."

I nodded and replied. "I have to go back to work now, they were probably looking for me right now."

Kanae nodded. "Good luck and I'll send you a message after I get you a recommendation."

I bowed at her and closed the door from their private room, then my smile widened and shouted internally. 'Hell yeah! I could finally learn the legendary breathing technique! I care not of what type of breathing I'm going to learn, it's useful regardless!'

Then I skipped a step as I walked toward the kitchen, this was something worth celebrating!


After the meeting with the Kocho's, I immediately gathered everyone for a meeting leaving our respective tasks to our employees.

I took a deep breath and said. "Just a few minutes ago I met 2 Demon Slayers that were dining in our restaurant and I just created a connection between us, so we can finally start the search for our target."

Everyone nodded at my words, then EMIYA said. "So?"

"So what? Please be specific or I might have misunderstood you." I said with a deadpan tone.

"So, should I follow them or not?"

I blinked that question of his really surprised me, when did this guy treat me as a leader?

I thought this was a trap question and replied. "Does my opinion really matter?"

"Not really, just saying if you agree or not regardless of your answer I'd follow them." EMIYA gave me his signature grin.

"So basically it's a pointless question, real funny Shirou..real funny ha. ha.ha, I'm dying out of laughter." My tone was devoid of emotion.

"Don't call me that! That name irritates me! Shirou Emiya is dead along with his foolish ideology!" EMIYA gritted his teeth, he deeply regretted the path he took. To be a hero of justice is like walking in hell, killing ten to save hundreds, killing hundreds to save thousands and that's the painful truth of being a 'hero' you can't save everyone.

He was beyond foolish to sell his soul to Alaya, that fucking bitch he hated her so much.

Before joining the group chat he was actually planning on creating a paradox killing his younger self so that he would cease to exist and would have his eternal rest.

But then again it was 'before' he joined the group chat, after joining in he might not need to do it anymore, killing his younger self and creating a paradox isn't 100% guaranteed, plus his goal was to escape Alaya's influence.

He didn't necessarily need to commit suicide, at least here he could have choices and it wasn't bad, unlike Alaya who doesn't give him choice plus doesn't give him any reward at all, stingy.

"So, what do you want me to call you?" Even though I know obviously it's going to be Archer I still asked.

"Archer, call me that," Archer said with a resolute expression.

"Kay, Archer is it then."

Archer stood up and said. "I'm going to follow them now. I have a feeling that they are on their way hunting a demon."

Hearing that Echidna suddenly got interested. "Archer, If you ever find a demon while following those slayers, don't kill them, capture them. I want to have a little research on their species. They are interesting."

Aside from her current research of Lucifer's blood, she wanted to know the difference between a devil from hell and a man-made demon.

Either way, Lucifer's blood was to say... shocking, it had a literal Immortality property because the vitality seems infinite in her blood.

She didn't try to inject it into living things yet but she'll eventually do, it was beyond exciting to do. Would the test subject die after injecting the blood of Lucifer? Or would they become a devil-like her?

Those are many possibilities that exist, that knowledge she craved for the results, her greed wants it, that's how her nature is.

Archer hearing that from Echidna he couldn't help but be reminded of the magus of his world, she's pretty similar to them.

"I'll see what I can do." That's what he said, he didn't make promises and left to follow the trail of the Kocho sisters.

I was too late to stop him from going, I was going to ask him if he wanted to join me in learning breathing techniques along with me, but I guess I'd ask after he finishes 'stalking' two young maidens.

What a creepy pedophile-


Archer who was following the Kocho sisters couldn't help but feel insulted for no apparent reason. "Why do I feel like someone is insulting me,"


Guysssss I need thee votee~