
Chapter 3

Four years later~

I am now five years old. There will be a ball for marriage candidates for the second and third prince. I begged my parents not to let me go, onii-chan also tried his best to help me but fails miserably. I pouted, cried, gave the puppy eyes which usually works and I even throw a tantrum which I don't usually do. But the answer is still no.

Geez my parents are persistent with this marriage ball. So now I am in the car .I will try my best to avoid his highness. I rather just become friend than to become his fiancé which will trigger the so called death flags.

I already have all the servants in the mansion on my side, I don't want to brag but Angelica is a very cute child appearance wise, but she is very bratty in the game. Her personality is the polar opposite of her name.

The technology in this world is very advance, this world has a modern world setting but ranking from the old times still exist.

"Angel, we're here"

"I'm still dissatisfied that you brought me here to feed me to wolves , mama"

"Oh, don't be like that. His highnesses aren't wolves. They're very bright, I'm sure you'll get along."

"They are to me. Can't we just head back home?..... even if I'm not sure that I will get pick ,I still don't want to take any chances." I pouted

"How many times have we gone this? The answer is still a no."

"Fine"I held back from clicking my tongue

We walked into the castle. In there, there are many cute girls. Hopefully the highnesses won't notice me and I'll just get home and not engaged. I'll just hide in the toilet when they pick. That's the plan.

"Mama, I have an urgent business so if you will excuse me. I will be in the washroom."

"Get back before they pick"

"I will try my best"

Yes! I escaped the wolves den. Now all I have to do is sit in the washroom until the whole thing is over. Fufu~ no one wi-

I closed my eyes preparing for my fall that never came, but instead an arm wrapped around my waist.

" I deeply apologise. I was lost in thoughts and not looking where I was going. I am very sorry for my foolish actions" The boy apologies with a sincere smile

Wow... he is good looking for his age but his smile is fake, I can tell as I do that a lot too. It is a thing in noble society. Blond hair and blue eyes ....why does he look so familiar though?

"No, I am the one who should be apologising. I was also lost in thoughts. Thank you for catching me." I said with a smile . And I realise that we are still in the same position.

"Would you mind letting go?" I asked trying not to sound rude

"No, not at all. I thought that the ball room is that way? Why is a cute lady such as yourself here?" Kiddo, it's to early to flirt with me.

"I have some business to attend to. I will be leaving. It was a pleasure to meet you"

Now that I have escaped, not. I felt a hand grab me. What now?

"Is there something else that you might need?" I showed a fake eyed smile

"Can you be a dear and come with me for a while?" I'll just reject him " before you reject this humble offer, I am Prince Zayden Asher Ezekiel." He showed a grin....clearly he knows he is winning

Humble my head. Revealing that you are royalty means I cannot go back on your order since it can be counted as treason. I might be questioned of my loyalty. I just wanted to avoid you and god made me bump into you is what I like to say. But I can't.

"I wouldn't dare to reject your offer your highness. If you haven't notice, I am the daughter of Duke Diamonda. My humble name is Angelica Emilia Diamonda." I replied trying to hide the fact I was pissed off

"Yes, I know. Now let's go somewhere more private. I want to talk to you." He chuckled

"I accept your offer"

He is leading me to the opposite direction from the ball room. I want to ask where we're going but it won't be polite to question royalty. He finally stopped.

I peeked through his shoulder. It is a beautiful garden but not my taste. I personally designed my garden back home into my preference. I prefer black roses over red and white flowers rather than pink ones.

"Let's chat here"

" Please start your highness. After all you still have to go to the ballroom to pick out your fiancé. I don't want to waste your precious time"

"I don't need to pick anyone else. After all you are to be my fiancé" he said as he smiled at me .

This little brat.....you think people will just accept you without putting a fight? Guess again. But as long as he don't kill me I don't care. My life is important here...

"I think my ears are going bad. I heard you saying that I will be your fiancé?" I faked a smile and chuckled

"You did not hear wrong"

Ugh! This kid has some nerves. He must have bumped into me with this plot in his head. We all know the prodigy prince will never bump into someone without a benefit. Now now, how should I deal with this...

"So may I ask you something your highness? Why me? There are plenty fishes in the sea. I understand that you want to fend off marriage invitations but can you please choose someone else?"

"You asked the question without my permission so why ask for permission?" He chuckled ,clearly amused. Anyone can see that from the glint in his eyes.

This damn kid is so slick with every word. Who does he think he is...oh right he's the 'I'm the prince so you have to do what I say in his mind but forces you like you have a choice while you don't on the outside.'

I don't hate his mindset rather since he's clever he can do what he wants but it's getting troublesome for me. He must be very good at chess, I want to play against him someday~

What am I thinking, this is not the time for that!

"As for the question regarding why you. Because you seem interesting and you seem very like me. Most girl will take this opportunity to seduce me while you wanted to reject . I find it quite amusing and refreshing"

Amusing? Am I being mocked by a kid? While I was in daze he let out a chuckle..

"Also drop the formalities and call me Zayden, my dear fiancé. Consider me as a friend , don't worry so much. I've taken a liking of you"

" I understand. Now if you like someone just tell me and I will back off. We can break the engagement peacefully. I don't want my family to suffer because of me. I am too young to die, Zayden."

"Sure, Angel. But I don't think I will be falling in love with anyone else." Then he mumbles something I couldn't hear.

"We never know the future, Zayden. I believe my mother is waiting for me"

"I will visit you when I have time after this ball. I will tell my father about you being my fiancé when we get back to the ball room"

At the ballroom

My mama and papa are talking to the king. Papa must have arrived just now

"Father, the sun of the kingdom, good evening. I have chosen my fiancé. Angel come here" his voice from stern and cold talking to his father turns warm and friendly talking to me. He can act well.

"Your royal highness, the sun of the kingdom. It is a pleasure for this humble one to meet you." I said with a curtsy.

"The pleasure is mine Angelica." He then turned to my parents " She is very mature for her age. You taught her well"

"Thank you your majesty"

"Father, I want her to be my fiancé"

"Sure , son"

What the....the emperor agreed quite quickly. What's with the 'sure son'? Is he gonna say 'sure,son' if Zayden wants to conquer the world? Whatever.

After that they announced the engagement.I bid farewell to Zayden .Finally home sweet home here I come. I plopped into the limo. My eyes feel heavy......then all fell into darkness.