
What's Your Wish?

A girl with strict parents is always prohibited to doing things that others do very freely like going to parties, gathering with friends, hangouts, pastimes, specially having a boyfriend. But what happens when she has a crush? Natasha is a 16 year old girl who just got to know what crush is. Go with Natasha to know what her point of view of a crush is and accompany her in acquiring her crush or maybe something more?

LimeKookie · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

"Yes, the dumpling are good. But the fried rice is good too. Let me tell you Natasha, you need to try the shrimp fried rice. It's too good to be true. It's so well cooked and tasty" Anna said. "And the pizza is good too. They serve pepperoni pizza and mushroom pizza. Lots of students in our school are vegan. So they make vegan friendly food too" said Emi.

"Yeah we forgot to ask. Are you a vegan by any chance, Natasha?" asked Karina. Natasha shook her head. "I eat non-veg food too. That's not a problem for me". "Then you would love everything that is served because everything here is good" said Emi.

"I actually have no qualms about food. I am fine with anything that is halal" said Natasha. All of them walked down the halls and stairs towards the cafeteria. They entered the cafeteria and went to stand in line taking food tokens in their hand. Kikis energy never seemed to cease. She was still speaking. The girls got their food and went to find a table to sit. It was lunch for every class. So the cafeteria was full. But it was so huge that finding a place to sit wasn't a problem.

They found a place to sit and started talking while eating. "Natasha didn't finish telling us about her school. Continue Natasha" said Anna. "Why are you so eager to know about her school Anna?" asked Isis. "Oh, come on. I Want to know how it feels like to be in an only girls school". Emi and Karina nodded in agreement.

"It's not actually that fun when you have no friends. The school was great, the people weren't. They would make snarky comments about someone's fashion, their hair or something. They would bully some of the scholarship students. Fortunately, I never got bullied" said Natasha.

"The teachers there are not so good, I need to admit. They were really rude. Always behaving rudely with the students and parents. They would only behave politely to those who had more money. Like those government officials children or rich businessmen children. The children would also never forget to flaunt their wealth in front of everyone.

The teachers always made it hard for us scholarship students. Not giving us proper attention, always fawning over them and buttering them up, sometimes bullying others or ignoring the bullies. The sports class was the most torturing. Tripping students over and making them fall, saying it was just an accident and threatening them to keep their mouths shuts. Many kinds of thing took place in front of me. The teachers would just turn a blind eye to it.

The school had a little field. It wasn't used often. We used to have sports class in the gyn and function in the auditorium. Granted the auditorium wasn't as big as the one here".

"That sounded like a nightmarish experience" said Karina. "It was, for those who faced it first hand. For those who were like me, watching on the sidelines, we just hoped that we wouldn't be the next victim."

"That was a depressing talk. You know we are going to have our freshmen welcome party soon for the new 9th graders?" said Emi. "Yeah, I heard the seniors talking about it this morning" replied Isis. "Are you interested in participating Natasha?" asked Anna.

"I never took part in anything like this. So I don't know how any of these parties work" said Natasha. "It's okay if you don't know how these work. Do you want to take part? Just tell us if you want and we will give you a rundown about how everything works" said Kiki. "I an not sure if you would get the permission to participate. my parents never let me take part in parties. So, parties are not my thing". "Parties are everyone's thing as long as they try. Don't worry about your parents. Mr. Kim or Miss Wells can handle them" said Isis. "So, do you want to participate?" asked Karina. "Yes, I do" said Natasha. "Are you going to participate too?" asked Natasha. "Yes, all of us will participate" said Iris. "Who else will participate?" "Mostly those who are in clubs take part and poach new members for their clubs. Those who are social butterflies join to mingle and spend a good time. Which means all of grade 9, because the party is for them and most of the students from grade 10, 11 and 12 will be there" said Anna.

I tried guys. Writing something you might like. Tell me if I can add something fun. But let's have a chat. I'm from Bangladesh. Where are you guys from my dear readers?

From next chapter, I'll write the regular conversations like a dialogue so that we don't get confused about who is talking. Because even if I'm the writer I keep getting confused

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