
What's Her Favorite Flower?

This book explores a fantasy world with our main character being a very ill young elf princess. One day she gets willingly kidnapped and she goes on an adventure with this girl to finally see what freedom is all about. Check out my twitter or Instagram for more updates on the process: @GrandmaSquidwa1 on Twitter @_grandma_swiss_ on Instagram

SWISSroll6G598I · Fantasie
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6 Chs


Estella and Sol had finally gotten far enough away from the castle, but by this time the sun had just started peeking over the clouds. Sol had let Estella off her back. Estella's toes barely touching the floor as she wiggled them about. She hopped down, stumbling a little bit, and fixed her dress. She then looks up at the sunrise, her eyes twinkling in the sun rays as they, the sun rays, also lit up the street and the trees.

They were now in the break-away city/village called Galva. Galva is one of the more local market places in the Elven Kingdom, Aspenalis. It's populated with a lot of different species such as: vampires, aliens, demons, fairies, mushroom folk and even some sirens. But seeing as this is the elven kingdom it's mostly elves out on a morning grocery market splurge. The thing that made this even more nerve wracking for Estella was everyone knew her and her face to a tea.

It was going to be hard to sneak her out of the kingdom solely because everyone knows her. It is honestly quite infuriating for Sol. She has to somehow sneak out one of the most important and most known person in the kingdom. With a heavy sigh Sol takes a black silk cape out of her bag. She flicks the cloth outward, with this it slung itself around Estella's small frail body. Estella's eyes jolt open as Sol ties it around her neck slyly. Sol flips the hood over her head and also doing the same to hers before saying to her,

"It's to keep ya from gettin caught." Estella nodded her head before pouncing over to Sol's side.

"Where to next?" Said Estella with a slight tilt of her head.

"Fortaare the city of Drunkards. It ain't far from here, it's right near the edge of Atheller Woods."

"I don't go outside of the gates of the castle very much and I've never even seen past the edge of the forest." Estella said her voice was laced with excitement.

"I'm glad I could give ya that." Sol said, holding back her own smile.

"Anyways we gotta start headin out, before Mr. Pussy Cat finds us." She coughed out. Estella nodded her head ferociously hopping alongside a hastily walking Sol.

While they traveled to the end of the forest they walked through the heart of Galva, the shopping district. Merchant holding out jewelry and baked goods. It was a perfect day to shop. People were flocking to the baked breads and pastries. People were stopping to watch the magicians and street performers. Kids were dancing and playing in the streets. It was truly a chaotic but delightful place. The foliage in the center consisted of all sorts of shrubs and flowers.

Estella looked over at this little group of kids playing in the center, there were only three of them. They all looked to be the same age and they all had jet black hair. There were two little boys and one little girl. The little girl seemed very disinterested in what the boys were doing. She had long jet black hair with bangs that covered her forehead. She had cute rectangular glasses and wore a little black and purple dress. The boys had short jet black hair with bangs covering their eye, opposite to each others. They looked like twins with their little black jeans and purple shirts. It was so cute to Estella.

"Miri! Miri! Look what I found!" Said the little boy with hair covering his left eye while holding a huge caterpillar.

"Ewwww! Stop showing me disgusting bugs Euric." She huffed, her lips pursing together and her arms folding across her torso.

"Caterpillars aren't scary, Miri." Said the other boy with a big smile hanging on his face.

"Yes they are Resy. All bugs are gross and they deserve death." She then let out a little tuft of air, which signifies her disgust.

"Even butterflies!!!" Said Euric and Resy at the same time, Euric almost throwing the caterpillar. She nodded at them. Estella giggled at such innocent young children remembering the childhood she couldn't have.

She didn't have enough time to ponder on it for long because Sol grabbed her by the arm, quite harshly might one say. She(sol) was grumbling under her breath the whole time. Estella tried to pry her arm away from Sol's grip but as expected she was way bigger and stronger. There was no way she would escape her grasp.

"May you please let go of my arm, it is starting to hurt my arm." She said while pointing at her arm.

"Oh, ugh sure. My bad, I guess I didn't realize I was hurtin ya." She said, letting go of her arm gently.

"What happened earlier?"

"Those kids just brought back bad memories."

Eventually Sol and Estella reached the edge of Galva. Sol signaled to Estella with a finger on her own lips. Estella nodded her head and followed behind Sol. They were in the gates, the candles were blown out and guards were standing by each side of the gate. Sol put her hand out in front of Estella making it apparent she wanted her to stop. Sol then snuck around in the darkness knocking out the first guard and returning to do the same to the other. Once the coast was clear she waved her hand at Estella.

With a burst of energy Estella ran out of the darkness into the forest. Her foot hit the grass with the softest touch and the woody smell embraced her nose. She fell in love with this smell, it smelled like her scented candles from home. She shook her head and walked over to Sol's side. She nudged Sol to get her attention.

"How's it feel Princess?"

"I told you not to call me princess." She said with a pout. The forest went silent, awaiting Estella's response. She(estella) looked up to the sky before saying:

"It's more than I would've ever thought! Exploring the town and even escaping the gates, it's been so fun!" She paused for a minute looking into Sol's chocolate eyes. Melting in the warmness of them.

"It's been the most amazing experience and I'm so grateful for you and your efforts." She smiled, a single tear slipping from her right eye, spilling down her face. It dawned on her slowly that she was crying. With an ounce of speed she wiped her face.

Sol cleared her throat and walked off quietly, it wasn't fast but it wasn't slow either. Estella just skipped behind her through the forest. They trudged through the forest and all of its mud and vines. Estella's dress became filthy and gross. She grumbled to herself knowing that it would probably stain her dress.

At this point they had been traveling for about ten hours now, just wandering the forest and all its corners. But amidst all of the walking and wood giants they found a clearing in the forest canopy. They both collectively decided this was a great space to sleep the night away. Plus Estella had told Sol a little while before this she was feeling ill and wanted to take a rest.

Sol had fully set up their camp by nightfall and Estella was feeling a little homesick? She was truly missing Bento and her family. This feeling curled her stomach into a ball and made her feel nauseous. She rushed over to a fallen log and sat on it. She held her mouth trying to stop this morning's tea from saying hello. She wasn't looking for a friend, especially tea.

"Homesick Princess?" Sol said with a sarcastic undertone.

"A little bit. I've never been this far from home before." Estella's voice trailed off as she spoke.

"You could always turn back. Ain't nobody holdin ya captive." Sol said, in her hands she had some logs and a match. There was a pit filled with five or so logs and maybe two sheets of paper. Estella watched her as she struck the match creating fire. Estella was shook at the magic Sol had done in front of her eyes. Sol giggled slightly at Estella's innocent mind.

"I don't want to go back, I just…" She trailed off getting distracted by her thoughts.

"Miss everyone." She finished, at this moment Sol had stood up dusting her hands off. She meandered her way back to the resting area and grabbed a blanket from the bag she was carrying earlier today. She walked back over to Estella and wrapped it around her frail and shivering body. Sol could practically feel the ground vibrating under her feet as Estella shivered.

"Oh, Thank you Sol." Estella said, giving her a soft smile.

"No problem Princess." Sol replied, but Sol's face displayed that of a teasing one. Estella grumbled and snuggled into her blanket.

They had sat there for a little while staring at the sky and talking about some really random things while Estella was sketching in her notebook. This time Estella was drawing a daffodil. The vibrant color and dynamic shape setting it out from the rest. She had actually seen one earlier in town. The florist was selling them in her shop.

"Whatcha drawin'?"

"I'm drawing a daffodil-" She didn't get to finish that sentence because a giant bull lady cut her off.

"Do you only draw flowers?" She said with a grimace expression.

"No! I draw other things. Just flowers are more interesting." She puffed.

"Not to mention I draw flowers with meanings to what I feel. Daffodil's are symbols for new beginnings and rebirth. I find them really beautiful in the daytime. Their colors are exceptionally pretty." She enthusiastically went on.

"Aren't they also a symbol of bad luck though?" Sol retorted. All Estella could do was stare. She didn't notice at first but Sol's face was so elegant even with her piercings. The fire lit up her face and made it irresistible to look at. Her beauty was so foreign to Estella. Before she knew it Sol had snapped her finger in Estella's face, bringing her back to the present conversation.

"I guess so but I'm choosing to ignore bad luck. I want to stay positive." She said, faking a smile knowing exactly why she chose this flower. She was just ignoring the fact all together, even if it's inevitable.

"Whatever ya say Princess." She said standing to her feet stretching her arms out. She let out a little groan, it must've been a good stretch.

"Well Princess, I'm headed to bed. We've got a long day tomorrow. Gotta be ready." With that she walked away from Estella, but she(estella) didn't want to move. She liked being by the fire wrapped in a blanket and drawing near it. It was oddly therapeutic for her. She had decided she'd stay a little longer.

It was roughly midnight now and Estella was falling over as exhaustion took her body. She was startled awake by the sound of a cracking branch. Out of panic she stands up and throws her blanket. Her legs almost giving out as she had stood up too fast. She slowly backed up trying to make her way over to Sol's side knowing full well she'd save her. Every step she took the echo of cracking sticks and crunching leaves rung through her ears. She thought her head was going to explode.

She had made it to Sol's side, shaking her vigorously. She woke up hastily, apparently a light sleeper, and grabbed her weapon. Estella hid behind her as she stood in her stance ready for whatever the hell was going to pop out of that forest. In the far distance you could hear what sounded like posh grumbling.

"Ugh I wasn't built for the outdoors." The stranger said through gritted teeth. Estella recognized that voice all too well. She gulped knowing the earful she's about to receive. She put her hand over Sol's hand signifying her to stand down, to which she complied.

"I swear to god once I find her-" The stranger didn't get to finish that thought before he spotted them. He stomped over to them pointing his finger.

"Oh god." Estella said, shaking in her boots.


^chapter three [2047 words]

I know its been a hot minute since the last chapter but this chapter was kind of boring to write. I don't know maybe it's just me but I was bored. But I did it so that's an accomplishment. Anyways one of my orchids died and I'm kind of sad about it, other than this news the book here is close to 1000 reads and thats kind of shocking to me, I'd like to thank you!!!!

I also plan to post a drawing I did of Sol on twitter :]

(I will also be going on a trip to universal soon so I'm going to try to finish chapter 4 before then but no full promises)

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