
What’s Within Me?

He have been asking himself ever since he got into Spherical Academy. How he got into an extraordinary place with extraordinary creatures?

namjjog · Fantasie
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11 Chs


"Good morning, students. The head officers would like to ask you to gather at the sphereal for your first assembly. Thank you." 


Juho with all of his curiosity, he looked at Desu, who was just sitting in front of him. They were having lunch together. Well, Desu went to his room early in the morning and asked him to roam around. When the clock hit twelve, he was dragged to the cafeteria for lunch.


"Sphereal?" he asked.

"Well, that's a gymnasium in our world. Come on. Let's hear the announcement," Desu answered and led the way.


They walked down the long hallway and their feet stopped in front of the huge room. It was like a ballroom, but Desu said this is what they called a sphereal, or a gymnasium.


As they went inside, a sea of people welcomed them. He gulped. He is an ambivert. There's a part of him that's afraid of being in the middle of so many people.


"Juho, let's go." He heard Desu. He turned his gaze to her. He couldn't speak. That's why Desu held his hand and dragged him inside. Even though he's trembling, he doesn't have any choice but to follow. 


Every student has their own area. Juho was assigned to sit in the first row while Desu was beside him. 

"All of them are like you, newbies. Some of them know about their abilities because of their bloodline, while others are like you, totally clueless," Desu explained to him. He looked around, and just like what he did the first time he arrived, some of them were amazed. 


"If that so, then why are they playing with fires?" he asked while looking at the group of students who were playing with fires. 


"They're sphereans. All newbies have one. I am spherean and have been assigned to be your partner," Desu answered while he nodded. 


"Cool," he said. 


Every newcomer has their own partner, the spherean. Spherean is a student who was already studying there for six years.


He was wondering what the meeting was all about. They waited for ten minutes until a strange person stood on the stage. Inside his head, he thinks that's probably a professor.


"Who was that?" he whispered. That was the same question he heard from the people around him.


"Good question, good question, my dear students," the person happily said. "I'm Hyung Sakeo. I am the master of this assembly and your guardian," he said. And he was right. Sakeo was indeed a professor.


"Guardians are the protectors. I heard his name from Professor Kim," Desu said. Juho nodded.


"Today is your first day as an official spherean. As you can see, you have one of the powerful sphereans beside you, and they will be your guide to reach your abilities. As soon as you reach that time, they will leave you in an instant and will turn into your enemy," Sakeo said. "And since this is your first day, you will all be given a task to prove to yourselves how powerful you are through show offs. Are you ready?" he added.


The sphereal was swallowed by a super loud noise because of the answer, except for him. He looked at Desu, who was sitting beside him. Now he understands why Desu bumped him in the first place; she will be the person who will lead him down the right path.


"But why do I need to fight you? That'll be unfair. Once everything starts, you will know my weakness," he whispered to Desu. Desu chuckled.


"Just listen, Juho. There's nothing to be scared of," Desu replied. He looked at her confusedly.


"Seriously? I'm not deaf. I know what's the meaning of powerful is," he said. 


"Humans sometimes get a wrong idea, Juho. Relax," she answered. He sighed and looked in front of him. 


Sakeo, the guardian, was calling out to every newcomer one by one. The students are showing off their skills, but some of them can't provide. 


"Im Ju-ho," Sakeo called him. He slowly stood up. He was nervous, trembling because what if everyone there laughs because he can't provide for show offs? He was hoping that the earth would swallow him while he was walking towards the direction of the stage.


As soon as he reached the stage, he looked at the crowd of people. He gulped. In the first place, he doesn't know what he was doing there, but instead he speaks.


"I was born ordinary. I am nobody. I can't show off because, in the first place, there's nothing I could show to you." After saying that, he ran out and reached the beach.

He picked up a stone and threw it as far as he could. As soon as it reached the water, he screamed. That was the most embarrassing moment he ever had in his life. Who will not get embrass anyway? Someone like him? Showing off a hidden ability? So odd.


"Juho." He immediately looked at the person. Of course, he knows the owner of that voice.


"Professor Kim," he blunted.

"There's no use if you just scream out here." Showing off will not make you less powerful," Professor Kim said. That will be your first step on discovering your true self. The step that will lead you to know that something is within you," he added. Professor Kim was looking out of nowhere until he raised his arm and pointed at the clouds.

"The sky will lead you the way. Being here is not an accident, Juho. You are special. That was the reason why destiny brought you here," advised by the professor.


He looked at the sky and he saw nothing but peace. "One day you will understand why you are here." When he looked at his professor, he was nowhere to be found. Yes, of course. Teleportation. He stared at the sea for a minute before letting out a deep sigh. He looked above the skies and closed his eyes and when he opened it, question was formed inside his head.


"What did destiny want me to do?" he pondered.