
Werewolf slayer forbidden love broken in to the twilight.

DeathNight · Teenager
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Kaitlyn's 2nd day of high school

Some dude lifted up Kaitlyn's skirt out of no where. the dude said," Why isn't she wearing underwear?" The popular girls come up to her and said," Smooth one. we should hang out some time. how about it? meet me after school at 3pm under the tree." Kaitlyn finds that dude and beats him up for what he does to her. The dude says it was not his idea at all. The dude said," Please stop beating me up. I won't mess around next time. I promise." That's how they first met out of no where. He kissed her and said," I'm sorry for what I did. your just so cute and crazy popular cause of what you do. My name is Austin Rockstar. I'm undercover. This means I'm to popular to ask you something." Kaitlyn said," My real name is twilight. I changed it by law to blend in. Are you a rockstar?." Austin said," Yes im a rockstar. oh no now fans are chasing us. Let's run." As they were running they both found a hiding spot under the tree at 3pm. The popular girls found her and said," will will you stay away from her. She is in our group, get lost creep!." Austin said," wait! I'm a rockstar see. This is really me." The popular girls said to Kaitlyn," Do you know this creep?." Kaitlyn said," Of course I don't. like I care. he tried to kiss me." The popular girl said," You monster. never walk near Kaitlyn again." Austin face was like frozen up in fear of never seeing her again." The next day Austin started crying cause he fell in love with Kaitlyn at first sight of his first love. Kaitlyn walked over and said," Why are you crying?" Austin said," I don't like showing my tears to my first love that was you. I was trying to ask you out before any other boy did. You just started beating me up for nothing. That boy I caught for you and beat him up for you. Yesterday you acted like you didn't know me acting popular when you needed to stop and talk first." popular girl said," Why are you starting to talk to this monster?" Kaitlyn said," He isn't a monster. He was trying to ask me out and couldn't do it yesterday cause of all his fans chasing him." Popular girl said," Will you can't hang out with us anymore. we don't want you. if you date him your popularity will go down. have a nice day." Kaitlyn kissed Austin. Austin stopped her right away and said," What are you doing? You will ruin your popularity." Kaitlyn said," Will I like you for you. even through I can't date you cause of my family saying no dating rule. Let's date." Austin said," Are you sure? Your popularity shouldn't go down cause I am a rockstar. Here's some of my videos." Kaitlyn said," OMG! You have 1M subscribers already." Austin smiled and said," Yes I do.Can I buy you a new outfit?" Kaitlyn said," We should wear matching outfits tomorrow." Austin said," How about you being a rockstar as will. I heard of your singing." Kaitlyn said," I think my family will love you for sure and will allow me to date you. I don't know I been delaying offers cause I didn't want to become more popular than I already am. I have a special ability is coping other movements of dancing and cheerleadering without practicing. I got to get home. it's 5pm. I will think about being coming a rockstar." When she got in the car her family said," Use him." Kaitlyn said," Why should I?. I wanted a relationship since I 14. I'm his first love." The mom said," I am your mom right. That means you must obey. You must become a rockstar as will since you pulled that one not being with the popular girls. Unless you want to be kicked out of this house." Kaitlyn said," I have a plan to get back to the popular girls back in their group." The next day she caught one of the girls. Kaitlyn said," Wait! hold on. I want to talk to you about using him." The popular girl said," I like were your going keep talking." Kaitlyn said," What if we become more popular by being a rockstar and dating him as will." The popular girl said," I like what your saying. Your total back in are group. but we need a plan to cover the back in the group thing. you ask your boyfriend to come to us and ask if she can come back in the group." Kaitlyn run into Austin. Austin said," Did you try to get back in the group?" Kaitlyn said," Can you ask her for me? I tried but I couldn't do it at all." Austin said," Ok. I will try and ask. I will have to catch her. just give me a moment. but you owe me a kiss." Kaitlyn said," I will kiss you later." Austin walked up to the group asking if she can join them. The group said yes. Kaitlyn kissed him right away to get it over and done. Austin said," no fair. I wasn't ready.Can I get another one?." Kaitlyn said," Meet me after school at 3pm I will kiss you than." The girls walked over and chatted with Kaitlyn all day long and missed 3pm by mistake. Austin said," Your late." Kaitlyn said," I'm sorry but the girls wanted to buy me a new outfit. they didn't like how we matched." Austin said," Why are you so difficult and different to be with? Your not yourself I know that aright. tell me what's wrong." Kaitlyn kissed him and said," Your my boyfriend right. you need to obey me." Austin said," Whats going on? And no I'm not obeying you." The girls in the group just laughed of how dumb he is being." Kaitlyn said," Will I need you to carry my books around their so heavy." Austin said," Is that it? fine I will do it."

I trying really hard on this book. gonna keep it going no matter what. Please comment on what should happen next.

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