
Werewolf Origin

How did the first person become a werewolf? This novel explains the origin of the lycanthrope. This story is the prequel to the 1951 movie "The Wolf Man."

Alexander_Cullison · Fantasie
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Werewolf Origin was inspired by the 1941 movie, "The Wolf Man." This classic film starred Lon Chaney, Jr. A clan of gypsies comes into a village in Wales. Lon Chaney is bitten by a werewolf in his attempt to save a girl. The girl dies, but he did kill the monster, who was Bela, a gypsy fortuneteller. Unfortunately for Lon, he becomes a werewolf, and so begins the genre. What is not revealed is how Bela first became a wolf man; this book is a prequel to the movie and reveals this mystery.

The story takes place in Llanromney, Wales. The year is 1851. The main character is Dr. Paul Thomas; who practices in a small village. He treats both humans and animals in his capacity as a veterinarian and a family physician. His young, attractive, female assistant, Larene Lester, has worked by his side for many years. Captain Frederick Wellen is the local magistrate and law enforcement officer for this village as well as true friend to Paul.

The small village of Llanromney is home to about 500 villagers. Dr. Thomas has a satisfying, but not especially lucrative practice. When he does get paid, it is usually with chickens or other livestock. His office and laboratory are in his rural home. Dr. Paul, as most everyone addresses him, enjoys the respect and friendship of most all of the villagers.

The biggest problem that Dr. Thomas and the villagers face is an epidemic of rabies. It may have started with bats, but has quickly spread to both farm animals and humans. The doctor has made it his life's work to research and study this horrific virus. He has learned that it is spread through the saliva of the infected mammal. He also learns that once the animal or person is bitten, that they will not show symptoms immediately, other than the wound of the bite. He knows the wound gets itchy and, as the days go by, the animal or the person gets more anxious and sickly. Death is imminent. It is a horrible way to die. Dr. Thomas and his assistant Larene have been working for years trying to find a cure for the terrible problem plaguing their village.