
Werewolf Monarch

[WSA 2024 Entry] In the depths of a war torn city, Luna has no choice but to do everything she can to survive. However, she would always be a prisoner if she couldn't find a way to escape. One day, after waiting for death to take her, she wakes up to find that she's been saved by a werewolf. Also, Luna's new teacher shows her the world of magic. Luna never suspected such a thing could exist in a world where technology dominated everything. **** Chapters will be realased every two days so I can catch up and have chapters ready to publish in advanced.

LupusDeus · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Savior part 2

As Luna watches Raven fight, she notices something else that horrifies her. Off in the distance, three soldiers are tying up a werewolf and carrying them away.

'So that's what they're after? Even after all this time they've been monitoring the city?'

Luna can't help but to feel like this is partially her fault.

Another thing she noticed is that the soldiers were paying more attention to Raven than they should be. Luna thought it was strange that they were trying to kill something so powerful.

A few soldiers were capturing werewolves, but the majority had their focus on Raven.

'Maybe she was their main target. They're trying to capture her because of her magic.' Luna thought as she actively took action.

She decided to resume the werewolves who were being captured. Raven could handle her own, but the others had no magic. Neither did she, but she has fighting experience and the element of surprise.

As she was about to run after them, a large explosion erupted out of nowhere. Luna looked in Raven direction and saw that the soldiers were using grenade launchers to whittle down her armor.

Raven wouldn't last long if they kept hurling bombs at her. However, Luna knew what Raven would do in this situation. She knew what Raven was currently doing.

'She's buying time for us to escape. I have to rescue as many as I can.'

As Luna rushes towards the captured werewolves, several soldiers stand in her way. She catches them off guard and takes the opportunity to kill them before they have time to fire at her. However, as she slashes at them with her claws, their armor protects them.

She digs her claws deep into her enemies, but they don't draw any blood. The bullet proof armor proves to be too hard for her claws to pierce.

The three soldiers take this opportunity to change their guns to stun. Even though Luna is surprised to see how well their armor fairs, she doesn't hesitate to find and aim for the weak points.

She slashes at one of their necks. Blood gushes out as her claws pierce the thin layer of graphene.

'Just as I thought. They can't protect the joints or neck as well, otherwise it would hinder their mobility.'

The remaining two soldiers take aim and fire. Hitting Luna several times.

An electric current shocks her body. All of her muscles tense up and she looses all control. However, this only lasts for a second. Thanks to her new body, she is able to recover quickly.

They start shooting her again, but her body gets used to the pain and she is able to maintain control of her muscles.

After she kills another solder, the last one panics and throws down his weapon. He begs Luna to spare his life. Telling her how he has a family waiting for him to return home safely.

Luna didn't care. This man might not be responsible for all the lives destroyed by the actions of his country, but he is part of the problem.

She almost laughed at him thinking about how crazy it was for him to attack innocent people and beg for his life when he became the hunted.

After killing him, she thought of a plan. She stared at the guns on the ground and thought they might come in handy. One of them had a grenade launcher attachment.

'I'll have to resort to using their weapons against them. At least for now. One good shot to the head should do the trick.'

Even though the soldiers had bulletproof helmets, it would still cause them great harm if shot in the head.

She picked up a rifle and ran towards the compounds exit. She thought it was likely that they were keeping them just outside the walls until they were done with their assault.

When she sees a soldier in front of her she aims for their head. The shot misses.

'Damn it. I thought shooting guns would be easier.'

Before the soldier could fire back, Luna had already hidden herself behind cover. At this point, her best option was to use the grenade launcher, but she only had two shots. She didn't want to waste them unless it was absolutely necessary.

Luna waited for the impatient soldier to get closer to her. She created a blue orb in her hands and threw it at the soldier's feet hoping she would fall for the trap.

The soldier hesitated for a moment, wondering if the orb posed a threat. That's all the time Luna needed to get a few shots off to kill her target.

She took the soldiers ammunition and kept running.

'At this rate I it'll take forever to get there. If only I could have been able to enhance my magic abilities before they attacked us. I feel like I'm still as useless when I was human.'

Her new werewolf body is far better suited for hand to hand combat. Without magic, fighting against long range weapons is dangerous, if not idiotic.

Luna reaches the edge of the city. As she stands on top the the walls, she looks down to see a small army guarding and transporting the captured werewolves.

'This is horrible. I can't imagine the kinds of experiments they are going to put them through.'

Luna knew their fate if they got captured. The Zendarians had been rumored to run experiments on prisoners. Most of them involved pushing the human body to its limits. While some were used for testing new implant technology.

Luna couldn't rush in there without a plan. After pondering her options for a while, she couldn't figure out how she was going to save them.

The only way it would work is if Raven was here to help her. Since she's busy fending off an army of her own, all Luna could do was watch.

If the chances of her rescuing just one of them wasn't zero percent, she would at least try. Sadly, all Luna could do was to head back and escape with the others.

She knew when to fight and when to run. She won't forget about them. She'll use this as motivation to get stronger.

As Luna is lost in thought, she is ambushed by a soldier who is wearing an exoskeleton that enhances their physical strength.

The soldier grabs her and lifts her up by the neck with one arm.

Luna tries clawing the the soldiers arm, but the armor once again is too thick to puncture.

Luna has trouble breathing, her vision becomes blurred, and her chest feels like it's on fire.

The soldier smiles underneath his helmet. "Feisty one aren't ya. If I wasn't on a tight deadline, we could have some fun."

The soldier waits until Luna is nearly passed out to release his grip. After tying her up and taking her back with the other prisoners, Wenslo looks them over while they get the transport vehicles ready.

A voice comes over the radio informing Wenslo that the demon wolf had been captured. They also inform him that she had killed over fifty soldiers.

They had two groups of prisoners. Raven was escorted out with the first group because she was their top priority.

The rest had to wait for the second group of transport vehicles to arrive. They didn't expect to take so many prisoners, but Wenslo didn't complain. He accompanied his mission, and then some.

"We've found an escape tunnel." Someone says over the radio.

There was no reason for Wenslo to suspect that the tunnel would lead outside of the walls, so he ignored it.

The transport vehicles arrived ten minutes later. They forced the prisoners to get inside.

"Let's move out." Wenslo ordered. "We have twenty minutes before the city is destroyed. If you don't want to be blown up with it, I suggest that y...." Before Wenslo could finish his sentence, a bullet pierces his skull.