
Werewolf in love with Hybrid

We arrived at the embassy a little earlier, I didn't want to have any kind of communication with those humans and their ambassador so i have sent my beta to talk to them. I decided to have a walk outside. This world has changed a lot. Time was passing and they have been becoming more and cleverer, humans are keen on technology, money and power. They would do anything for power. My wolf has smelled Some kind of horrible smell and it brought me bac from my thoughts “Calm down Nigel, it’s called cigarettes. “ “ it is disgusting “ “ I agree” But with this horrible smell, I sensed some kind of different scent. I got curious. As I knew there shouldn’t be anyone outside of the building for the next hour. The closer I got to this person, the more I smelled this horrible cigarette and with it the amazing scent that I have never smelled like, the smell of the human body. In a small space designed for smoker employees I saw her. Rings of her curly red hair cascaded down on her shoulders. Her shirt perfectly accented her curvaceous body. Her buttocks at the breasts were close to the opening because of the huge size of her breasts. Her face was not visible, she was staring at empty space. But i could feel her breath, suddenly i could feel my throat parched and i started feeling warm inside of my body. She was not as skinny as my previous mistresses. My wolf snarled with pleasure and my eyes could not move away from her body. Seeing the shape of her big ass made my dick harden. What the hell, I have never felt such a thirst, I was not able to see her face yet. I came out of hiding and forgot all forms of caution. Hearing the footsteps, her eyes widened and she looked at me in surprise. The sight of honey-colored deep eyes made my heart beat faster, i have never felt my heartbeat like this, her eyes opened my long-forgotten memories, the old painful memories faded, the depth of her eyes reminded me of my own forgotten childhood. In a split second at looking at her eyes I felt much more than I had ever felt in all my infinity. The sight of a small crooked nose made me even more eager to own her here and now. “Mine” claimed my wolf “Calm down, it can’t be” “Mate” words of my wolf ``Mate'' shocked me. How could the Moon Goddess give me a human as a Mate? I'm the alpha king, I'm eternal, it can’t be that I have a human mate. “Are you sure? “ “Yes she is our Mate and you will take her with us” my wolf barked. I must admit i have never felt such a straight from my wolf. “She is ours” Suddenly she looked at her hand, i guess she had a clock there. “Oh shit” was the first of her words i have heard, it was not what i was expecting. “You shouldn't be here, it’s already 12, today is some occasion that doesn’t allow us to go out after 12. “ and she smiled at me. I want to touch her so hard now. “I am that “occasion” human” My voice and words shocked and amazed the girl. Apparently they do not speak like that here. Surprised by my words, she looked at me with more interest, her eyes were checking my body. I am a pretty good looking man I cannot deny, I am pampered by the attention of women.

ek_tchel · Fantasie
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11 Chs

at the beginning

Oisin's POV

It has been a long time since I left my dimension. I have been ruling my kingdom since Witches have divided realities and created different worlds for supernatural creatures. We are werewolves, we live peacefully in our kingdom. There are bloodsuckers we hate, fairies, dragons and witches of course. As an alpha king some may call me cruel but we have few rules and whoever dares to break those rules is executed.

And humans. Those useless creatures. Weak, pathetic ones. They live in their own reality. Killing each other every single day. Unfortunately for peace and balance we have to protect every realm.

This time it is my turn to visit humankind. There has been some strange movements and we need to investigate what the hell is going on at this time. Many Rouges from different realms often go to hide besides humans. Mostly they live their life without any suspicious moves but sometimes they start to terrorize humans, and that's when humans need our intervention.

Despite everything their world is really very beautiful and of course I would not really refuse to have sex and some fun.

"As soon as the sun rises we go to Etula," I told my beta.

"I understand my king"

"Which country my lord?" asked my betta Victor. "USA? Italy? France?"

"Aww, I love France" it is my brother, Nicolas.

"You Are not coming with us brother" i admire making him angry and i sure as hell know how much he loves spending time on Etula

"Brother, i love you and i obey every your command but im coming anyway." he said and looked at me with a smile.

"Okay, But we are going to a little country called Manty, there will be no casinos and clubs I guess. we have to check some sort of supernatural activities there. we'll catch the rogues if there are any, and after that I may allow you to have fun. "

"Booringgg" it is obvious that Nicolas is disappointed, he's a great warrior but without war only he cares is parties and sex. It is unusual but we have been searching for our mates for centuries. But my brother and I were not blessed with mates from Moon Goddess as i understand. He stopped thinking about it long ago but it was the only thing i was thinking about every goddamn day. I wanted to experience what is being bonded with someone.

Catalea's POV

Another Usual useless day at the embassy .I'm taking the bus to work. I'm an intern at the embassy. My name is Catalea, i have deactivated and re-downloaded Tinder for the seventh time, this is how badly my personal life is going on. In this country it's impossible to have a life, unless you are not married to some dumbass and not raising his two children and washing dishes for his family.

All my life I have been searching for a way to leave this town and go far, far away, but I have grandparents to take care of. My mother is in Italy, she's happy and i'm happy for her too. I hope she will be able to take us someday. I don't want to die alone and old here. I have finished my Master degree in Law, and I'm also a single mom. The sun of my life is my child, she's the only happiness i have.

Oh great, we have some events today, maybe some other countries' delegations are coming.

After getting some paperwork done I was strictly instructed not to go outside after 12 o'clock. I wouldn't mind but I'm also a smoker. It's already 11:35 so I guess I have enough time to smoke and get back to work until 12. What the hell, why shouldn't we go out after 12, it's embarrassing.

Oisin's POV

We arrived at the embassy a little earlier, I didn't want to have any kind of communication with those humans and their ambassador so i have sent my beta to talk to them. I decided to have a walk outside. This world has changed a lot. Time was passing and they have been becoming more and cleverer, humans are keen on technology, money and power. They would do anything for power.

Every single time we come in this realm, we are instructing those who work with us and know all the truth not to let those creators outside, to let us in and out without any notice. I do really hate human kind. If not for the balance I would never ever in my life protect this world.

My mother was one of the powerful member of royal family of witches. She was a sorceress. She fell in love with my father when every creature was living together. But living together was hard. Fairies have a special scent which vampires can't resist, on the other hand vampires and werewolves were always having a war. and I'm not even going to start about dragons, it was a mess. me and my brother should be hybrids but we don't have any kind of powers, we are werewolf's, the only thing special about us is that we are too strong. When we transform we are bigger than other werewolves and much more powerful.

My wolf has smelled Some kind of horrible smell and it brought me bac from my thoughts

"Calm down Nigel, it's called cigarettes. "

" it is disgusting "

" I agree"

But with this horrible smell, I sensed some kind of different scent. I got curious. As I knew there shouldn't be anyone outside of the building for the next hour. The closer I got to this person, the more I smelled this horrible cigarette and with it the amazing scent that I have never smelled like, the smell of the human body. In a small space designed for smoker employees I saw her. Rings of her curly red hair cascaded down on her shoulders. Her shirt perfectly accented her curvaceous body. Her buttocks at the breasts were close to the opening because of the huge size of her breasts. Her face was not visible, she was staring at empty space. But i could feel her breath, suddenly i could feel my throat parched and i started feeling warm inside of my body.

She was not as skinny as my previous mistresses. My wolf snarled with pleasure and my eyes could not move away from her body. Seeing the shape of her big ass made my dick harden. What the hell, I have never felt such a thirst, I was not able to see her face yet. I came out of hiding and forgot all forms of caution. Hearing the footsteps, her eyes widened and she looked at me in surprise. The sight of honey-colored deep eyes made my heart beat faster, i have never felt my heartbeat like this, her eyes opened my long-forgotten memories, the old painful memories faded, the depth of her eyes reminded me of my own forgotten childhood. In a split second at looking at her eyes I felt much more than I had ever felt in all my infinity. The sight of a small crooked nose made me even more eager to own her here and now.

"Mine" claimed my wolf

"Calm down, it can't be"

"Mate" words of my wolf ``Mate'' shocked me. How could the Moon Goddess give me a human as a Mate? I'm the alpha king, I'm eternal, it can't be that I have a human mate.

"Are you sure? "

"Yes she is our Mate and you will take her with us" my wolf barked. I must admit i have never felt such a straight from my wolf.

"She is ours"

Suddenly she looked at her hand, i guess she had a clock there.

"Oh shit" was the first of her words i have heard, it was not what i was expecting.

"You shouldn't be here, it's already 12, today is some occasion that doesn't allow us to go out after 12. " and she smiled at me. I want to touch her so hard now.

"I am that "occasion" human" My voice and words shocked and amazed the girl. Apparently they do not speak like that here. Surprised by my words, she looked at me with more interest, her eyes were checking my body. I am a pretty good looking man I cannot deny, I am pampered by the attention of women.

'Take her with us' Restraining my wolf has never been so difficult.

"Okay, good Luck" She smiled at me with confusion and was about to leave, throwing these goddamn cigarettes away. Never in my life has my wolf tried to take over control so violently. But this case was different. All my muscles were tightened and I could barely control myself.

"Mark her"

"Calm down, she will get scared, she's human" i tried to calm him down.

As soon as she took a few steps, watching her leave made me realize I wanted to see her again too. It has been centuries I have prayed for Mate and sure as hell human or not I will not let her leave like that. In a second I was in front of her using my super speed and blocking her way.

"You will come with me human" I said in an Alpha voice. Watching her surprised eyes gave me great pleasure, I was closing the distance between us and more I wanted to touch and feel her. her breathing became more frequent, I wonder if she could feel anything? Can humans feel a bond like this?

"Excuse me?" I felt her fear for a second, it was usual, humans are not used to alpha's tone, but what surprised me was that afterwards I felt her anger, she was not some weak human I can tell, her eyes were like on fire.

"Move, " she said with an angry voice. She is Stubborn, it's obvious we will have lots of problems with her, my dear wolf. I was so moved by this woman that I could not even feel how the ambassador and my beta came to us.

"Your Majesty, we are glad to see you again" with surprised eyes looking at the woman and at the same time he greeted me with a smile. A man who i remember at one time was very sympathetic and young. Time passes differently here. We wolves live for centuries, but years are fatal to humans.

Then he looked at the woman.

"Thank you Catalea, go back to your post please" he addressed the woman. So her name is Catalea. So unusual for this country.

"She is coming with us," I addressed the ambassador in an alpha voice and I saw His frightened eyes. This is the reaction we get from humans when i address them with an alpha voice, what's wrong with this woman. I felt her heartbeat, she was nervous but she was angry too.

"As you wish, your majesty" said the ambassador.

"I beg pardon, but may I ask where am I going?" i heard her voice, she was trying so hard not to look angry. The ambassador looked at me with confusion. this kind of behavior was usual for vampires not for us.

"in my kingdom human" i ordered and stepped in building

'Take her with us, she is my Mate, get a background check on her' I clicked to my Beta.

'as u commend'

As soon as beta got closer to her I sensed her fear, she stepped back and was ready to run. she was feeling something was not right.

"This way please" He smiled at her and asked gently.

Even though she felt something was not right, she decided to obey. She didn't run, she followed me.

'I will go back to my palace and take her with me. I must get more information, who she is.. you and Nicolas will stay and investigate her past and the case we were sent here for' i ordered and entered a secret room where there were no cameras and no humans to open the portal for home.

As soon as I opened the portal with my mind I grabbed her. I put my hands on her waist and held her tightly in my hands. I already knew she would not obey easily. Touching her body made my wolf go crazy. I have never wanted a woman so hard. Her breasts were so full I couldn't hold myself but look at them. For a second she was shocked and all i needed was just a second to jump through the portal to my bedroom. As soon as she saw a different room she realized we had just left the embassy. She tried to free herself from my arms, girl you are so weak for wrestling with werewolf king.

"Let me go you freak" she shouted at me, her angry face was so hot.

"Where the hell are we and who do you think you are"

"Calm down human, you are in my kingdom, i am Alpha king of werewolves, my name is …." I couldn't end the sentence so as i felt Slap in the face. She has just slapped me at face. I got mad for a second and growled at her, my eyes got black as i guess and i let my lycan side take over me, i want to show this human who she is messing with, in just a second i transformed from my human form to werewolf. Her eyes widened, she was scared and she took a few steps back, but then this feeling like in the garden came back, she got angry, she was angry because she was afraid, she hated to be frighten, i felt her straight, she looked at me with brave look, she was not moving.

"I am not afraid of you" she is brave, she is so brave. She may be weak but she is definitely not a coward. That is a good start. I transformed myself back into a human form.

"If you have finished your show could you please be kind and tell me where the hell I am?!"

"You are in my Kingdom, woman"

"My name is Catalea, why am I here?"

"Too many questions in one minute, don't you think woman?" I slowly closed the distance between us, she started to step back, she was looking at my curiosity, she probably didn't new she was getting closer to my bed and after a second she fell on it. Getting closer to her my wolf sensed her arousement, i was surprised, she is not only brave but she is also a dirty minded, i like it.

"Don't you dare to touch me!" she shouted,

"You are sexualy aroused woman, you want me as hard as I want you" at this time there was no space left between us, her face was in front of mine, i felt her breath, her breasts were almost touching me, she was mine and i wanted her so hard.

'My king we have a problem' it's Nicolas.

'She has a child and we can't sense her family's scent, we see them in front of us but they have no smell' She looked confused, she didn't know why I stopped. I got up and left the room, something was not right about her. She can't be just human. There must be more.

"Keep her locked inside and don't let her out" i shouted at the guards and opened the portal in to Etula. I jumped back to human reality.