
Chapter 6: Mates

We were driving out of the woods, my expression still evident in shock. I was sitting next to a man who seemed absolutely crazy. Was he a sociopath? Or maybe, something worse? With these thoughts clouding my mind, my body trembles in fear.

He continues driving and here I am contimplating my life.

Let's see, my parent's died when I was young, I live in an abusive foster home because the CPS couldn't give a fuck about kids, and lastly, I'm in my dream truck with Ashton who is scaring the hell out of me and possibly planning my murder, or make me his sex slave.

Oh lord, what have I done to deserve this?

"You can relax, I have no intention of hurting you. I only just want you, Natalia." My jaw drops as I realized he knew my name. How in the hell does he know my name?! I'm ever more creeped out now.

"You tell me to relax, yet you were in my room last night without my knowledge, I wake up with your jacket atop of me, you chase me down into the woods, and you're driving me somewhere? Please, Ashton, enlighten me of why I should relax?" I lash out at him, my fear and anger overwhelm me. His expression remains blank.

"Natalia, I can't tell you everything right now. It's too risky and I just found you and I don't want to lose you!" His tone sounded upset and serious. My heart sank for him, but my fear was greater. My body still in shock, I was still too scared to try and jump out the door. I don't know if he had such unremarkable speed based upon the fact that he was very close when he ran after me in the forest.

I decide to shut my mouth. Hoping maybe, Dixon would notice I'm gone. I know he doesn't care, but... You know what? Why am I even wasting my time thinking about Dixon worrying for me? That guy wouldn't even give a fuck if I was found dead. I'll have to rely on myself.

We arrived at a large house. Looks to be of a mansion, I understand his parents are rich. But I didn't think they'd live in the middle of the forest, remote from the town and their home is a mansion.

"This is home. Yours as well." He stated, his expression seemed thoughtful. What was he thinking? Somehow the expression upon his face was causing my body to feel things.

I shake my head, my body was pushing itself onto the door. Wanting to get out and away, he got out of the truck and walked around the front side and over to my door.

I press down on the lock, not wanting him to get me out. Hoping the door wouldn't still open based on the fact this vehicle is old in age, though it looks to be well taken care of. He gazed up at me from the door handle on the outside.

"Natalia, I don't think you know how I can still get to you even though this door separates us. I know you must be scared based upon my actions, but if you'd just give me a chance to explain in time..." He trailed off, his expression was apologetic and desperate.

The way he asked me to give him a chance got to me, causing my heart to sink. I had to think about this rationally, if what he's saying is the truth the maybe I should give him a chance. Wait a minute... he said I'd have to stay here with him, that means I won't have to deal with Dixon's bastard attitude.

Though... it means I'm going to be around Ashton. Now that I think about it, I think I'd rather be around Ashton than Dixon. I'm not sure how many more hair strands I'd lose around Dixon from stress and the way he pulls my hair.

I look up at Ashton though the window. "Okay, I'm going to give you the chance you seek, but! On my terms!" I wanted him to understand that I was in charge and I needed to set the ground rules. He nods and backs away from the door allowing me to unlock it and get out myself.

I open the door and get out, my feet step onto the ground. I watch him making sure he doesn't pull anything, I take that moment to turn around and shut the door. I could still watch him and shut the door, but knowing this truck was made in 1973, sometimes the doors don't shit all the way. To my surprise, it shut as if it never once was abused.

I turn around and see that he's still a good distance, well points for that. "Okay, my terms are that you must remain a 4 feet distance from me. I want my own room that I get to pick, we only speak to each other when necessary and my room means my privacy. So, if you need something that means you knock on the door." Apparently what I've said seemed to piss him off. I guess that's because he had some things planned.

"Natalia, you aren't going to pick you room because yours is next to mine and I ain't about to be taking chances if you decided to sneak out. I can however agree to everything else, but you have to know that I can only keep my distance for so long." His eyes soften at the last part of his sentence. My back leans against the bed of the truck, my expression evident of studying.

"Fine, so long as you keep your distance I suppose a wall separating us will do. If I ever find traces of you in my room while I'm sleeping or anything without my knowledge. You best believe I'd be out of here in a flash." His eyes lowered then rises back up meeting mine. He nods as his hand raises giving me the scouts honor sign. I nod back and I gesture to the house waiting for him to lead me to my room.

He leads me inside as I follow behind him. Still skeptical I keep a good distance as we go. He leads me up the stairs, as we ascend I spot picture frames on the side of the wall. I stop for a moment and gaze at them

A smile on my face as I see how happy a family was displayed. Suddenly I begin to miss mine wondering what it would be like if mine were still alive, my expression frowns. "You coming?" Ashton says, at the top of the stairs I gaze up at him. Hoping the tears threatening my eyes weren't evident.

To my surprise he stayed on the top steps, I guess my tears weren't as evident. Thank the Lord, I ascended on the steps to his level and he led me through a hallway, all the way down. He stopped in front of a door that was where the hallway ended, "This is my room, yours is on the side of the wall." He pointed to the door that was angled 90 degrees from his, I nodded pleased with the fact that my room was 90 degrees away from his. "I'll leave you be to your room, I'll be in mine and just knock I'd you need anything." I nodded in response. I entered my room as he watched me, I closed the door behind me his eyes locking with mine as I do.

As the door was closed, I let out a sigh of relief. The pressure when he gazes into my eyes that way. Why does it make me feel so nervous yet sensual?

Wait a minute... did I just admit to myself that I liked the way he gazes into my eyes? Now that I think about it... was he searching through my soul? Did he figure out my secrets?!

With this in mind, I slowly lean against the door and let myself slide down onto the floor. My expression more into cringe. Oh my Lord, why?

I decided to shake that thought out of my head. I'm still waiting for him to explain, maybe he's waiting for me to earn his trust? I mean after all he did say I'm not allowed to leave his side.

But why? How did I attract his attention from Anvi? I thought those two would be stuck together like glue. I guess not, although maybe he's just wanting to keep me around for his personal needs. Again, I cringed.

I got up from the floor and decided to shower, after the nice hot shower I entered the walk in closet and suddenly I see a dark hoodie. I wanted to feel comfy when I go to bed so I decided to slip it on. It was definitely big on me and I liked that. That's what makes it more comfortabl.

I look into the dresser drawers and to my surprise all I found were short shorts that looked silky soft. I slipped those on and realize the bottom of the hoodie only reached to my lower thighs.

It basically looked as if there nothing under there. Well, to my knowledge there is so I walked out of the walk in closet feeling unbearable comfy with a smile on my face. I may be able to sleep good tonight for once.

I hear a 4 knocks on my door, I stand in front of my bed as a groan left my lips. "Come in." I said. I see Ashton's gaze was first on the door as he walked in and around it, his front facing the door as he closed it.

As he turned around, "There's food downstairs, if you'd like I could-" in his mid spin from his turn, his front was facing me. I guess what i was wear Justice shocked him.

I raise a brow in confusion, "Is there something wrong?" I asked, my face evident of confusion. His eyes snake over my body, I'm not sure why I didn't feel the need to hide myself. I liked the way his eyes raked over my body.

Somehow, made me feel wanted in a way, but I had to shake those unthinkable thoughts out of my head. I made a grunt noise and he turned around fast, his back now facing me.

His ears were tinted red. Was he blushing just now? "Ah, I could bring your food up if you want to eat it in here." He finished his sentence from earlier. I'm not gonna lie, this side of him I've never seen was pretty damn cute.

"Yeah, okay. Is something wrong?" I wanted to know why he was acting shy. I slowly approached him as his back was still turned to me. Suddenly, my body went on autopilot. It was like I was in some kind of uncontrollable pull, my hands trace down over shirt, I could feel his back muscles tense under my touch.

"Mmh~" Ashton let out a soft grown, I guess whatever I was doing to him, he seems to like it. I felt the vibration of his voice. It was soothing to my touch.

He turned to face me, his gaze catching mine and holding it there. It was like we were in a world of our own. "You feel that? That's called the mate pull. It's the only affect we can cause onto each other. No one else can make you feel that, but me." I heard what he said, but I was so memorized by how up close he was, this was my first time admiring his features.

Without realizing, my breathe felt hot and I was softly panting. My thoughts were definitely naughty. This was so unlike me, I guess my reaction to him seemed to take a strong affect because he kept looking into my eyes and back down to my lips.

Once I've finally gained control over my body. I gasped surprised, what was that? That felt so sensual and unreal. My legs almost buckled under me. I pushed myself away from him, not wanting to go under whatever spell he put me through again.

"Sorry, I'll just leave your food to your door." I guess he noticed how awkward I began to feel so he left my room quickly and 2 minutes later I heard a knock indicating my foods outside waiting for me. I ran to the door opening it quickly, picking my tray up from the floor and swiftly closing the door.

I was hungry, so I dug into the food. My mouth was watering and savoring the delectable taste of delight. I don't know what this plate's called, but it definitely had me sold.

I finished eating and left my plate on the side table. My mind wandered back to what happened recently with Ashton. My face heated up and I began to feel an overwhelming guilt of shame. How could I touch and think of a man in such away that I dont know a thing about? Ugh, Natalia. I thought to myself, then I remain what he said about mates.

Only he'd had the affect on me, huh? So, I guess I affect him like that too... But, how's that possible? He'll have to tell me tomorrow because I'm definitely dead tired from today's events.