

*in the evening

The bell rings and Zephyr starts to go down the stairs. but he hears hurried footsteps and then door being opened and groans inwardly, looks like his mother had already set up an ambush.

he hears them talk "hello dear, you must be the study partner that Zeph mentioned." 

"yeah, hi I'm allison argent."

" oh, i see, you're from the family that also moved nearby right?"

"yes we just moved here from San Francisco." 

By this time Zephyr already made his way towards the stairs and and said "hi"

"Hi" allison replies with a smile.

"alright, i won't disturb you two anymore. you guys go ahead and study" his mom says with stars in her eyes. 

Both Allison and Zephyr make their way to his room.

"I'm sorry about my mom, she can get a little excited."

"No, it's alright. she's actually really pretty."

"everyone of my friends who were girls always say that when they saw her photos with me"

"just photos, you never had a girl over?" 

"not really."

"not even girlfriends?"

"never had one"

"come on, how can you expect me to believe that you never had a girlfriends." 

"it just never happened before. it's not like i was deliberately trying to avoid a relation, it just never happened"

'and there's also the fact that most girls saw me as a walking wallet because of my dad' he thought. his wealth was well known in his previous school because of his "friends" who visited his house.

"I get it, I guess?" allison replied.

"alright lets get started shall we?" he said

"huh? oh, the study, yeah"

and so they sat down to study. At first allison thought that Zephyr was just making excuse to spend more time with her, which she obviously didn't mind. but as they continued to study she saw that he was not lying at all. He knew all they had studied and would study inside out. He cleared all her doubts and answered all her questions and not only in english but all the other subjects as well.

"i guess you weren't lying"

"I never lie.... no scratch that i lie like 20 times a day."

this made allison laugh. and then she looked at the time. 

"oh shit, it's already dark outside. i should go home if I'm more late my mom would borrow some tips from the spanish inquisition"

The moment she said that that, sound of pitter-patter started coming from outside and soon it evolved into a downpour. 

"looks like you pissed off someone with some serious connections" Zephyr said with a smirk.

"oh god. its alright, i will just run."

"you will get drenched in like 5 second. wait a second, I'll get the car out "

"it just few minutes there's no need, I'll just walk."

Zephyr just sighed and then said "all right wait for a second" 

they went downstairs and allison waited while Zephyr went inside a room and emerged with an umbrella

"ok, lets go i'll walk with you"


"no buts, its dark outside. If you're walking then I'm coming with you"


And so they began their walk zephyr tilted the umbrella towards Allison so it covered all of her body. This meant that one of his shoulder was getting wet but he didn't really care, its not like he's gonna catch a cold. 

It was kinda romantic walking in pouring rain, just by themselves, talking about various things. Unfortunately the walk came to an end when they got to Allison's house. they got to the the door and ring the bell. the door opened and he came face to face with Mr. Argent.

"good evening, Mr. Argent" 

"get inside, allison" he said or more like demanded.

'geez, its like the guy is eternally pissed off' he thought

Allison turned towards Zephyr and it was then that she saw his drenched shoulder. she felt bad and at the same time an warm feeling spreads in her chest.

"I had fun today and thank you the help with the doubts"

"I had fun too, good night, see you tomorrow"

"see you" she said and went inside.

"you didn't tell me your name." said Mr. argent

"oh, its zephyr, sir"

"hmm, well be careful on your way back, there's been a lot of animal attacks lately."

He understood that Mr. argent was saying that he should leave in a polite way. he said " I'll keep that in mind sir, good night" and turns and leaves.

he went back to his house changed his clothes and fell asleep immediately.


"looks like I'm gonna have to kick your ass today dude, don't blame me, blame fate, she's a cruel bitch" Zephyr told Scott

Scott flashed a confident grin and said "lets wait and see whose ass gets kicked"

they were both walking towards the field. today was the day of the scrimmage and the the party or his date with Allison.

Unfortunately him and scott were in different teams. and he had no intention of losing, but he would let scott get some shots in, the least he could do after stealing allison from him was let him get first line.

Stiles came running towards them and started speaking "Scott, the fiber analysis result for the body came back and you won't believe what hairs they found on the body." but scott just brushes him off and goes to the field.

"It was a-"


stiles turns around in surprise to look at Zephyr. "how do you know?"

Zephyr just gives a knowing smiles and runs to the field too.

The match starts after coach's speech and scott gets the ball and gets immediately knocked down by jackson. he starts to get angry but see a hand in front of him and looks up to see Zephyr with his hands outstretched and a smile on his face. "dont get angry, if you get angry then you will make mistakes."

Scott takes a few deep breathes, nods and then takes his hand and stands up. 

after that just like in the show, he does his front flip over three guys stunt and scores a goal and makes the first line. of course he could've stopped that but he wanted scott to make first line before he started playing.

he rotates his neck causing cracking sounds to come from it, lets out a deep breath and says " let's get this show started shall we" he saw that the ball was with an opponent and quickly got close to him. he smacks his stick on the opponent's stick which caused the ball to fly out of it. he quickly takes it before opponent even realizes that he lost the ball. he runs towards the opponent's goal, side steps the defenders. unlike scott's flashy techniques zephyr's techniques are cold and efficient with no extra movement than its required. before anyone even realizes whats happening he throws the ball and scores a goal.

*some time later 

everyone is on the ground panting except for zephyr who doesn't even look out of breathe. 

"told you didn't I? that I'll kick your ass" zephyr speaks to scott who's on the ground catching his breathe.

"I'm just happy *hah* that you didn't *hah* pull this before i *hah* made the first line."

it was an overwhelming victory for zephyr's team. their score was triple the scott's team and every shot that Zephyr attempted was sure to succeed. 

"the reason i didn't pull this before was so that both of us can make the first line" zephyr talked while waving towards Allison who was waving back.

hearing this Scott felt thankful towards Zephyr. 

"all right lets go get changed, we have a party to attend"