
Weltkrieg: a youjo senki fic

WARNING: This fic contain, abusive, unadulterated language, event, content, and may be frowned upon by certain societies, read at your own risks. I don't take any credits regarding my works. If you were easily offended by certain symbol or things that happen inside this disturbing fic, please I beg you to press that back button, it's easy. ============================= A reincarnated soul was a born prodigy. Pass their twentieth they were no more than ordinary, but a child with soul and mind from the depth of hell itself will prove them wrong as the world shall burn in the ashes of war. Richard was a boy born and raised through conflict plagued his Fatherland since its rising to Imperial hegemony. A devil and a saint on the different side of the coin. He who will bring salvation in the war-ridden world from the machination of the very being all people worship. Fighting fire with fire creating the chain to the path of reclamation or destruction. He who commands the ghost division, elites of the elites, armed with the best technology he developed. From the sunken ship and bodies of the Atlantica ocean, the falling clocktower of Londinium, the burning city of Parisii, the scorched snow of Rus Union, and the broken wings of the Unified States, He who will bring million dead souls, weeping widows and parents in his wake. I stay gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll wages war, I hate war. Peace yet is a noble but a far-fetched cause. War didn't make a monster of us, it brings the monster within. ============================= DISCLAIMER: Everything inside this fic as well as the cover that's recognized as licensed and known works, are belong to their respective owners. I DON'T take any credits of this works. Feel free to take, implement, some of the content or element inside this fic, I don't care. ============================= Oh, if you like what I wrote, you can consider to leave a tip of jar for me. https://ko-fi.com/nyanmato

Abbeysensei · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

The Calm in the Rear

With a crushing defeat for Francois, the Empire delegated manpower after manpower to reinforce the border.

A lot of generals were arguing between mobilizing the entire army to defeat the routing and crumbling Francois armies, or to wait until supply and logistics stabilized.

Though all for favor until the supply line and railway could be fixed before launching another major operation.

Somehow Major Degurechaff manages to convince them all.

There's some city near the Rhine that still resist in the wake of Empire victory, though it won't be long until the Empire can quell the rebellion sparked.

Though this wasn't a piece of welcome news to me, the war with Republic could as well over in a few months or that damn worm will plunge the world into a global conflict.

I immediately rushed to the newly built secret base.

A new branch of operatives to the betterment of Fatherland, an unknown concept in this world where chivalry code still exists among the legion.

A name that I need was a name, we also need callsign, I murmured. What a secret branch, if they didn't have a name that might inspire awe and fear among the greater mass.

As the world stopped, no, it was literally stopped.

Singing of Birds outside petrified in motion lock. Rain and mud stopped their dancing in a beautiful image that put photographs to shame. Like sculpted statues, man saluted in perfect unison as the car tried to enter the compound.

Violet, oh violet, no form was more than perfect than yours. I clutched her hand in seek for a warmth.

"What do you want, worm." I didn't hide my disdain to being who did this.

"Lost lamb, how I pity your effort. You can crawl under the earth, only to find your endeavor meaningless. Is offering a single prayer so hard, that you would turn a blind eye to the suffering." The birds outside spoke, as well as the trees and the man, staring at me.

"What, how tasteless. Do you expend your so great power, just to mock me?"

The so-called 'god' doubtful, they were only parasites that infect mankind with their words of 'wisdom'. They fed upon men's imagination, loves, and compassion, known as faith.

"You're not one of my creations, yet I still benign my hand towards you. Why you still refuse, just need to chant O' god in the name of faith."

It won't be wrong to call them worm, for they could only wriggling, fiercely trying to worm their way to the worlds.

A being born out of human illogical parts, and desperate emotion of a being unmatched by any.

Certainly, I'm glad humans failed in the latter parts.

Silence is my answer, there's no meaning to talk to this twisted worm.

"It doesn't matter, heaven has spoken. They shall uplift the faithful, beseech our words upon them, and drives your heathen herd to the brink of salvation. This is a warning of us, stop what you doing, lost lamb."

How arrogant, their words twisted beyond common sense, that talking to a wall becomes a more fruitful conversation.

The so-called 'god', was a defect product of humanity and the world. They're incapable of civilized speech only spouting delusion of heathens.

The in-kind response, like a civilized gentleman with a logical sense I am, I could only say with a middle finger jerked upwards, "FUCK OFF!"

"Is something wrong, major?"

The world wake in motion again, no matter how powerful they're in their realms, the world is for human and human only. They couldn't manifest for very long.

"Hmm, nothing's wrong, Violet." I ruffled her hair, ah how soothing.

We entered the compound, a row of infantries lining up in their drills. Holding the prototype of automatic rifles.

Various tank resounded its gun, in a test of firepower. It resembles, the American Abram, and some of the modern tank although it broke down in the middle of the lane as engineers rushed up with fire extinguisher to clear up the smoke.

Mages flew above using striker units.

"It was gone well I see" I observed the flying mages, as they dance and soared high in the skies.

"Well, we will reach production phase in a week, after all, Herr Kommandant," I took Alberich's hand.

He was a man no more than his thirties, with sleek fiery hair and…evil eyes.

"Oh, c'mon. You could define me better than that," Yes, he was a creepy as well.

"I never strike you as psychic, Albert."

"Ah, I just read this book about facial reading. So, what's the occasion, visiting our merry little hideout."

"You know what I wanted to do, let's take this inside."

"Sure, sure."

We entered the bunker behind the main offices. The aesthetic was not very great considering its utilitarian purpose. Just a very well thought bunker with 12 meters thick walls capable to withstand atomic fires.

I will be honest, the revenue to make all of this was staggering enough to fill the emperor treasury twice.

Throughout the grey wall of concrete, we passed several engineers and researchers who worked on some projects and theories I proposed.

Some were tinkering, with a clank hammering the piece of metals as they worked in tandem. Creating a piece of machinery, I pretend not to see the abomination on the corner.

For Godsake, who wanted to build a mini tank with only machine gunner as its drivers. Might call it a land UFO or something.

Certainly, I gave them a generous amount of budget to basically do whatever their brain and creativity wanted, but this….

I need to commend and I don't know, put a bullet between the head who thought that prototype?

Anyway, we passed several hallways and descending to the lower levels.

The base was a very wide and complex military facility, with bunker underground spanning different floors, and a multitude of the ceiling.

The lower levels were reserved to scientists, and researchers while the upper and surface were for the soldier, testing ground and warehouse for low tech we've considered won't be a matter if it falls to enemy hand.

Ah yes, we're being generous for everyone who dared to breach 24/7 hours of tight security around the hills and forests as the radar, infrared, attack dog, mage spotter, mines, and an early sensor deployed to detect the slightest movement of rat lurking around.

"So, this is my office?" I looked around the room, noticing its finer detail.

Floor made of the mahogany and furnished to the brim with ebony as desk faced the typical three-seated sofas that faced each other with a coffee table between.

Soft, and silky rug I stepped on, and there's no window to look upon, a rather depressing sigh I thought.

"What are you sighing for?" Albert asked, who was standing behind me as I touch the cold desk.

"Window, why there's no window?"

He raised his eyebrows, "You do realize, this is 12 meters thick bunker, and we're 50 meters deep in the ground, right?"

"I know, but how am I supposed to see the afternoon sky overviewing the ocean as I stretch myself after a job well done?"

He sighed at my whining, "Anyway, this is technically not your official offices."

"Excuse me?"

"As a second-in-command of this base, I've constructed a separate office near the cliff overviewing the Baltic Ocean, judging by your taste."

I beamed up at his words before scrunched up in confusion.

"Congratulations you just got a raise…wait a minute, second-in-command? Aren't you civilians?"

"Technically yes, but do you expect me who sweat my blood and built this facility to just give it up, and leaves?"


"Your word hurts me, Kommandant."

"Don't worry, if that happened, I'll cover your back after the ordeal I need to go through to recruit you."

"Ah yes, the tale of a sad pitiful drunk man who just got his reality checked after graduation."

"You stink that time." Violet nodded who been silent this time.

"Both of you have a twisted personality just to torment me."

I said with a cough at his faked voice as I seated myself behind the desk, "Anyway, I want your reports this last week."

His relaxed posture tensed at my words before he placed himself in front of me.

We were practically like a family, but there's time to be serious.

"Yes, there's no problem, abnormality, or security breached this week inside the base, other than disciplinary shake-up to those who just been transferred from the eastern army."

Ah, I hear they were a rowdy bunch without discipline with how lax the rules there. That was unacceptable, their role was to guard the eastern flank against the communist influence. I wonder what's the higher-up doing there.

"How about the latest development?"

"Yes, first it was about the mage striker units. It will reach the production phase next week, although manufacturing magic core will take a long time, so only a considerable amount of units will be produced in short timeframes."

Magic core, while the word sound arcane, it was nothing more than glorified artificial gems that act as a mana battery. I deliberately took some old alchemist notes I bought at the capital in some side-street peddlers who didn't know the value behind such lost knowledge.

It still baffles me, why they completely abandon the old magecraft system. Must be the worm doing.

"I see, how about the mana air condenser I have proposed before, isn't it will increase the rate of the manufactured magic core?"

"Yes, at the same time the materials it required were very limited and expensive to purchase at the current market, so only a few could be made."

"I see." I took a parchment beside the desk, and draw a rune sigil on top of it.

"Here, deliver this to the head of the arcane branch, I'm sure that old man will understand it."

"Yes," He gently took the paper, staring it in confusion for a moment before storing it away.


"The newly created Naval branch has progressed smoothly, at this rate we will have a new fleet in a year and it will be operational in the next two years.

As the project High castle stated with its High Castle doctrine, 3 assault aircraft carrier to act as a mother ship with Graf zeppelin filled the role. 6 fast battleship, 21 U-boat, 30 cruisers, and 60 destroyers to act as an escort.

And we've drafted the training Regiment and exercises for new, and veteran sailor from the Empire Navy."

In reality with new doctrine, these veteran sailors will become a nuisance as the majority of them won't be able to cope up or comprehend the new doctrines with their old school way of thinking that battleship is everything. Well, I could assign them to auxiliary ship or the smaller destroyer or cruiser.

All the carriers will be outfitted with an angled flight deck and ski-jump take-off literally could make them fit almost 120 planes than Essex carrier could carry. The ski-jump will reduce the flight path necessary for the plane to take off.

The fast battleship will be used as a "punching bag" as the new doctrine dictated, with main batteries of four 38-centimeters guns in twin turrets at the front. While being equipped to the brim with anti-air emplacement thicker than any naval in this world could foresee making it an impregnable fortress and deathtrap to any approaching mages or planes.

The AA will be assisted with new computing technology, albeit a bit primitive to my liking. I hope in a year, we could modernize electronic devices.

Cruisers will help the battleship to screen the sky of enemy elements. As destroyers and submarines will be equipped with the new homing or magnetic torpedoes, and fast-artilleries making havoc to the enemy ship who got too close.

The doctrine was focused on air superiority, with a combination of the old wolfpack doctrine. Strike fast, strike hard.

Call me paranoid, but mages are a major player both in the sea or the air. They were fast, nimble, small targets for the AA, and a literal flying piece of artillery. A shot from mage could spell the end of a smaller ship like a destroyer.

The key to a modern army and navy was a combined effort. Infantry couldn't go well against the armored tank, and the armored tank couldn't fight a mage or planes. There was some kind of synergy between them, like a scissor rock game.

"Besides, we also helped the Empire navy with a new U-boat and gunboat scheme."

"Good." I nodded at him.

"Also, about the development of aircraft. The jet engine was too fast for our pilot to operate on the battlefield, as the report stated."

"I take it we've failed."

"Quite the contrary," He smiled, "On the other side, we gathered a few useful information to improve our current aviation engine. And the testing for the new Torpedo bomber and sea fighter will be conducted next month along with prototype and exercise carrier C-II."

After that was a long talk and improvement of the current development.

The biggest mistake of past Nazi Regime in world war 2 was their over-engineered machine. The tiger, the most fearsome tank for the allies to face, literally it needs almost 5 skilled Sherman tank commanders to destroy only one.

The ironic parts, the Tiger tank will always run out of ammunition, and fuel before got destroyed or abandoned and self-destructed. The tiger was a fearsome beast, but it required high maintenance, making it a logistic nightmare as most of its repaired components need special spare parts to fi.

Learning the past of my life, we've been making an effort to streamlining the production assembly and invent a better engine to operate longer than 5 minutes inside the battlefield.

Other than the equipment of the foot soldiers, there's also the report for spy purging across the empire, especially military-sensitive area. The creation of new, elite, and specialized corps expert in sabotaging enemy behind the line and the adoption of guerilla warfare tactic, I'll make them tremble in fear of what American goes through in Vietcong.

"That's all, dismissed." It feels new to say that line, my heart fluttered.

"Yes." He took my cue as he made his way to the door.

"Albert, thank you for your effort."

A brief pause before he smiled, "With pleasure."

I slumped at my desk, "Is it done, Major?" Violet asked who has been obediently sitting on the sofa.

"Yeah, though it looks like we got a visitor," I said, staring at the ceiling knowing there's a mass of faint black swirling beside me.

"Tch, you no fun." The swirl said before a woman came out of it. She looked like a falling pure white of snow, with a long white pale hair matched along her skin. Her amethyst orbs formed a tease along with her grin as she smothers me from behind with two large melons.

Violet who always defends me when something comes up, only sat in silence with the book flipped in front of her. Well, she knows she couldn't do a thing to her, and the woman bore no will intent either, so her alarm must not be switched.

"As always, you're an interesting boy, huh." Her almost transparent gown split in the right below of her chest as it elegantly flew up beside me. I swear that was not an outfit, but lingerie.

"Where's Observer anyway?" Her aura exuded like a tyrannical empress, still smothered me with those melons, I didn't complain though. It's normal for a boy for a longing of two mountains that helped them grew up…like I have that chance in my early baby phase.

"They don't spit out milk though" Is my face really that easy to read?

"If you ask, then yes." Damn it.

"I ask where's observer?" I feigned the topics.

"She's on an errand at the other singularity, so be grateful I took her chore."

"You're shertainly 'njoy it, shctop that!" I took a deep breath, before glowering at her who maintained her smirk.

"What isn't my breast amazing, you the one who enjoyed it."

"Alright fine, fine. I admit it. So, what's your business O' the mighty empress of the sea?"

"The usual supply, although this time you'll receive a reward for that explosion. I certainly enjoy the part where they despaired with their gutter open in the air hehehe." She giggled sadistically, a wicked giggle befitting of a tyrant empress.

I just veered my eyes off her, and pleadingly asked violet for help…she also feigned her eyes off me.

Damn it.

"So, what's reward," I asked her, before she got in the mood for sadistic tendencies.

"Ah, what an eager servant we have. Certainly." She clicked her fingers, as another rift split the space and three supply boxes made of metal came out of it.

"This is…" I curiously open the lid, as blinding light promptly shut my eyes.

"Mind Cube, we've made a special exception to you for this singularity. Keep give us more information, and you will be handsomely rewarded."

Mind cube, the collective and crystallized wisdom of humanity.

I took one of them in my hand. "A single cube could power up the entire building in this facility, I always wonder how do you manufacture these without relying on pure human emotion. While I could only pathetically try and make a twisted version of it."

"That's only low grades mind cubes." She scoffed.

"If we have these technologies…" I reminiscence back in the past, before I took this body. No, forget it, you've sworn to leave everything behind.

"Mooh! If you place that cute face of yours, I couldn't take it, you know hehehe," She leaped at me again, and what's up with this woman.

"Wokay, schtop! I can't breathe, ha, ha, ha."

"Well, I will take my leave. They already called me, see you, Richard."

"Yeah, see you too. Next send observer, she's more friendly than all of you."

"Beggar can't be choosers." She said, before vanishing in a black tendril.

I sighed, before turning my way to the boxes. Now what to do with these cubes.

If there are any mistakes, incorrect factual info, grammar, or confusing words, just tell me and I will fix it somehow.

Well, I planned this chapter to be split into two or three, but oh well, whatever. Extra stones for me who guessed the woman comes from, right, lol.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own jack-shit about anything in this fan-fic even the story I made, do whatever you want, I just do this for practice. Support me or the original author with your kind words or cold hard cash.

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