
Weltkrieg: a youjo senki fic

WARNING: This fic contain, abusive, unadulterated language, event, content, and may be frowned upon by certain societies, read at your own risks. I don't take any credits regarding my works. If you were easily offended by certain symbol or things that happen inside this disturbing fic, please I beg you to press that back button, it's easy. ============================= A reincarnated soul was a born prodigy. Pass their twentieth they were no more than ordinary, but a child with soul and mind from the depth of hell itself will prove them wrong as the world shall burn in the ashes of war. Richard was a boy born and raised through conflict plagued his Fatherland since its rising to Imperial hegemony. A devil and a saint on the different side of the coin. He who will bring salvation in the war-ridden world from the machination of the very being all people worship. Fighting fire with fire creating the chain to the path of reclamation or destruction. He who commands the ghost division, elites of the elites, armed with the best technology he developed. From the sunken ship and bodies of the Atlantica ocean, the falling clocktower of Londinium, the burning city of Parisii, the scorched snow of Rus Union, and the broken wings of the Unified States, He who will bring million dead souls, weeping widows and parents in his wake. I stay gazing down at death as they say WAR! I'll wages war, I hate war. Peace yet is a noble but a far-fetched cause. War didn't make a monster of us, it brings the monster within. ============================= DISCLAIMER: Everything inside this fic as well as the cover that's recognized as licensed and known works, are belong to their respective owners. I DON'T take any credits of this works. Feel free to take, implement, some of the content or element inside this fic, I don't care. ============================= Oh, if you like what I wrote, you can consider to leave a tip of jar for me. https://ko-fi.com/nyanmato

Abbeysensei · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Of the singularity, and question asked

The moon shone over horizon, gleamed its light beneath to the chaotic mud-filled ground. Mud, Bodies, blood, all melted together in perfect chaos symphony as painful wail accompanied it.

Its light beckons a girl below,

"Fujimura, Fujimura! FUJIMURA!!!" Her voices wailed throughout the no-man lands. Shouting profanities, deep hatred latched on every word he gave out the world. Her eyes glowed in blood red, smeared it the same color with her gripped steel on the left.

"Hmph, the dog could still bark after all," Said the voice in a bored tone, a hint of golden and regal. Yet, his appearance bereft the regality in his voice. The regal clothes he wore turned into a rag, unbefitting for the king.

"The enemy is still alive, master. Please give an order." The purple-haired woman, clad in armor as a cross-shaped shield on her left she gripped. She wiped the blood flowing from her mouth.

The man on her left, stood, stepping closer to the source of hatred he received.

"Please, cease this madness at once. Give us the grail, so we could save humanities." Said the man, his

white uniform caked in dirt. He glanced each to his sides, his comrades.

A sword is hidden to the world made from the crystallization of the victory itself.

A shield, the bulwark, and the everlasting fortress guaranteed the protection of everyone it's under.

A grey world of steel, thousands of blades and legend found its resting place here.

Red barbed spears, it reversed the very concept of causality, the heart pierced so the spear is thrown.

A treasury contained all human knowledge and wisdom of past and futures. none could match its content.

Bows, a flag, cannon roars all pointed to a single fragile girl wielding a wooden rifle.

Some would laugh, some would praise, and some would scoff at the sight of such absurdity.

And numerous others, they began to stand up side by side. The humanity greatest heroes, old and new they stand up against a single girl not older than 17 in this instance.

"Save humanities? All I know you're the one put to blame" Her voice echoed throughout the mud-filled land as questioning the sheer insanity behind that statement.

She ground her teeth, blood flowed inside a clenched fist, "You ask me, to sacrifice myself to all of you. Who killed all my beloved, to save the world and humanities?" She trembled, none caring all the look of heroes she faced.

"You all killed him, my world, my life, my purpose," Her voice wavered not in terror of the weapon all brandishing to her, weapons that could kill her instantly but her fond memories of them –of him, clear liquid trickles down her eyes.

"So tell me, O' brave heroes of past, who didn't answer our prayer, why should I lay my blade rest in front of you!" Her face morphed in pain, the knife pointed out in the challenge.

Then her eyes sharpened to the Fujimura, twins who commanded the entire humanity greatest hero's.

"Master of human Foundation, O' Chaldea! Why should I trust you, who lay my beloved home in ruins! Hypocrites, hypocrites, all of you!" She brandished the steel, mundane as her looks. She can't be compared to those of heroes.

Weapons of heroes, all with its legend. The rickety rifle with a bayonet attached on her right couldn't be compared to those.

The finest Fatherland steel, couldn't match the quality of every weapon she's being pointed at.

Yet, she clutched the knife on her left tightly, eyes full with hatred.

Against them were the same as against the world itself.

A once innocent maiden, full with life crumbled into the darkness. Noble, graceful, sincere, it's all gone. Her bodies screamed in pain, yet she still stood defiantly against the world.

She prepared the knife with her bloodied almost torn-off left hand. All of her bullets had been spent at the last engagement.

A knife made out of love, and faith. Love of her closest friends, the faith of all 'his' people entrusted, and the most important the knife she received with a sincere smile from him. Yet, it still couldn't match those old heroes, just a mundane knife made of steel.

Now it stained in mud, stench fouled its every fiber. Hatred consumed it all, the only saving grace that powered up the knife, so ironic. It was barely scraping by.

"No, please I implore you to cease this at once. I understood you're just a puppet danced in his strings, I'm sure we could talk and save you," The woman said, her fiery hair stood out the dark and grim sky.

"Me? Saving? I don't need your pity, he who saved me in the corner of the street, freezing and starving to death, is the only salvation for me. Your pity is unfounded, nor I'll heed your call to you who never replied." Her tone grows sharper than ever. Her rage-filled the usual gap of her robotic voice.

"There's no more reasoning with her, master, better end her suffering now," The purple garbed Lancer said, her veil hide the pity on her eyes as she looks at the girl before her.

He nodded grimly, "You're right, I have no choice," He stretched his hand outwards, as the red symbol on his hand glowed.

"I order all of you…att," His voice cut off by deafening explosion around him, rain of shells bombarded his ground as everyone looks up the sky.

The girl widened her eyes, tears trickled down washing down the dirt off her face.

I knew it was all lies, it's always a lie. Her leg buckled up, as her prayers answered.

Salvation has come, the victory thwarted.

"Looks like I've come in time," Stood the voice, calm yet rage faintly transmitted behind it as he floating up above the skies.

Then he gazed below, uncaring to his opponent.

His voice filled with relief and gratitude as he looked at her. With a smile so pure such it could be recognized as an alien concept in this bleak battleground, he said the lines she always wanted to hear all this time, "I'm home, Violet."

The results of their meeting on that snowy night, on the corner of a street.

A very fateful one, turning their grey painful worlds into shining bright of different hues.

Their great perils, the tears, and blood they shed together.

A reunion, one story told of a monster and its doll.

---==++Deus Vult++==---

Unified Years 1914, Capital Berun, Imperial War College.

A few days later after discharge.

"Creation of New battalion, sir?" I asked with a hint of confusion, as I stood there in front of General Von Zettour.

"Yes, we the general staff had been talking this about a week before your discharge. The idea came from your fellow badge holder before her departure to Norden." He puffed out the smoke.

Tanya Von Degurechaff, an enigma if I must say. I never met her in person, but her personal record was the exact incarnation of a perfect soldier could achieve.

Yet, it left me with a taste of doubt. A girl no older than eleven achieved the only dead man could.

I'm such a hypocrite, eh? I mused, remembering my age.

The silver wing badge is the highest honor the fatherland soldier could achieve. And the most notable things about the badge were - it required the greatest feat a foot soldier could do. For example, bravely sacrifice self in the great odd of numbers, which in turn the holder already died before they could receive it.

Despite all of that, miracles still occur. I, Richard Von Leonhart, and Major Tanya von Degurechaff, two children who just reach their adolescence attained it despite the odds. Once is a coincidence, but twice? You will be assured this wasn't the case.

"Still, we already receive green light for the case of the creation of battalion to the Major Tanya Degurechaff, but you? We'll still hold on it, after your presentation to higher up tomorrow. Everybody has the greatest expectation for you." He crossed his arms over the table.

My response was the usual, "Yes sir! I aim for the best."

He nodded, putting off the butt of cigarette to the ashtray.

"Well, it was expected. After your stunt in general staff office, which could earn you a bullet from the shooting squad," he slightly glared at me, cold sweat trickled down my face in remembrance of that certain incident as I would call it, "You an unknown private with pleading eyes barked in inside the office and immediately exploited our bewilderment and show us some invented tanks prototype which some begrudgingly admitted provided successful in the last battle in the Rhine despite the overwhelming odds."

I could feel some of the twinge amusement from his words, damn it this is why nobody like their superior teasing in some of their pep talk.

You couldn't exactly talk back, without some of the repercussion, of course.

I mean, sure I'm a genius who could replicate some of my old world inventions but planning or scheming wasn't in my best 'interest' at the time. To sum up, I just waltz in and take the gamble whether I would earn a name or bullets between my numb skulls.

"Make sure that etched deeply inside that head of yours,"

After some talk later, he gave me a typical, "that's all, dismissed."

I was greeted with a long hallway as soon as I out of the office, red carpet adorned the floor as a symbol of the empire takes the wall.

"Major, is it done?" Violet dusted up her uniform, as she stands up and follows me back.

"Yes, and don't call me major. I have a name."

"I can't do that. It would be a form of insubordination," She shakes her head. Her ponytail accompanied with disheveled hair furrow slightly at her motion.

I seriously raised my eyebrows at her, "Since when you learned such difficult words?"

"Since I read the soldier manual," she replied casually with her robotic tone at my question.

Violet, she's taking my trait more and more. She was a person who thought by instinct instead of sitting in boredom thinking about consequences.

Purer than driven snow, her mind isn't fitted for the cruel battlefield.

Sigh, I could put her as a maid or playmate for the General granddaughter but like a cat, she stubbornly followed me back to Berun despite the distances.

Our bond has been formed since I met her on that dark alley, deep between cold falling snows, our fateful encounter.

An encounter I soon never forgot - an encounter that turned my grey world into brilliant light.

Someday, I look between my hands. I'm sure she would realize the burden she took and her already blood-stained hands.

I just looked towards the sky outside the window. I just need to be there while I was thinking such fleeting thought.

---==++Deus Vult++==---

At the same day, a café somewhere in Berun.

"Please, a hot chocolate and," I looked at Violet beside me, "What do you want Violet?"

"The same, please," Came her answer, as she intently engrossed in a book we just bought outside the street.

Well, it was rare for her to want something. A book or two wouldn't cost too much of my coffer. Besides, it was a good thing, to desire something.

A ring came from the door, as it revealed a man with neat trim. His shining boots was the perfect model of imperial civilian typical dress code.

"Ah, there you're Herr Kommandant, or should I say major Richard, sir," The man in a business suit approached our tables. as his way of calling to me? he just a military nuts but didn't have the balls to enter it.

"News sure travel fast, please come sit," He sat across us and order for a cup of coffee to the waitress.

"It sure is, even more, when it comes to the first alive silver wing badge recipient. Some even bet how long you will survive with the badge attaches on." He winced slightly when Violet flashed her eyes at him.

"So Albert how's progress?" I asked, ruffling violet hair down.

"As scary as always Ojou-chan, well, I guess my good mood already indicated it."

"I take it, it's going well?" I sipped the chocolate.

"What else it could be?" He brings our face closer, with a grin on his face almost whispering. I rolled my eyes at him, please I already cast silence formula surrounding our perimeter, but the precaution was always needed, I thought.

"As for now, we already do what you requested. A base near the sea, but far enough to avoid naval bombardment, hard enough to infiltrate or for beach invasion, you sure not holding back." I raptly listened to him as he still continues.

"We've testing ground, ground bunkers, a naval shipyard, some manufacturing assemblies fit for a sea baron! We could manufacture an entire battleship in just three months thanks to your machinery. A lot of scientist flocking to our direction due to the generous amount we put on the research budget. " He exclaimed.

"I take it there's no complication what's over from the government?"

"As far as we know? No. God bless the Fatherland, I love meritocracy. He knew he needed more factories to feed the entire theater and survive the war. And the general also smoothens the paperwork required. I could kiss his ass twice over to show my gratitude over my amount of paperwork." I nodded at him. I intentionally ignored his last line.

"Though I must say, I can only notify you with just all of that for now." His eyes wandered a bit in a flash behind us. I just nodded slightly while sipping the steamy chocolate in front of me.

"We're more than ready to deliver the demonstration tomorrow, and here Kommandant for your presentation tomorrow," He gave me some file, I skimmed on some that weren't labeled red.

"Well I guess that's it, and be careful of rats. They're everywhere nowadays, disgusting piece of shit." His face morphed into disgusts, then washing it with a cup of coffee.

"You know back then, I was a specialist in culling their numbers. That's nothing new for me." I take the cup then savor its taste.

"Ha! You know it was weird to talk business to a boy who barely grows their pubes and still drink chocolate, even more, he's a boss to me. Ah, the irony of it." He took another sip though I'm sure he only feigning ignorance as another glare directed to him the courtesy of Violet.

"Well, just be careful on your way home. And don't you dare to mock chocolates. Sugar is the Holy Grail we soldier need to maintain our sanity in a war!" I flashed him a grin, he stepped out of the line, I definitely not cocking my luger pistol beneath the table.

"This is good, maybe I should order some to bring on the drive. Thank you, Herr Kommandant, see you later." He hastily took his briefcase before there was a blood bath. Clever man, I thought.

Nobody wanted it in the Berun Times newspaper headlines tomorrow. Printed in one big capital, Chocolate, and blood, a child soldier shot his subordinate because of sugar-filled enmity. Yeah, nobody would want to hear that.

As the man behind me took his briefcase and left for the door, I flashed an eye to violet.

She promptly heads outside.

Savoring the last content with bliss, I heard a scuffle outside and left a check on the tables.

I gave a smile to her.

"Good job Violet," I lowered my face to the struggling man, his hand gripped tightly in violet hands as he squirming in a ground like a rat he is.

"You! What are you doing! I…" Ah, I shut my ears off his panicked, last-ditch effort rambling. I reached the briefcase dropped on the ground, checking its content.

Pictures, my pictures, biography, other trivial things, and some of the report regarding the general staff agenda.

I partially impressed with the data he collected, though perhaps he grew cocky or something, leaving a briefcase full of data when gathering for more. Or he could be on his way to dump all of this to the enemies, but briefly scored some more by trying to hear our conversation before heading off.

All in all, he may be a clever little rat but he's stupid.

"What's the meaning of this!?" A stern voice broke my musing.

I promptly turned behind me, "Sir, I just caught...a rat," I glanced at the squirming man before briefly saluting to the Major in front of me, Von Lergen.

I handed him the briefcase as he took a glimpse inside it.

"I see, come with me. Disperse the crowd and bring the man too," He walked off, with me and violet behind trailing behind

He gestured to the car, we stepped inside with the rat still slightly resisting until I churned his stomach with a powerful kick.

"Well, I advised you didn't pull a stunt like that in public anymore, we have a procedure when it comes for this," He adjusted his glasses.

"I'm going to take a note for that, Major,"

He looked at me in the eyes, "As long as you understand," then he heaved in a sigh, "Unfortunately, I couldn't pick on you no more, Major Richard."

"Thanks for the compliment, major," I smirked his way, in respond he sighed again and adjusting his glasses.

"At least you're more manageable than her," The staff major muttered low enough to not be heard on the passing wind of the car other than me that.

Sorry for the late update. There's a lot of College stuff and shit, also FGO and Azur Lane event last month. Next update, Kaguya-sama fic.

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