
Welcome to Urdak

New author and first story Disclaimer: This is NOT a DOOM fanfic, the name of the world is merely coincidental A young man gets hit by a truck and dies, an all too common occurrence, and as usual, his soul gets picked up by a God like entity, there, he is offered a chance, a chance to see his loved ones again if he helped the God with a problem in another world, accepting the offer, he is sent to the world of Urdak where he will soon find out, that problem may be worse than expected

Rider_Blazer · Videospiele
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45 Chs

Fair fight

Next day I prepared lunch for both me and Leona, according to Monika, I should prepare those Daifukus tomorrow night, that is when I will be able to get close to Athena, today…I will attempt to talk to Mithra

Once in class and while everyone was talking, I noticed that Mithra was not around

[Is she sick?]

"…No, it seems you must act"


"Head to the girls bathroom, quickly!"

[Oh give me a break!]

I excused myself to go to the bathroom and once there, I heard quiet whimpers and an annoying voice

-Stop crying freak! Those freaky purple eyes of yours may be ruined forever!

[…Are kids all awful here?]

"Envy is an ugly thing master, get involved"

[Of fucking course I will]

I got in and saw Mithra crying while she was totally wet, guess they pulled that annoying ass prank

-Isn't this hilarious?

-Yeah! Look at her cry!


I spoke up

-How disgusting

They all looked at me in surprise

-Hey! He also has purple eyes! What a freak!

-This is the girls restroom freak! Get outta here!

I laughed loudly

-Then why are you here? Bitches don't need bathrooms

-What was that?!

-Didn't you hear me? I said, BITCHES don't need bathrooms, the world is their toilet!

They seemed upset

-Honestly, hearing someone cry on the second day of class is cause for concern and what do I find?! Bullying?! And for what huh?!

-Cause she is an albino freak! Like you are!

-Oh, due to my eyes?

-Yeah! Purple is an unnatural color on humans! You are freaks!

Right, these were all human girls, guess her parents must belong to those hate groups, no mercy then

-Hahahahahaha! Fucking pathetic! Let me tell you the real reason you are bullying her!


-You are jealous! Jealous that she is way cuter than all you miserable harlots combined! You can't stand it! So you take it out on her! Hell, surely you might also target Impa and Zelda! And I ain't allowing that!

-W-What do you know?!

-More than you! Now outta my way!!

"Bloodlust activated!"

The girls stepped back in fear as I walked and got to Mithra, I offered her my hand

-Come on, let's go


She took it and we walked out, the girls didn't dare stop me, after all, I am sure they have never faced actual battle, so my glare was more than enough to scare their wits off

-…Thank you

-It is no problem, I won't stand for bullying

I smiled at her

-Let's go to the infirmary, they can help there

-Hm…what's your name?

-I am Eric, your classmate

-Ah, sorry…I haven't memorized everyone…

-Don't worry, now, I told you my name, why don't you tell me yours?

-Didn't you know we are classmates?

-Just like you, names are difficult, I only remembered you because of how cute you are



"80 (+60) (Kind and strong boy)"

She blushed adorably and said


-Ok Mithra! From now on, let's be friends!

I smiled and offered my hand, she shook in a very awkward manner

-L-Let's be friends!

Once at the infirmary, she was dried up and healed of any injuries she might have, the nurse asked us who did it and I gave her a description of the girls, she thanked me for getting involved but warned me not to enter a girls bathroom like that, and to always call a teacher, I promised while crossing my fingers and we went to class

-You are not going to listen are you?

-Whaaaat? How dare you! I am a very honest and gentle boy!

She giggled at my over the top act

-Yet you crossed your fingers

-Why I would never-Yeah, screw not helping at once

-You really are hotheaded huh?


-You are like my father, always rushing in head first

-Sounds like someone I can get along with!

She giggled again

-So what did you do to those girls Eric? They suddenly froze in fear

-I have fought monsters in the past

-You have?

-Yup, I wanna be strong after all, what happened is an ability you unlock once you train hard enough

-What's it called?

-Bloodlust, it makes opponents weaker than you give up without a fight, it also requires me to target specific enemies, hence why you weren't affected


-Not really, I am still pretty weak myself, but I will keep working on it

-What is your goal then?

-To become so strong, I can protect everyone I care for…to never lose anyone again

-…Did you lose someone?

-My parents

-…I am sorry…

-Its ok, it's been 4 years now, I have come to terms with what happened, but I will never let it happen again to anyone else!



"90 (Cool boy)"

Oh, ok

We were able to make small talk on the way to the classroom and I got information regarding her mom, dad and uncle, indeed the people I thought they were, I wonder if she has the ability to amplify mantra? Or would it be mana in this case?

Questions for later

Once we got to class, the bell rang, we made it just in time, I told her to join my group in recess since they are all good friends, she agreed

Class was as expected, really boring since all that stuff I know by heart, basic math with geometry as a start, multiplication etc. Basically an introduction to math

A lot of kid's face looked like they swallowed a bug, I don't like math but this is too easy, once you start adding letters and fucking lambda symbols is where I get off

Since this would go for a while and my friends are actually good students, it is unlikely that I can talk to them as they take note, aight, I should check my abilities for now


"Blank Slate (Ex)"

"Sword mastery (C-)"

"Elemental mastery (C)"

"Bloodlust (C-)"

"Endure (A-)"

"Healing Magic (C-)"

My abilities can grow the more I use them or train them, it is a bit of a grind, but the good one! Since I feel myself improving each time…shame that everyone I have faced is either hopelessly strong or pitifully weak, it's hard to gauge my abilities without an equal, no wonder heroes like having rivals! They are super useful!

As expected, the rest of the class was boring while I kept planning, next class was P.E. It was a chance to show off, during recess though, I introduced Mithra to everyone, and she was received and integrated effortlessly, the funniest part was seeing both her and Leona attempt to speak, poor Mithra was so confused

Regardless, after a pleasant recess, P.E. arrived and we headed to the gym, that is when I noticed that P.E. here was way different than in my world

There was a track, but there also was multiple arenas that seem to be for different kinds of combat training, I guess they take the monster threat seriously, our teacher was a minotaur, he had plenty of assistants of different races, he explained

-All right class, I am Midos, I will be your P.E. teacher, these are my assistants, the way class work is simple, first and foremost you will jog and give me 5 laps, after that, you will join one of my assistants into the martial art or weapon training that interest you, we have basic martial arts, swordplay, spear training, magic use-

I zoned out, the moment I heard swordplay, I looked at Link, he was looking at me as well, without a word needed, we smiled, we knew what we wanted

The jog was simple, after that we joined the sword assistant, a Wolfkin man, he looked at us

-Well that was fast! You boys interested in swordplay?

-We want to spar!


-Me and Link have been training for a while, but we never have had the chance to fight! Can we?

-Of course, I will be the referee, you will use wooden practice swords and will put on the safety gear understood?



We both looked at him, the safety gear is too bulky and it gets in the way

-You want to go without it?


Link nodded

-…Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you

-Thanks! Come on Link!

We got on stage and took a wooden blade each, then we faced each other, weapon ready as the assistant sighed

-Last chance, no safety gear?




We both bowed to each other and soon after, we disappeared

-What the?!

In a second, we had clashed 3 times and deadlocked to feel each other out, our strength was equal, he has trained way harder than I ever expected, I analyzed him


"Rank: C+"

"Age: 10"

"Strength: C"

"Agility: C"

"Magic: D-"

"Endurance: B-"

"Charisma: A+"

"Luck: S"

"Perception: B+"

As strong as expected! That is my brother!

We smirked and began clashing again

What the hell am I watching?! Are these 2 truly 10?!

Midos told me that this was an easy gig, just teach the brats basic swordplay and watch over them as they swung the sticks aimlessly! That is what Midos promised!

So what the hell is this?! I can barely keep up with these 2 brats! The black hair human and the blond elf are ridiculous!

The fight barely started and they bowed to one another in a sign of respect, then in one instant, they crossed blades in diagonal, vertical and horizontal, clashing at the end, they smiled savagely and then stepped back before once again disappearing, the shockwaves of each clash nearly made me fall!

The way these 2 fight can be considered as veterans! Each move is precise and deadly, if those weren't wooden swords, I'd fear for my neck since I am so close to them!

The brat with black hair seems to favor an offensive style of battle, constantly charging the blonde boy and oppressing him, not giving him any room to breathe, while the elf brat is on the defensive, I don't feel like he is losing any ground! He can perfectly keep up with the human!

Any practice that was happening outside of these 2 quickly ceased, as all the kids came to watch these 2 freaks fight! The amount of wind pressure from 1 clash is horrifying! And yet these brats are laughing!!

Midos what the hell did you sign me up for?!

The fight got more and more precise, that is when I noticed

These fucking brats are improving as they clash

I have fought inside gates before, and I have seen many warriors fight with swords before, why is it that so many of them don't even come close to these 2?! Aren't they 10?!

-Come on Link! Don't lose to Eric!!

-Win! Eric!

A blonde elf girl and a blue haired human girl began cheering the brats on, I dunno which one is which and I don't care, I am absolutely terrified

At one point, the blonde brat tried a direct stab only for the black haired brat to lift his foot and stomp on his sword, opening the blond boy for an attack that he immediately capitalized on and struck his lower jaw, however, the boy had such precise control that the attack barely had any strength at all, thus lightly pushing the elf back

-First point is mine Link!


Ok, got the names now, the elf brat is Link, the human brat should be Eric…

Before I could speak, they clashed once more and I nearly lost my footing while many of the brats watching got knocked back, only a few maintained their footing…let's see…the previous 2 girls, a white haired girl, 2 white haired boys, a zora, a black haired girl, a dark skinned girl, a red head girl whose eyes I can't see and another black haired girl, got it, memorized them, I ain't teaching any of these freaks!!

Back to the fight, these 2 have been going at it for over 6 minutes, the sheer speed and brutality of each blow would have already tired apprentices out multiple times over, yet these 2 are not even sweating!

Finally, after 3 more minutes, Link caught an attack from Eric and slashed diagonally, opening the brat up and delivering a stab to the stomach, again, perfect control as the attack barely had any power as it connected

-Tch, tie, last point?


That Link brat doesn't talk at all, but he sure can grunt, what's his deal?

-?! Ah!

I actually fell down! What is this wind?!


Gah?! Pressure! This pressure!!

I have seen this before!! Isn't this?!


Yes! That's A rank! These 2 brats have reached A rank in sword mastery!! They are brats!! What the fuck have I been doing my whole life if I barely reached C+?!

Gr…! I can't get close! The previous kids all got sent flying back! How is this possible?! Why are there 2 A ranks?! It's a fucking Middle School!!!

I must watch! I have to see how it ends! I don't know why! But I have to see who the winner is!!

Their blows were so precise and fast it felt like watching masters at work, it was like a dance! It was almost like they were dancing!

Suddenly, Link backflipped dodging a hit from Eric and his eyes suddenly gained a golden glow, in my life I have never seen something similar, then, picking up even more speed, he appeared before Eric and delivered a brutal combo, yet Eric was somehow able to deflect each attack, until the final hit knocked his blade aside, Link's eyes flared up and he shouted


In an instant, Link spun around his axis, a green energy coated his blade and managed to hit the side of Eric, Eric's face contorted for a second before being sent flying my way, I was gonna catch him, injuries be damned, but he recovered and used magic, a fire hook that stuck to the arena and pulled himself in, both boys finally looked exhausted, and after a few breaths, Eric spoke

-I lose! Christ! Where did that spin attack came from you madman?!

On cue, he fell on his back and began cackling, Link, almost taking cue, sat down and also began laughing, I couldn't believe my eyes, the arena was devastated with slashes despite the fact that they used wooden swords…!

Both swords snapped as soon as they let go…

-Yo teach! Announce his victory! I lost fair and square!

Eric suddenly called me out, I reacted and yelled

-Best of 3! Winner, Link!

Then the crowd of children cheered as I fell on my ass with a cold sweat on my back, I glared at Midos but he had the same shocked expression…seems like even he didn't expect this…

I am gonna fucking quit!