
Welcome to the world of Onyxia

Living her life to the fullest, Flora was always in a cheerful mood. Everything changed when she discovered a portal in her school. She had no time to react when two hands pushes her in. The moment she opened her eyes she's now in a luxurious forest in the middle of nowhere. Her epic journey begin and she will meet fantastic creatures on her way home.

Touintouin · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Protecting the weak

After inspecting thoroughly the edges of the cliff, Flora climb down the rocks quite easily. Her eyes glow with a feint blue light of determination, her feelings couldn't stop going up and down as she travel further in this new world. Right now her new objective was to gather some food to last longer in this forest of giant trees. Her next step would be to get out of here in search for civilization, she found traces of them existing here so she might be lucky and find some close to this forest.

Flora and Squirrel are now down the cliff, with trees and bushes blocking the view toward the tree with fruits. Memorizing from above, Flora knew where to go and without an ounce of hesitation she goes through the bushes. The forest is calm and peaceful on this side, this changes from the never ending war between the creatures from the other side. The sun that was well above their head before they entered the temple is soon setting, they had to get to a shelter soon if they want to be safe for the night. Squirrel took quickly the habit to sit on the shoulder of Flora, that way he could spar some energy.

With a quick yet attentive pace, Flora soon reached the promised tree. Their bellies kept growling and growling the more they get closer to it. Suddenly, a scream similar to a human reached their ears, it was in the direction of the tree.

Without hesitation, Flora runs toward it. Even if danger was ahead, she wouldn't let an occasion to finally meet a human being after arriving here. Soon enough, she arrives to the tree and finally understand what's happening. A girl around her age is being trapped by the vines covering the tree. From deduction, Flora understood this girl had the same plans as Flora, she wanted some fruits thus she climbed and got trapped by the living plant. Luckily for her but unfortunate for the girl, she arrived before.

The dark hair girl was still moving, trying to untangle herself from the tight vines covering her body. The vines were pulling her to high branches, in case another creature wanted to steal its meal.

- Don't worry, I'll come and help you!

Screamed Flora, looking around to find a way to help her.

Revealing her position, the vines stopped for a moment. The vibration of the air made it notice something else was around here. Without her noticing, a vine down its way from the branches above her.

- Squirrel, now!

Squirrel knew instinctively what to do, even though he didn't want to do it, he jumped on the left arm of Flora and transform in a giant blue sword. Flora is now taking a combative stance just like the memories of Regis, gripping the handle with both her hands. In a swift motion following this, she swept her sword in the air, slicing the vines around her. A weird green liquid drench the ground, a sweet scent coming out of it.

- Hang in there!

Flora was never the kind of person to abandon someone in need, even if it means to take risks to help the others. The vines were now covering a big part of the girl getting higher and higher, if it comes to this, it wouldn't be long before she faint with the lack of air.

Getting cut off, the vines covering the trunk moved in pain. The top of the creature was hidden in the branches next to the fruits. A horrible plant head with teeth drooling in a weird liquid revealed as the body of the girl get closer. If Flora needed to climb all those branches, the monster will be long gone in digestion, she needed to find another way or it will be the end for this girl.

- Think, think, think!!

With frustration, Flora rushed to the trunk and began to slice the vines from the monster covering it. After grazing all of the vines from the lower half of the tree, the plant creature let out a weird noise coming from its mouth and let out the girl, who's now falling from a high height.

In a swift motion, Flora runs under girl to catch her up.

- Are you alright?

The girl is coughing and gasping for air at the same time, the creature was compressing her with its vines and at the same time it was covering her mouth and nose. The cunning creature wasn't ready to let out its hard gained meal and launch a salve of vines toward the two girls coming from all direction.

Flora was forced to put down the girl and defend the attacks of the hungry monster, luckily for her the vines cut as soon as they reach the edge of the blade. The hardest part was the vines coming from all direction, even from the ground where they sneak behind Flora while she's occupied to defend in the front.

The vines seemed endless to her, for how long this creature thrive around this tree, waiting for some mindless and hungry creatures who wanted some fruits. Flora was cutting enough vines to protect the both of her, the creature had to change its plans if it wanted to have something to eat for the night.

The head that was hiding in the high branches was now descending and untangling itself from the tree. Now that she can have a full view of it, the monster is enormous and, if she wanted to measure it from the farthest root, it would be approximately 50 meters. Same for the head that seemed small from above but now that she's closer to it, it could easily swallow both girls in one go if it wanted to.

The plant creature had two main vines with big thorny leaf at the end of each one that it uses as arms. Those looks sturdier and larger than the others, even though it wouldn't change for the sharp blade, if she get caught by one, it could probably be the end. Tightening the grip of the blade even more, she was too far in it to flee and she would never abandon the girl now that she came this far. She needed to protect herself and the girl from the fierce and salivating beast.

Both of the opponents evaluate each others but tired of waiting, the vines rushed in a quick move toward Flora, aiming for her head. Flora crouched to dodge and used this momentum to launch herself toward the main body, if she could cut it in half it would be the end of it. Fora brief moment she forget the creature had both vines and while one was behind her, the plant used its second one to push violently Flora that couldn't protect from the impact.

Rolling on the ground with minor injuries and bruises, Flora open her eyes to see the creature launching both its vines to capture the defenseless girl that was now on her knees to recover. The girl was now at the mercy of the creature that hold it price with both vines. Without caring for Flora, it lift both the vines in the air to gulp on its delicious price.

- Don't you dare!

Flora that was now on both of her feet, take this occasion to rush in the direction of the two vines and launch a strong attacks that couldn't be dodged in time by the monster, resulting in both of them cut clean. The larger they are, the more the pain could be felt from the scream of the plant escaping its gaping mouth. The dark hair girl fell to the ground and both vines free her, the nerves making them moves without control before stopping forever.

Without any hesitation and time to retrieve its senses, Flora runs toward the main body and used all the remaining forces holding in her body to launch an ultimate move to cut the monster in half. The plant creature tried to gather vines to protect itself but it was meaningless as the sharp edge cut like it was butter all the vines that came in contact to it. The main body and the giant head fell to the ground, just like the previous vines, they were crawling around but the head was still conscious. With a malicious intent it launches itself to the girl in a final way to eat something but as it reaches her, the life of the creature left its body.

Flora run in the direction of the now safe girl.

- Are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere?

Now that the vines were not covering the body, she was wearing clothes she never saw before, a mix of tribe clothes and modern clothes made of plants and leather. The girl was holding her head she fell on when he hit the ground.

- Hmm, I'm fine thank you.

The girl look around to see the giant head too close for a her comfort zone, like she was ready to run a marathon, she went toward the head of the monster and began to kick its head multiple time.

- Take this and this and this!

After finally feeling exhausted, she turns around to Flora and say with a cheerful pose.

- My name is Erin Fellirang, the heir of the giant horn tribe, daughter of the strongest man of the east part of the forest. Thank you again for saving me, if it wasn't for you I would have become plant food.

She turns around to gaze angrily again at the dead monster.

- And you, what is your name?

- Oh I'm Flora, Flora Limbourg and...

She paused for a moment, without knowing if she should mention the fact she doesn't come from this world or not.

- And I'm lost! I'm glad I found someone who lives around here.

The two acquainted girls were now going to discuss what will they do next, now that they are safe to eat the promised fruits hanging higher in the tree.