
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 7: Neko's Can Always Make Bad News Sound Good, nya~

On Iris's side of the battle, as a Hostiam Custodis, there would of course be times were she would have to step in and help the sacrifice they were assigned to protect.

They were given these powers not to fully protect these sacrifices, but to also make sure that these sacrifices did not stray to far away from them.

Iris looked at the confused Black robes and sneered, as she waved her hands and roots appeared out of the ground and bound some of the black robes as one of them ordered one of the hell hounds to attack her.

She evaded a swipe to the her head as she also bound the hell hound with roots thicker than those that bound the other black robes.

Those who were lucky to not be bound by those roots, quickly launched their attacks at her. These black robes could be said to be debuffers and curse users in games, as they only knew how to cast spells that gave debuffs and curses to their enemies, but unlike the games where these debuffs and curses won't end until after tacking a potion that countered the debuff or curse and also had a time limit, the only way to get rid of the debuff or curse was by killing the caster, which was usaully hard as black robes don't usually appear alone, but in groups.

Black robes all looked and acted the same in a way, aside the fact that they of course wore black robes, they also had the same type of attack patterns, and for someone like Iris whose job was to watch over one of the most dangerous and also important individuals in the supernatural world, she would of course be a warrior, and warriors were good at one thing and that was fighting and using their opponents weakness against them.

Unlike knights that believed in chivalry, warriors did not, they believed in anything goes in a battle.

The black robes would always point their arms and fingers at the person they wanted to curse and their powers all took the form of a ray, so fast and experienced fighters could easily exploit this flaw in their fights and easily kill these black robes.

Iris had already disposed of the black robes that were bound by her roots and also the hell hound, she dashed toward the groups of black robes that pointed their arms and fingers to her and fired their curse and debufff rays at her.

They were about six on her left and three on her right sides, she went after the highest number, and did the same with the previous ones, bind and strangle. The other hell hounds were not also sparred from this as she made sure to also kill those truoblesome beasts.

She was ready to fight the next batch that would have been chasing after Doron by now, only for her to look behind and see an exhausted Doron, being hoisted and tied ontop of a hell hound like some sack of potatoes and the hell hound was about to move.


Iris was just speechless. 'I guess the talent of running fast was not really present in all humans'

Iris dashed to the group, but instead of fighting them, summoned some roots from the ground and jumped on the back of the hell hound and wraped it around it's neck with so much familiarity that the black robes arround the hell hound thoughht that the little girl on the hell hounds back was it's true master.

Then with a 'Hiya', the hell hound with a little girl on it's back and their target were long gone, leaving a shocked group of black robes who just looked at each other in shock. 'What just happened.'

Doron who was still half awake was looking at the back of what looked like a little girl in a green floral dress, holding what looked like tree roots and was bouncing up and down as they moved.

Doron knew how he got on the beast, but seeing Iris also on the beast at first made him think that she was also captured to.

"You are the first one in your group whose talent of running seems a bit dull"

"... huh?"

".... never mind, it seems you have gained some strength" Iris stated not even looking back to check on Doron.

Doron at first did not understand why she said that, but he did not really care because there was something more pressing than that.

"...Could you untie me please..."

Of course those black robes were not that stupid to leave their still alive target ride the hell hound and not think of escaping, so they tied him to the hell hound whose wide body could at least hold about two grown men, talk more of a loli and a man whose stature was not that nig.

"Just like the black robes, I can't afford to let you loose either until we get to our location."

Iris said, looking straight ahaed at the forest road.

Doron hearing this felt like crying. I don't think I can even run away if I wanted to, who in their right mind would jump of something like this at this kind of speed? it was just another way to die.

"So where are we going then?"

"To the underworld of the greek pantheon" Iris said as she made the hell hound take a route that lead to a different part of the forest that was outside the reach of the camping park, meaning anything that happened here was not their problem.

"... Sorry, where?" Doron thought he was hearing things right now. What is happening to his life, it's like she could not wait for him to die and just decided to carry him to meet the ferryman of the under world.

"The under world of the greek pantheon, as much as I hate to say this, we are in a whole lot of danger" Iris said, taking another turn, this time, Doron was able to tell that this part of the forest was more creepy than the other one.

"You just awakened and yet you already have this much persuers, you really are the lucky lad" Iris joked to which Doron did not find funny.

He was almost captured, and only god knew what would have happened to him.

"But that's in greece right, I don't have my passport with me, and I don't think you have any" Doron said, as he tried to get himself out of this predicament.

"Who said we had to go to greece? Ha, it seems you don't know what we are riding on" Iris said in amusement.

Doron felt that he was about to hear some news that would make him cry.

"Before we get there, let me explain how this world you just got yeeted into works--"

Doron realised that he was royally screwed.

The gods that humans worshipped existed, but they were not what one would think. They are not really gods per say, but put in charge of safe guarding the planet from atttacks of other supernatural beings like vampires, werewolfs, elves, dwarves and the likes.

Other planets had these gods as protectors, but that was all they were, protectors, they could not leave the planet they were bound to protect unless they sent people blessed by them.

Of course earth also had vampires and werewolves, but they were not true inhabitants of earth but of other worlds that had ties with earth. Just like the egyptian gods that were also not of this world.

What of course made Doron feel he was fucked was what kind of role he and other special people like him had to play.

The term sacrifice did not actually mean that they were going to die or anything like that, but were used by these gods as fuel, yes, fuel to power the whole world.

How? by merging with the world tree.

These sacrifices are actually akin to fertilizers for the world tree, and of course, certain individuals wanted these fertilizers for their own planets and would do anything to have them.

That is why the gods of earth would usually send special people to help protect these sacrifices form harm, until they have fulfilled their divine purpose.

But Things were of course not easy as always when it came to gods of earth who have had very notorious histories.

Some gods, slept with some of these sacrifices and bore children that actually feasted on their own kin to sustain themselves. Iris did not really elaborate on this though.

So Doron had now been awakened as a sacrifice, and needed to be protected, that was actually all he needed to know.

Oh, and he was going to have to say bye to the mortal world for maybe forever, that means no more anime, webnovels, mangas, manhwas and comics. The universe was really unfair.

Doron of course had lost hope a bit. According to Iris, being a sacrifice was also not that easy, to which Doron of course felt like cursing her, he was about to give up anime and mangas, yet here you are saying it's not easy, what else is harder than that. Damn! what of his virginity then? would he still die a virgin? ...maybe... no, even though she is a legal loli, it still felt wrong.

"Actually, for some reason, the gods make the sacrifices go through trials to get stronger, and these trials don't end in days like what you might think, but almost years and even decades, no one knows what these trials are, but no sacrifice has died in one so it's safe, just that they usually sleeo for a long time with no sign of waking up."


Will it kill you to not raise red flags like some kind of flag bearer of the ancients? wuwuwu, I can already see myself dying--.

"Oh, and you can actually do anything want when you get to the academy"


"Yeah, the academy for sacrifices, all sacrifices from diferent worlds actaully gather here, like cat-girls, mermaids, lamias, cow-girls and the likes, I even saw a male fox once whooo! he was soo dreamy...."

If Iris had looked back, she would have noticed the drool coming down Doron's mouth, he was about to live the life every otaku wanted but never had.

Seeing those cute neko's! and sexy vixens. hehehehehe, just imagine being wrapped in those soft fluffy tails! hahaha, Sacrifice Academy here I come! mwuhahaha.